For the Way of the Shadow Monk feature, see . For the Level 2 spell, see .
Darkvision is a passive feature that prevents Disadvantage when attacking creatures in the dark within
12 m / 40 ft,
24 m / 80 ft for .
Can see in the dark up to 12 m / 40 ft.
How to learn
- Character level 1: Elf, Tiefling, Dwarf, Half-Elf, Forest Gnome, Rock Gnome, and Half-Orc
(Character level is the sum of all class levels for a multi-classed character.)
Granted by the weapons:
Used by creatures:
- 'Barnabus', 'Bigmouth' Thimsen, 'Ears' Oohna, 'Loose Lips' Cyrilla, 'Timothy', 'Tomelia', Abraxa, Acid Hallucination, Aelar, Aelis Siryasius, Afara, Aggralix, Aggy, Agile Guardian, Aicir Tapol, Alan Alyth, Alexander Rainforest, Alfira, Alia Durinbold, Amek, Ancient Mud Mephit, Ancient Servant, Animated Armour, Apikusis, Apostle of Myrkul, Arabella, Araj Oblodra, Aranea, Aranea Aculeata, Aranea Major, Arcagh, Archer Velicia, Archivist, Arden, Arka, Armoured Owlbear, Arnell Hallowleaf, Arthus, Artimezt, Asharak, Astarion, Astoundo the Greater, Aubree, Auntie Ethel, Auntie Ethel, Avourel, Azak, Baelen Bonecloak, Baff Elkhorn, Bal, Bala Ofran, Bao'ek'nuk, Barnz, Barsik, Barth, Bearclaw, Bel, Bella (Wyrm's Rock Fortress), Benji, Benryn, Benta, Bernyr, Bert Adams, Bex, Bez, Bill, Birka, Bitey Buddy, Blaird, Bleeri, Blevindall, Blighted Actor, Blighted Barman, Blighted Patron, Blighted Troubador, Blinded Elf, Bloodmarrow Skeleton, Bloodmopper, Bluenail, Blunder Bob, Blurg, Blythe, Bogdan Vortleson, Bolt, Boney, BOOOAL, Bor, Borgus Elamin, Borri Paver, Brakkal, Branthos, Breg, Brek, Breva Brightmoon, Brilgor, Broadhorn, Brottor, Bruno Indomicus, Bug Bludgeon, Bugbear, Bugbear Assassin, Bugthimble, Bulette, Buthir, Caerdwyn, Caïros, Cal, Callie, Calliope Blingsdorf, Callira, Cambion, Cambion (Planar Ally), Caralee Grollo, Carlorina the Wolf, Carmen Pennygood, Carnelia Vanthampur, Carpal, Carys, Cat, Cat (wild shape), Cerys, Charismatic Sentinel, Chatterteeth, Cheeky Nora, Chelvin, Chervis, Chock, Chop, Chorizo, Churg Elvek, Cilarea, Cirian, Clack, Clements, Cloaker, Clotilde, Cold Hallucination, Combustion Belly Spiderling, Comina, Conjured Cat, Conjured Imp, Conjured Quasit, Conjured Spider, Conjured Spider (Find Familiar), Connor Vinderblad, Cordrane, Corinna, Corlos, Corniche, Crag Spider, Cragbender, Cranium Rat, Creekrider, Crub, Cruor, Crusher, Cry, Culk, Cursed Imp, Cursed Kuo-Toa (melee), Cursed Kuo-Toa (ranged), Cursed Kuo-Toa Chief, Cyril, Daddy, Daine, Dairow Vin, Dal Lightspark, Dame Guisarme, Dammon, Dandi Thistlepetal, Danis, Danton, Danzo Arkwright, Darlie, Darra, Darragh, Dart Dirtwood, Dead Drow, Dead Tiefling, Debin, Deedle Ofran, Deera, Dellinjah Dax, Delverdenn, Delwaer Jeth, Delyarna, Derryth Bonecloak, Derysia, Devella Fountainhead, Devoured Eternal Debtor, Dextor, Dez Kanshaw, Dhoria, Dhourn, Dimples Backster, Displacer beast, Dogaletto, Doggy, Dohna, Dokksill
Spoiler warning! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.
- Also granted by
Sarevok's Horned Helmet.