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Abilites are representations of a creature's physical and mental attributes. There are six abilities in Baldur's Gate 3, and every creature has a set of six ability scores, numerical values which repdesent how well they perform at each ability.

Each ability score translate directly into an ability score modifier – modifiers which function as bonuses or penalties that are added to (or subtracted from) most dice rolls in the game.


Ability scores are bought with points during character creation. The minimum ability score during character creation is 8, and the maximum is 15, before any of the ability score increases are applied.

The six abilities each represent an aspect of a creature' capabilities:

All d20 rolls made in the game – ability checks, saving throws and attack rolls – have an associated ability.

Ability score modifiers

Each ability has an ability score modifier, which is derived from its ability score, that creatures add to rolls they make associated with that ability.

An ability's modifiers is decreased by 1 for every odd score below 10, and is increased by 1 for every even score above 10.[note 1]

The formula used for calculation an ability score's modifier is Modifier = (Score − 10) ÷ 2 (rounded down).

Ability score modifier chart
Ability score Modifier value Ability score Modifier value
1 -5 16-17 +3
2-3 -4 18-19 +4
4-5 -3 20-21 +5
6-7 -2 22-23 +6
8-9 -1 24-25 +7
10-11 +0 26-27 +8
12-13 +1 28-29 +9
14-15 +2 30 +10

Spellcasting ability

For more information, see Spellcasting ability and proficiency.

Every class has an ability that affects their spellcasting, and they add its respective ability score modifier to the attack rolls and Difficulty Class of their spells.[note 2][note 3]

Fighter, Rogue, Wizard.
Cleric, Druid, Monk, Ranger.
Barbarian, Bard, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock.

Saving throws

See also: Saving throws

Each saving throw has an associated ability, and creatures can have proficiency with or advantage on saves that use a specific ability, usually granted by clads and race, respectively.

  • Dexterity is a common ability used for saves against spells that deal area of effect damage, often halving the damage rolls of those spells.
  • Constitution saves are used is used to maintain concentration on long-duration spells, and are used when saving against poisons or spells that test a target's endurance or resilience.
  • Intelligence saves are used against psionic spells and features, such as those used by illithids.
  • Wisdom is a commonly used ability for saves against spells that test a creature's composure, willpower or self control.

Ability checks

Ability checks are dice rolls made to determine whether a creature succeeds or fails at a task. When attempting an ability check, a creature rolls a d20, and then adds the relevant ability score modifier and, if applicable, proficiency bonus to the results of the roll. If the final results equal or exceeds a target Difficulty Class (DC), specific to that task, it is considered as success.

Formula: D20.png d20 + Ability Score Modifier + (when applicable) proficiency Bonus


Ability checks are usually made using a specified skill. Skills are specific areas of expertise, each associated with an ability, that characters can be proficient in.[note 4]

Character add their proficiency bonus to any ability checks they make using skills they are proficient in.

List of skills, sorted by ability
Ability Score Skills
Strength Strength
Dexterity Dexterity
Intelligence Intelligence
Wisdom Wisdom
Charisma Charisma

Skill proficiencies

All characters gain proficiency in two skills based on their chosen background during character creation, and can choose 2-4 more skills to be proficient in from a list of skills determined by their class.

Additionally, some races, subclasses and feats also give proficiency in specific skills, and bards receive the class feature Jack of All Trades Jack of All Trades at level 2, allowing them to add half their proficiency bonus to ability checks they make using skills they are not proficient in.

Skill proficiencies granted by each background
Background Skills
Acolyte Acolyte Insight Insight Religion Religion
Charlatan Charlatan Deception Deception Sleight of Hand Sleight of Hand
Criminal Criminal Deception Deception Stealth Stealth
Entertainer Entertainer Acrobatics Acrobatics Performance Performance
Folk Hero Folk Hero Animal Handling Animal Handling Survival Survival
Guild Artisan Guild Artisan Insight Insight Persuasion Persuasion
Noble Noble History History Persuasion Persuasion
Outlander Outlander Athletics Athletics Survival Survival
Sage Sage Arcana Arcana History History
Soldier Soldier Athletics Athletics Intimidation Intimidation
Urchin Urchin Sleight of Hand Sleight of Hand Stealth Stealth


Characters can also have expertise in a skill, which allows them to add double their proficiency bonus:

  • Rogues gain expertise in two skills they are proficient in at both level 1 and level 6.
  • Bards gain expertise in two skills they are proficient in at both level 3 and level 10
  • Knowledge Domain clerics gain expertise in two skills, from a choice of Arcana, History, Nature and Religion, at level 1.
  • The Actor feat gives expertise in Deception and Performance.
  • Gnome#Rock gnomes have both expertise in History.

Multiple sources of skill proficiency

Neither proficiency nor expertise stack: there is no special benefit to having multiple sources of proficiency on a single character, nor is there any benefit to having both proficiency and expertise at the same time. Some sources of expertise do, however, require the character to already be proficient in a skill in order to gain expertise in it.

Common scenarios

Automatic rolls

Some ability checks are automatic. For example, when a creature approaches an unactivated trap, the game rolls a Perception ability check to determine whether the creation notices the trap. Perception is a Wisdom Skill, so the character adds their Wisdom modifier and, if proficient in Perception, their proficiency bonus to the ability check. Once the trap is discovered, the character can interact with it to attempt to Disarm it, which requires a successful Sleight of Hand check, a Dexterity Skill.

During dialogue

Ability checks are also common during dialogue, where some responses require a ability check to determine the outcome. Examples include using Charisma-based skills like Persuasion, Deception or Intimidation to influence others, or Intelligence-based Skills like Investigation, History or Religion to determine or remember facts.


A contest is a special type of ability check in which two creatures both roll an ability check to oppose each other, and one wins over the other. The creatures don't necessarily roll the same type of check.

An example of this is the Shove Shove action. The creature attempting the Shove rolls Athletics, and the defending creature rolls either Athletics or Acrobatics (the game chooses the Skill with the highest bonus) to contest the Shove. If the attacker's roll is higher than the defender's, the Shove succeeds; otherwise it fails.

Overview of abilities and skills


Main article: Strength
Strength Score Icon.png

Strength represents a creature's ability to exert physical force.

Strength is the game's recommended primary stat for barbarians and fighters.[note 5]

Uses of Strength

Attack and damage rolls
Creatures add their Strength modifier to the results of attack and damage rolls for melee weapons.
Jump distance
The distance which a creature can jump is determined by their Strength score.
Carrying capacity
A creature's Strength score is used to determine how much weight a creature can carry before becoming encumbered.
The maximum weight a creature can throw is determined by their Strength score.

Strength checks

Strength checks are made when physical might is required, such as when attempting to push over a heavy object or when attempting to force open locked doors or containers during dialogue.
Athletics is used during attempts to shove other creatures, as well as when attempting to resist being shoved.


Dexterity Score Icon.png

Dexterity represents a creature's agility and reflexes.

Dexterity is the gams's recommended primary stat for monks, rangers and rogues.[note 5]

Uses of Dexterity

Attack and damage rolls
Creatures add their Dexterity modifier to to the results of attack and damage rolls of ranged weapons and, when the creature's Dexterity score is higher than their Strength score, melee weapons with the Finesse property.
Armour Class
Creatures also add their Dexterity modifier to their Armour Class (AC) – making them more difficult to hit, up to a maximum of +2 when wearing medium armour. The bonus is ignored when wearing heavy armour.
Creatures add their Dexterity modifier when rolling for initiative, used to determine the turn order during combat.

Dexterity checks

Dexterity checks are made when attempting to be nimble.
Acrobatics is used to resist attempts at being shoved.
Sleight of Hand
Sleigh of Hand is used when attempting to pick locks, disarm traps, pickpocketing NPCs or when attempting to steal items without being noticed.
Stealth is used to hide from other characters and when attempting to remain undetected while invisible.


Constitution Score Icon.png

Constitution represents a creature's health and endurance.

Uses of Constitution

Hit points
Creatures add their Constitution modifier to the amount of hit points they gain on level up. This increase is applied retroactively.

Constitution checks

Constitution checks are rare and have no associated skills.

Constitution checks are made when a creature's resilience is tested, but more commonly a Constitution save is attempted instead.


Intelligence Score Icon.png

Intelligence represents a creature's recall, as well as their ability to think quickly and reason.

Intelligence is the game's recommended primary stat for wizards, as it is the spellcasting ability of wizards, fighters and rogues.[note 5]

Intelligence checks

Intelligence checks are used when a creature attempts to apply logic or reason, or when attempting to remember something specific.
Arcana is used when attempting to remember facts about the Weave, the source of magic and spells.
History is used when attempting to remember specific historical dates or events.
Investigation is used by creatures to discover unusual things in their surroundings, and is used during attempts at deduction during dialogue.
Nature is when attempting to remember facts about nature.
Religion is used when attempting to remember facts about deities and the planes of existence.


Wisdom Score Icon.png

Wisdom represents a creature's awareness of their surroundings and their intuition.

Wisdom is the game's recommended primary stat for clerics and druids, and it is the spellcasting ability of clerics, druids, monks and rangers.[note 5]

Wisdom is also an important ability for monks, as several of their class features benefit from.

Wisdom checks

Wisdom checks are attempts to discern situations and read between the lines.
Animal Handling | Animal Handling is used when interacting with animals.
Insight is used to read situations and when attempting to get a greater understanding of someone's intentions
Medicine is used during dialogue to heal and aid others, as well as by Transmutation School wizards to craft extra materials with the Experimental Alchemy class feature.
Perception is used when a creatures attempts to discover hidden or hard to find things in their surroundings, such as hidden containers, mechanisms or traps, as well as when attempting to spot hidden creatures. During dialogue, it is used to notice hard to spot details.
Survival is used when attempting to spot hidden treasure, as well as to dialogues when dealing with anything related to experience with animals or the wilderness.


Charisma Score Icon.png

Charisma represents a creature's ability to exert their will when interacting with others.

Charisma is the game's recommended primary ability for bards, sorcerers, warlocks and paladins, and it is the spellcasting ability of barbadians, bards, paladins, sorcerers and warlocks.[note 5]

Charisma checks

Charisma checks are attempts at influencing others during dialogue.
Deception is used when attempting to deceive or trick others.
Intimidation is used when attempting to frighten or coerce others.
Proficiency in Performance allows characters to play instruments, and the skill is used when attempting to entertain others.
Persuasion is used when attempting to negotiate with or convince others.

Improving or reducing ability scores

There are multiple ways of improving or reducing ability scores, either permanently or temporarily.


Ability scores can be permanently improved through the Ability Improvement feat, though this cannot raise a score above 20.

There are also several ways of permanently improving ability scores by through quests and interactions, which can raise ability scores over 20.[note 6]


Ability scores may be temporarily increased above 20 through various enhancements, such as magical spells, elixirs, or special equipment.[note 6]

Ability score reduction

Some supernatural or magical effects (like Devour Intellect) can temporarily drain abilities, reducing one or more of the target's ability scores, potentially to zero. If any score is reduced to zero, the target dies instantly.


  1. Ability score modifiera cannot be increased beyond +10, even if their respective ability scores are increased further.
  2. The primary ability of casters classes always corresponds to their spellcasting ability, with the exception of rangers and classes that gain spellcasting via a subclass class feature.
  3. Racial spells may use their own designated ability. For example, the cantrip granted during character creation by the elf or half-elf race always uses Intelligence, regardless of the creature's class.
  4. Ability checks made using skills are often referred to as skill checks by the community, although they are not referred to as such in-game.
  5. 6.0 6.1 The Mirror of Loss can both permanently improve and temporarily reduce ability scores.