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Overview | Approval | Banter | Romance |
Astarion can be romanced.
The following sections explain Astarion's romance-specific storyline and unique mechanics.
Astarion will actively seek to start romantic relations with the player character, although he will conceal his genuine reasons for it. This behaviour stems from core aspects of his personality. Thus, it is recommended to speak with him during long rests to better understand what is driving him closer to the player character. Nonetheless, even maintaining good approval, Astarion's true motivations only become clear in Act Two.
Act One
- Early in Act One, after discussing the ceremorphosis process with Gale or Lae'zel (if recruited), the player character may speak to Astarion (this possibility will not be marked by exclamation sign). He declares his readiness to end the player character should they show any signs of turning into a mind flayer, and offers a choice between assassination weapons he may use. Agreeing to be killed by Astarion's hand earns approval.
- Getting a substantial lead on finding a cure: these options may trigger a camp scene with Astarion:
- In this conversation, he remarks he has grown to like the player character, and they may respond in a flirtatious manner. However, no options within the dialogue bring approval changes. The dialogue lines sound as if Astarion and the player character have been travelling together for a while; one may want to wait to trigger this scene until later, but this is individual preference.
- After the cutscene of Astarion sneaking away from campsite at night triggers, the party can find an exsanguinated boar near the Blighted Village. There are several possible locations to find its carcass: on the road leading from the Emerald Grove just before the bridge, to the far right path of the signpost saying 'Moonhaven' (north of the village), or at the entrance of the Sunlit Wetlands (south of the village), just after the point of the dialogue with Auntie Ethel. The following long rest, the player character is awoken by Astarion trying to drink their blood [1].
- Astarion approves if the player character says they trust him, and further approves of them letting him drink their blood. While allowing him to feed, the player character has an option to stop him. If the player fails to do this twice consecutively, they die. If the player character and Astarion are not the only two recruited party members in the game at this point, the player character may be revived with a scroll or speaking to Withers in the morning. However, this scenario leads to loss of approval. Be aware player characters need not be aware Astarion is a vampire to sleep with him later; omission of this scene will not affect a possible romance.
- If player character knows he is a vampire, these scenes can be triggered at camp:
- Astarion says he has fed on a wandering bear. The conversation nets no approval changes but the dialogue adds some touches to help the player character better understand Astarion's self image and inner motivation. At this time, the parameters for triggering this scene are unclear (possibly average-good relationship).
- Astarion confesses the player character is the first "thinking creature" he has ever drunk blood from, and admits he now wonders how the other companions would taste. Further in the dialogue, the player gains approval if helping Astarion theoretically choose his next meal among the other party members.
- When the party comes across Gandrel, the Gur monster hunter found up on the hill to the left of the Riverside Teahouse, the player may progress their relationship with Astarion by allowing him to kill the Gur. To trigger this dialogue option, the player must know Astarion is a vampire. In conversation with Gandrel, the player may ask what he is hunting, then choose the line "Only a spawn? <…>" Subsequently, if choosing the first or second of dialogue choices, Astarion drops hints about killing Gandrel or simply asks the player's permission straightaway. If agreeing, approval is gained with Astarion and a fight begins. Note that killing Gandrel is not necessary to progress the romance.
Once the player character reaches 40+ approval with Astarion, the next conversation with him inevitably leads to him proposing to spend the next night together, explaining he wants to return a favor for all good that has been done for him recently.
- If agreeing, a cutscene triggers on the next long rest, consisting of two parts. In the first, Astarion asks the player character to confirm their interest in the encounter. Doing so gains approval and continues the cutscene. Afterwards, if dialogue expressing refusal, doubt, or distrust towards Astarion's nature is chosen, he becomes upset and leaves (nevertheless, choosing these does not bring disapproval). If aware of his vampire nature, the player character gains additional approval offering their neck for a bite. The cutscene proceeds into the next morning, where the player character awakens finding Astarion standing shirtless nearby, basking in the sunshine, revealing his scarred back. If asking him about the scars, a passive
DC 10 Arcana check determines the scars are written in Infernal [2]. If successful, telling Astarion brings no approval changes, but changes the narration slightly in future dialogues with Astarion.
- Through the course of the Act One, a scene can trigger where Astarion looks into a hand mirror, unable to see himself. The issue is important for Astarion, because for all his vanity he has not been able to see his own reflection since he was turned. The player character may discuss his appearance with him. If choosing to 'be his mirror' and describing his face, Astarion prompts the player character to call him beautiful, gaining approval. They may also gain approval by joking and complimenting other companions' instead.
- Another camp cutscene (which does not gain approval but still helps to understand Astarion's background) may trigger during Act One [3]. The player character catches Astarion trying to feel his own back with his fingertips. Depending on the player character's previous choices, the narration of the scene will differ. Taken by surprise, Astarion resents the interruption at first, but if approval is high enough, he swallows his pride and takes help if offered. The player character then copies the inscription onto the ground. Seeing it perplexes Astarion and he thanks the player character for their help.
- At the camp celebration (either with the goblins or the tieflings), the player character can agree to sleep with Astarion afterwards. If this is the first time the player engages in close relations with him, it will first trigger a dialogue with him stating the party was insufficiently rewarded for their heroics (and explaining what he would like to receive instead). If agreeing, the cutscene mentioned above plays.
- Otherwise, Astarion might try to entice the player character into another sexual encounter, paying compliments and finally even confessing his love (though admitting quickly and readily that it is an obvious lie). Whatever the decision, it neither gains further approval nor breaks the relationship. There is no additional romantic scene, it is simply implied.
Act Two
Heading into Acts Two and Three, Astarion may disapprove of some choices the player character makes, yet they may be for the 'better'. Disapproval of actions does not lock player out of romance scenes and, as he grows, Astarion may change his outlook on the player character's decisions later on.
- If True Soul, the player may speak to one of General Ketheric Thorm's closest aides, Disciple Z'rell. As she pries the depths of the player character's mind searching for proof of their faith, she may be distracted by the option "Show her your lusts for Astarion" . Choosing this does not progress the romance, but earns his approval. at Moonrise Towers under the guise of a
- If the player character avoids all chances to sleep with Astarion in Act One AND misses the cutscene with him trying to decipher his scars on his own, meeting Raphael for the first time in Act Two mends this gap. The scene may occur in the Last Light Inn or, if the player happens not to visit the haven at all, near the entrance to the Thorm Mausoleum.
- If Astarion is currently in the party, Raphael mocks him about his scars and eventually uses infernal magic to bare Astarion from his waist up, forcing Astarion to finally show his "poem" to others. Mentioning Raphael's cruelty after the cambion disappears gains approval from Astarion.
- The most substantial scene in Moonrise Towers may occur if Astarion is present when speaking with the trader Araj Oblodra inside. The next long rest after this triggers a cutscene where Astarion explains he would like to have a real relationship with the player, even though years of abuse have left him in doubt of what that might look like.
- Dialogue options here differ depending on the outcome of the scene with Araj Oblodra. Choices made within the cutscene will either progress the romance or end it. Picking options which make Astarion realize that he has been used by the player character just like Cazador Szarr before him (for example, manipulating Astarion into having sex with player character simply for the latter's pleasure) results in the next cutscene where Astarion breaks the relationship decisively.
- A similar scene with the same outcomes (but different dialogue) triggers if the player character has high approval (70+) with Astarion upon reaching this point in Act Two and successfully completes . This variation is also available if the party has been to Moonrise Towers, but did not speak with Araj Oblodra there.
- Upon completing this quest, Raphael manifests at camp and tells Astarion the true purpose of his scars. After the devil disappears, the player character continues talking with Astarion about this information. Astarion asks for the player character's help, who can accept to help him or refuse, to his disapproval. Regardless, it will not affect their freedom to help him or not later on.
Act Three
- Early in Act Three the party may visit the Circus of the Last Days in Rivington where Zethino, a dryad performer, offers to conduct a love test for the player character, for a fee. If asking Astarion to take part in it, Zethino transports both to a woodsy area and asks questions about Astarion. The player character may choose answers as they wish, but some are considered 'correct' for the test, while others are not. Choosing two or more incorrect answers causes Astarion to become upset. Note that some answers bring minor disapproval from Astarion, but for the purposes of the dryad's test are still considered correct [4].
- Later in Act Three, the player character twice meets Astarion's 'siblings' (other Cazador spawns). First, the party encounters two of them in Fraygo's Flophouse, a hostel in the Wyrm's Crossing. The player character may speak with them to find additional information about Cazador's plans [5].
- Regardless of whether the player manages to speak with these spawns or not, after a couple of long rests in the area, a scene will trigger where four other spawns assault the party at camp. They attempt to convince Astarion to return to their master and try to kidnap him if he refuses. If choosing Astarion's side, his siblings attack the party, but teleport away as soon as they are reduced to 1 HP. In dialogue with spawns during the fight and another that follows after, the player character is again free to choose any lines they want, but certain choices result in Astarion's disapproval and even breaking the relationship, if partnered.
- Once the player confronts and defeats Cazador in his dungeon, the player character must make a decision before concluding Astarion's quest . Astarion seeks the player character's help in ascending. As a companion, he is not able to ascend on his own.
There are five potential outcomes:
- Convince Astarion not to ascend (requires a
DC 18 Persuasion check, or
DC 15 Persuasion check, if the player previously used discussion lines and passed
DC 20 Insight check to see what really drives him); Astarion remains in the party.
- The ritual is impossible to complete by having killed one of the spawns in combat and/or the player character and other party members not being present. This plays out similarly to convincing him not to ascend but with slightly different dialogue.
- Refuse to help Astarion (or fail any of the Persuasion checks described above); Astarion leaves the party permanently.
- Start the ritual, but interrupt it in the middle; Astarion attacks the party.
- Help him to complete the Rite; Astarion becomes the Vampire Ascendant.
If Astarion is allowed to ascend, his dynamic with a romanced player character changes significantly, reflecting on the changes becoming a Vampire Lord entails for him (See Personality). The player character then has several occasions to comment on his changed behaviour.
Romance conclusion
If long resting after the Rite of Profane Ascension concludes, an additional scene with Astarion is triggered. The scene varies depending on the outcome of the rite – ascended or not. Both options have additional content, along with the potential for a love confession and a subsequent romance scene.
- If Astarion ascends, the player character has the option to become a vampire spawn. Dialogue selection determines whether the suggestion to become a vampire comes from Astarion or the player character. During this conversation, multiple dialogue options may lead to Astarion telling the player character he loves them (4 variations). Note that Astarion will not take kindly to being challenged during this scene and may answer in volatile or manipulative ways.
- If the player character initially consents to becoming his vampire spawn, they may consent to sleeping with him again or not - neither option impacts Astarion's decision to turn the player into a spawn (this offer may come from Astarion or the player character depending on dialogue selection). If the player character consents to sleeping with him, Astarion bites them.
- Immediately following the romance scene, another one occurs where Astarion actually turns the player character into his spawn. He asks them to kneel; they can consent to kneeling, refuse to kneel and say no, or kick him in the crotch (if kicked, Astarion permanently leaves the party). A Wisdom check here might help the player character better understand Astarion's true opinion on their relations. If the player character declines kneeling a second time, their relationship ends. If the player character consents to becoming his vampire spawn, Astarion bites them; they may ask for a gentle (on the wrist) or rough (hand around the neck) option.
- Either way, Astarion thanks the player character for giving him everything and bites them a final time. After awakening, the player character receives the Bite ability which provides the Happy condition. The location of the romance scene depends on the location of the camp itself (e.g., if the camp is in Elfsong Tavern, the romance and turning scene takes place in a private room there).
- On the next morning, if the player character agreed to become Astarion's spawn (and therefore remained partnered with him), Astarion will prompt a dialogue, where he vibrantly describes advantages of being a vampire and shares his plans for power, domination, and the conquest of Baldur's Gate and beyond. In further dialogues the player character has an option to ask him about their relationship (basic line "Can we talk about the two of us?"). Triggering this line for the first time gives the player character an unique possibility to discuss with Astarion their future as his spawn.
- If the player character rejected Astarion's offer, the dialogue about gaining power can still be played (though it will not be prompted). If the player character chose this course, Astarion expresses his disappointment and contempt towards the player character.
- However, if his approval rate remains at least High, two long rests later, in the morning, Astarion prompts another dialogue with the player character, saying he has come to understand their choice and accepts it. Depending on further player character's choices, Astarion's approval level may lower to Medium or even Neutral. Also in this circumstance, the player character may regain the option to feed him during long rests (it is temporarily lost upon declining his offer).
- Astarion does not continue the relationship with a player character who does not want to become a spawn, but in most cases remains in the party. If the conclusion of his personal quest happens close enough to the final episodes of the game plot, and the player does not long-rest and instead goes straight to the end-game fight, the relationship continues with Astarion and a mortal player character.
- If Astarion is convinced not to go through with the Rite and hence remains a vampire spawn, he tells the player character he would like to show them something outside the camp, and takes them to see his own grave in the Graveyard [7].
- After the discussion, Astarion chisels the current year as a new 'birth' date on the tombstone and confesses he wants the player character to remain his partner. There is no option to end the relationship during this interaction. After this discussion, the player character can consent to sleeping with Astarion or not; again, neither option impacts the further relationship. If the player agrees, Astarion confesses his love and the scene proceeds into romance. The scene always occurs outdoors, next to his grave.
- The next morning, the player character may discuss with Astarion what happened in the dungeons in retrospective in a prompted dialogue. Throughout it, he sincerely thanks them again for leading him away from the edge of irrevocably losing his true self.
After the Netherbrain
If the player character chooses to defeat the Netherbrain and is in a romantic relationship with Astarion, a scene at the Elfsong Tavern triggers after the Docks scene where Astarion discusses their future together.
- If Astarion has ascended, he relishes his power and asks the player character what they want to do. They can then express one of the following: that they want to travel the world, put their enemies to the sword, rule Baldur's Gate, become a vampire (only available to players who have not long rested since the ritual), express concern about other companions' power or break up. While the last option is available for every player character who was not transformed into a Mind Flayer, a player character who has been turned into a spawn is not allowed to break up with Astarion, presumably through compulsion after the tadpole's power has subsided[8]. If the player character has become a Mind Flayer, Astarion instead laments their new form, breaking things off but seeking a tactical alliance, which the player character can accept or refuse.
- If Astarion has not ascended, he ponders his newfound freedom (or lack thereof if he has not killed Cazador) and asks the player character what is next. They can state that they should become heroes, settle down, help him find a way to walk in the sun, or visit the Underdark (if the other spawns survived the ritual). If Cazador has not been killed, the player character can choose to hunt him down. A player character who was not transformed into a Mind Flayer can also choose to break up, which enrages him but he ultimately accepts. If he is broken up with and the spawns survived the ritual, he states he will find them; but at the Epilogue party he has only done so if the player character had stated they should go find them right before the break-up. If the player character has become a Mind Flayer, Astarion is doubtful about where their relationship is at, finding himself unable to stay in a romantic relationship, but wanting to stay by their side. The player character can then choose to state how much of their identity remains and whether or not to continue being close.
Epilogue party
Astarion's behaviour and reactions at the Epilogue party differ heavily depending on the outcome of his personal quest and, slightly, on the player character's decision to remain partnered with him or not.
- Astarion the Vampire Ascendant has spent time passed assiduously spinning his web of power in the city of Baldur's Gate.
- Partnered: If the player character chose to become his spawn and remained by Astarion's side, he expresses arrogance and a sense of superiority over his former companions, the player character included. Astarion also asks the player character to mingle with former companions - not for enjoyment and commiseration, but rather to glean any information that could possibly be useful in the future.
- Broken-up: Depending on dialogue selection, Astarion discusses his current plans with the player character. They have the option for positive or negative responses to his comments; positive dialogue selections lead to Astarion opening up more to the player character.
- Astarion the Vampire Spawn has become a wandering adventurer.
- Partnered: Astarion simply prompts the player to mingle with other companions, reasoning that they both have ahead a great deal of time to spend together. He confirms he will always be there for the player character.
- Broken-up: Astarion updates the player character on his activities which vary depending on whether he is leading the spawns in the Underdark, seeking a new way to stay in the sun, or simply adventuring. He also may confirm he misses the player character.
Romance mechanics
This section contains information regarding the unique in-game mechanics and interactions for Astarion's romance.
Relationship stages
Like the other major romance options in the game, Astarion's relationship progression can be divided into specific stages: friendly, flirting, partnered, and ex-partnered:
- Friendly: The friendly stage begins at medium approval, and is the default stage for non-romanced companions.
- Flirting: Once the player sleeps with Astarion during Act 1, they will enter the flirting stage.
- Partnered: In Act 2 with high enough approval, the player will be able to partner with Astarion during a long rest. The point of proceeding into this stage can be reached in either of two ways:
- After speaking with Araj Oblodra at Moonrise Towers.
- Having Astarion at Very High approval (70+) and progressing Astarion's companion quest by killing Yurgir.
- This stage comes with unique party/camp interactions. If the player character is partnered with any other companion, they trigger a dialogue afterwards where they must choose between the two. However, the unique confession cutscene offers an option to return to the Friendly stage without losing any approval.
- Ex-Partnered: Once partnered with Astarion, the player character can break up with him anytime by selecting the appropriate dialogue option. This way, they will return to the friendly stage with Astarion for greetings/interactions. However, Astarion can also break up with the player character of his own accord if the player character makes certain choices, such as coercing him into sex (after asking him to - or commanding him to bite Araj Oblodra), saying it is okay for him to be thrown on the pyre by the Gur, telling his siblings they can take him when they come to the camp, or refusing to become his spawn if he has become the Vampire Ascendant. In these cases, Astarion will start using negative, but unique greetings.
Unique dialogue
Players who romance Astarion will hear unique greetings dependent on the stage of the romance and approval/game progression:
- Flirting:
- "It's always a pleasure to see you sauntering over."
- "Yes, darling?"
- "Hello, beautiful."
- "I did miss that face, you know."
- "Hello, my sweet."
- Partnered (following Act 2 romance progression scene):
- "Gods, you're beautiful."
- "Is there something you want to talk about, my dear?"
- (Addressing the Dark Urge) "Precious little Bhaal-babe!"
- Partnered (following Act 3 romance progression scene):
As a Vampire Ascendant
- "Ask me anything, and it will be yours."
- "Little love, whatever could be the matter?"
- "My consort, we are so close to our triumph, I can almost taste it."
- "Look at you, precious thing, you always stare so eagerly."
- "Ah, you’re so adorable when you’re thinking what to say."
- "Yes, love?"
- "I hope there’s nothing troubling you, my dear?"
Party/camp interactions
While in the partnered stage (following his relationship progression scene in Act 2), Astarion will have the following unique dialogue options that are always available when interacting with him both in camp and while he is in the party, which can be instigated by selecting "Can we talk about the two of us?":
- The player character can inquire about Astarion's feelings regarding their relationship ("What are we to you?"). His response varies depending on recent major events in his questline:
- "I don't know. But isn't it nice - not to know? You're not a victim. Not a target. Not just one night it's better to forget. But then… Whatever in the world could you be?" (before resolving personal quest)[9]
- "Nothing special, of course. You're only the first person I truly care for." (if remained a spawn)
- (All next lines belong to the Vampire Ascendant)
- "We are sovereigns. My sole endeavour is to make this world yours and mine alone."
- "My pretty consort, I don't like to see doubt cast upon your face. Fear not: you are mine."
- "Seven thousand souls have given me the power to carve out my own future, and I want you to be part of it."
- "Aeterna amantes. Lover forever, until the world fall down."
- The player can ask for a kiss ("Could I kiss you?). Again, Astarion's responses vary depending on his current questline stage. Unlike most other companions, Astarion always has something to say after the kiss.
As an Ascendant:
- "But of course. You deserve a treat."
- "Oh, I can refuse you nothing."
- "How could I say no? You're my favourite, after all."
- "Anything for you, my darling."
- "How could I say no?"
- "Can't get enough? I'm not surprised."
- "There's nothing I'd like more."
- "Delicious…"
- "I do rather like that, you know."
- "You are perfect, every time."
- The player character can break up with Astarion ("Whatever is between us, we need to end it").
If the player breaks up with Astarion, or if Astarion breaks up with the player for whatever reason, these options will no longer be accessible when speaking with Astarion.
Romancing other characters
This section contains information regarding how the player's relationship with Astarion impacts other romance options/scenes and vice versa.
The player character can be in the flirting stage with other companions while in the flirting stage with Astarion. This typically encompasses all Act One romance scenes, and minor flirting scenes during Act Two prior to the companion's major romance progression/partnering scene.
Astarion considers the player character to be in a relationship (partnered) with him after his relationship progression event in Act Two (as described earlier) occurs, if the correct options are selected during the following long-rest cutscene. If the player character has entered the partnered stage with another companion prior to triggering this scene and wishes to pursue a romance with Astarion, they will need to interact with Astarion in camp (before resolving the episode that lead to romance progression) to trigger the dialogue where they must choose between the pretendents. Otherwise, any of the partnered companions may prompt the dialogue with the player character to make the ultimate choice. While Astarion, unlike most other companions, is not a monogamous type, the player can only be in the partnered stage with one origin companion.
- Romancing Halsin: The player character is able to romance both Astarion and Halsin at the same time in Act Three. Upon attaining high enough approval with Halsin, the druid may approach the player character and express his love interest while acknowledging their existing relationship with Astarion. He will suggest to share the player character with Astarion, but only if the latter agrees.
- When approached by the player character with Halsin's suggestion, Astarion does not refuse their wish. However, he asks why the player character accepted Halsin's proposal, and gives various reactions (from flattered to mordant) depending on the chosen answer. The player character's relationship with Halsin does not affect their relationship with Astarion. Following this interaction, only Halsin brings up the other during unique party/camp dialogue options (specifically when the player asks him about their relationship).
- Romancing Sorn Orlith/Nym Orlith: When approached in Sharess' Caress in Act Three while the player is in a relationship with Astarion, the Drow twins Sorn and Nym offer the player the option to be with both of them at once, but only if both the player character and Astarion participate. The results of this interaction depend on whether or not Astarion's has been completed:
- Before the completion of Astarion's companion quest, Astarion expresses hesitation at the proposition and tells the player character he is not ready for that again. Assuring him they would never ask that of him again gains his approval (if it not at maximum already).
- After the completion of Astarion's companion quest, he is glad to participate in the orgy proposed by the twins. However, the narration within the cutscene itself which describes his actions and reactions differs depending on the outcome of his quest.
- If the player character is romancing both Halsin and Astarion, and both are in the party when the twins are approached, Halsin will enthusiastically volunteer and may take part in the orgy either with just the player character and the twins (if Astarion does not participate) or with the player character, Astarion, and the twins (if Astarion does participate). Regardless of options chosen, this will not affect the player character's relationship with Astarion moving forward.
- Romancing Mizora: If Astarion has ascended, he does not end the relationship after the player character slept with Mizora. Depending on chosen lines, Astarion may express mild jealousy about the player character not inviting him to participate, slight envy towards their newfound experience (confessing that he has not had the opportunity Mizora gave the player character), or give advice on outliving an awry tryst. If Astarion has not ascended, he instead feels betrayed by the player character, who has the opportunity to explain themselves. The player character then needs to pass a
DC 15 Persuasion check or
DC 15 Deception check to stay in a relationship. If failing, Astarion sees his past selfishness reflected in the player character and despite questioning his self-worth breaks things off.
- Romancing The Emperor: Romancing the Emperor does not impact the relationship with Astarion.
- Romancing Haarlep: A relationship with Astarion does not affect the possibility of agreeing to 'play a game' with Haarlep, nor does sleeping with the incubus have any impact on further romance with the Astarion. However, the decision to pledge their body to Haarlep itself will gain minor disapproval from Astarion. Afterwards, when the player character first feels the physical repercussions of the vow they made, Astarion notices and says he feels sorry for them, explaining he knows all too well what it is like - to lose control over one's own body due to someone else's whims.
- ↑ If playing The Dark Urge, this episode may be delayed as a result of triggering this origin's nighttime plot-crucial cutscenes
- ↑ Tiefling characters do not need a check to identify the script and obtain the corresponding dialogue line automatically
- ↑ If the player rejected Astarion's offer to sleep with him, this scene may occur anytime until as far as the middle of the Act Two, but strictly before the party meets Raphael at Last Light Inn.
- ↑ The list of 'correct' answers to the love quiz (gaining both approval and disapproval) can be found at Approval section in their corresponding Act Three subdivisions
- ↑ Unlike Astarion, other spawns are not protected from sunlight by a tadpole, and approaching them with certain daylight-issuing weapons equipped (for, example, the Blood of Lathander), results in them gaining Sunlight Hypersensitivity and teleporting away, before the party can interrogate them. This doesn't have any impact on quest progression
- ↑ During their next conversation, depending on dialogue selections, Astarion may call Karlach "pathetic" , "broken", and "doomed"
- ↑ The player character cannot find this tombstone by visiting the graveyard outside of this cutscene. However, judging by other cutscene landmarks it seems to be located under the willow tree, next to the graves of Karlach's parents. The name on the stone is written in Thorass alphabet and might be read as
"Astarion Ancunín"
(which is the only possibility throughout the game plot to find out his last name). However, the dates below do not match other dating found throughout the game and in FR lore.
See alsoThorass_alphabet on the Forgotten Realms Wiki
- ↑ If the break-up option is picked by a player character who has been turned into a spawn, they still are in a relationship with him by the Epilogue. Devnotes for his reply to the attempt at a break-up say "Genuine laugh - the player can't get away from him. Not even if they want to". The dialogue is flagged with ORI_Astarion_Event_DeniedPlayerBreakUp, which is described as "Astarion denied the player the ability to break up with him".
- ↑ In the period after having ascended and before next long rest Astarion greets the player character and answers to the question about relations with previous 'Partnered' phrases, but at the same time already gains new 'Ascendant' reactions when asked to kiss
- ↑ Astarion's 'after-kiss' phrases remain the same regardless of current questline outcome, which might somewhat discord with what he is actually doing