Template:Quote class

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Revision as of 06:24, 31 January 2025 by HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Added missing class quotes and corrected way of the drunken master)
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Template documentation

Display a class/subclass description quote accompanied by the beautiful class icon.

This template is a subtype of Template:Quote fancy.


This template has a table of all the class quotes in the game extracted directly from the game files so the only required parameter is the name of the class. This parameter should match the name of a class/subclass page exactly. This is intended for use in class pages where {{PAGENAME}} can be used as the parameter.

Alternatively, the quote and class image can be overridden with the parameters quote and image, but generally you should stick with the default behaviour.


A base class quote.

{{Quote class|Warlock}}
Renders as

A subclass quote.

{{Quote class|College of Swords}}
Renders as

A custom quote with a custom image.

{{Quote class
| quote = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
| image = Barbarian Class Icon alt.png
Renders as

Exhaustive list

The quote blocks for every class and subclass are displayed below for easy verification.













Template data

Display a class/subclass quote

Template parameters

This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.


The name of a class or subclass. It should match exactly the pagename of the class. When used on a class page, you can use {{PAGENAME}} for this parameter.

Suggested values
Barbarian Berserker Wildheart Wild Magic Barbarian Bard College of Lore College of Valour College of Swords College of Glamour Cleric Life Domain Light Domain Trickery Domain Knowledge Domain Nature Domain Tempest Domain War Domain Death Domain Druid Circle of the Land Circle of the Moon Circle of the Spores Circle of the Stars Fighter Battle Master Eldritch Knight Champion Arcane Archer Monk Way of the Four Elements Way of the Open Hand Way of Shadow Way of the Drunken Master Paladin Oath of the Ancients Oath of Devotion Oathbreaker Oath of Vengeance Oath of the Crown Ranger Beast Master Hunter Gloom Stalker Swarmkeeper Rogue Thief Arcane Trickster Assassin Swashbuckler Sorcerer Draconic Bloodline Wild Magic Sorcerer Storm Sorcery Shadow Magic Warlock The Fiend The Great Old One The Archfey The Hexblade Wizard Abjuration School Evocation School Conjuration School Divination School Enchantment School Necromancy School Illusion School Transmutation School Bladesinging
Quote overridequote

Use this parameter to specify a custom quote instead of a predefined one.

Image overrideimage

Use this parameter to specify a custom icon instead of a predefined one.
