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Act One
Benryn is trapped beneath debris on the upper floor of the burning inn. Benryn and Counselor Florrick are trapped in separate rooms across the hall from each other. Breaking the door to Benryn's room causes an explosion that spreads the fire, which makes rescue more difficult. If a party member uses to interact with Mirileth, she asks the party to rescue Benryn through a nearby door connected to the west building.
After a successful rescue, Benryn discovers Mirileth's corpse and mourns her death. Using at this time prompts Benryn to ask her about a dowry. She reveals that the Dowry Ring is hidden in the barn behind the inn. After obtaining the ring, the party can keep it or return it to Benryn, which completes . After the quest is finished, Benryn remains next to Mirileth.
Leaving Benryn to die in the flames after encountering him grants Fresh Kindle for the Fire for the haunted one.
Related quests
External links
Benryn on the Forgotten Realms Wiki