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''For a comprehensive summary of the mechanics behind all rolls and modifiers, see: [[Die Rolls]]''
''For a comprehensive summary of the mechanics behind all rolls and modifiers, see [[Die Rolls]].''

[[Category:Gameplay Mechanics]]
[[Category:Gameplay Mechanics]]
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A '''Damage Roll''' happens when the game wants to determine the damage done by a successful attack, area of effect spell, trap, and so on.  It can involve one or many dice of any type.  This is not to be confused with the [[Attack Roll]], which is a D20 roll deciding whether the attack hits at all.
A '''Damage Roll''' happens when the game wants to determine the damage done by a successful attack, area of effect spell, trap, and so on.  It can involve one or many dice of any type.  This is not to be confused with the [[Attack Roll]], which is a D20 roll deciding whether the attack hits at all.

For example, a successful hit with a [[Dagger]] will lead to a d4 being rolled to determine the damage (referred to as 1d4 damage), whereas a successful attack with a [[Greatsword]] will lead to two d6 being rolled (referred to as 2d6) for a total damage of 2 to 12.  Being caught in a [[Fireball]] will cause 8d6 points of damage, though a successful [[Saving Throw]] can reduce it to half.
For example, a successful hit with a [[Dagger]] will lead to a D4 being rolled to determine the damage (referred to as 1d4 damage), whereas a successful attack with a [[Greatsword]] will lead to two D6 being rolled (referred to as 2d6) for a total damage of 2 to 12.  Being caught in a [[Fireball]] will cause 8d6 points of damage, though a successful [[Saving Throw]] can reduce it to half.

For attacks made with [[Weapons]], various [[Die Rolls#Modifiers|Modifiers]] can affect the total value of the roll, such as the attacking creature's Ability Score Modifier, Proficiency Bonus, or Advantage / Disadvantage.  For the damage of spell attacks, no such modifiers apply.
== Modifiers ==

The Ability Score used for the Modifier of a weapon attack is either Strength or Dexterity, depending on the weapon.  Melee weapons use the Strength Modifier, unless they have the [[Finesse]] property (such as [[Dagger]] or [[Rapier]]), in which case Dexterity can be used instead.  The same rules apply to melee weapons with the [[Thrown]] property (such as [[Dagger]] or [[Handaxe]]) when they're thrown for a ranged attack: they use the Strength modifier, unless they have both Thrown and Finesse (such as [[Dagger]]), in which case Dexterity can be chosen again.  Regular ranged weapons (such as Bows and Crossbows) always use Dexterity.
For [[Weapons|weapon]] attacks, the attacking creature's [[Ability Score Modifier]] and [[Proficiency Bonus]] can affect the total value of the roll.

For rolls involving multiple dice, such as 2d4, the multiple dice are rolled together, and this is considered a single roll insofar Modifiers are concerned. For example, the Proficiency Bonus will be applied to the total result of the 2d4 roll, not to each d4 rollSimilarly, when Advantage applies, the entire 2d4 roll is done twice, and the higher of the two totals is taken.
For rolls involving multiple dice, such as 2d4, the multiple dice are rolled together, and this is considered a single roll insofar Modifiers are concerned.
For the damage of spell attacks, including [[Cantrips]], no such modifiers apply.
The [[Advantage|Advantage / Disadvantage]] system generally doesn't apply to Damage Rolls.
=== Ability Score Modifier ===
A bonus or penalty may be applied to the result of the roll based on either Strength or Dexterity.  Usually, Strength for melee weapons, and Dexterity for ranged weaponsThe exceptions are [[Finesse]] weapons, where the higher one of Strength and Dexterity will be used; and [[Thrown]] weapons, which use Strength for both melee and ranged attacks.  If a weapon is both Thrown and a Finesse weapon, it will use the higher of Strength and Dexterity both for melee and ranged attacks.
Some examples, to make the possible combinations of Finesse and Thrown easier to understand:
* Using a [[Maul]] for a melee attack always uses Strength.
* Using a [[Rapier]] (Finesse) for a melee attack uses Strength or Dexterity; whichever the attacking creature has a higher score in.
* Shooting a [[Longbow]] for a ranged attack always uses Dexterity.
* Throwing a [[Handaxe]] (Thrown) for a ranged attack uses Strength.
* Throwing a [[Dagger]] (Finesse & Thrown) for a ranged attack uses Strength or Dexterity; whichever the attacking creature has a higher score in.
If you use a weapon in a way it's not designed for at all, such as throwing a Maul at someone, or hitting someone over the head with a Longbow for a melee attack, then no Ability Score Modifier is applied at all.  That being said, [[Improvised Weapon Proficiency]] can negate this penalty.
Whether it's Strength or Dexterity that ends up being used, the following table defines the value of the modifier:
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; text-align: center;"
|+ Ability Score Modifier depending on the value of Strength or Dexterity
! Score !! Modifier
| 1 || -5
| 2-3 || -4
| 4-5 || -3
| 6-7 || -2
| 8-9 || -1
| 10-11 || +0
| 12-13 || +1
| 14-15 || +2
| 16-17 || +3
| 18-19 || +4
| 20-21 || +5
| 22-23 || +6
| 24-25 || +7
| 26-27 || +8
| 28-29 || +9
| 30 || +10
=== Proficiency Bonus ===
The attacking creature's [[Proficiency Bonus]] is added to the result of the roll if the creature has [[Proficiency]] with the weapon it's using for the attack.
Note that, as with the Ability Score Modifier, this requires the weapon to be used the way it's intended. Throwing a Maul at someone or hitting someone over the head with a Longbow doesn't let you benefit from your Proficiency Bonus.
The value of the bonus depends on the attacking creature's Level:
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; text-align: center;"
|+ Proficiency Bonus per Level
! style="width: 50%" | Level
! style="width: 50%" | Proficiency Bonus
| 1 to 4 || style="text-align:center;" | + 2
| 5 to 8 || style="text-align:center;" | + 3
| 9 to 12 || style="text-align:center;" | + 4
| 13 to 16 || style="text-align:center;" | + 5
| 17 to 20 || style="text-align:center;" | + 6

== A bit of Mathematics ==
== A bit of Mathematics ==

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