“"Tell me, do you believe in love at first sight?„
Isobel is a cleric of Selûne who is helping a group of Harpers who are stationed at the Last Light Inn. She has been using her Selûnite magic to maintain the moon shield that is protecting inn from the Shadow Curse. Without her protection, the inhabitants of the inn would succumb to the Shadow Curse.
Isobel is the daughter of Ketheric Thorm and Melodia Thorm, raised in her mother's footsteps as a follower of Selûne. After Melodia passing, Ketheric raised Isobel alone, staying true to their Selûnite ways despite his doubts.
Over one hundred years ago, Dame Aylin, daughter of the Moonmaiden, was sent as an emissary of Selûne to Isobel's town, where the two fell in love at first sight. Ketheric was opposed to their relationship; Isobel believing it was because Aylin was immortal, which caused an "imbalance" in their relationship. Aylin herself believed that Ketheric did not trust her, and was threatened by their love. For Isobel however, there was no question of their being together, "loving Aylin felt the same as loving myself".
Some time later, Isobel died in an unknown manner. Grief-stricken, Ketheric turned to Shar and tricked Aylin, luring her to the Shadowfell where she was captured and used to grant him immortality. Later, he became the chosen of Myrkul, and was able to use his powers to raise Isobel from the dead.[1]
Newly alive, disorientated and with a deep feeling of filth within herself, Isobel saw a change in her father.[2] With his strange demeanour, and declaration that Aylin was dead, Isobel could see no recourse but to run. She found the Last Light Inn, where she created a shelter from the surrounding Shadow-Curse. By the time Jaheira and her Harpers arrived, Isobel had pieced together that she had been dead a hundred years, and that Ketheric was responsible for the horrors plaguing the land. She can be seen muttering "why did you change" to the elven bust inside her room, which is presumably that of her father.
Act Two
Isobel can be found on the first floor of the Last Light Inn in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. Jaheira directs the party toward her to receive for a low-level protection against the Shadow Curse. Isobel blesses the party even if they have other means of protection.
Attempting kidnapping
Speaking to her at Last Light's Inn instigates a conversation with Flaming Fist Marcus, where he summons some winged ghouls in an attempt to kidnap Isobel and take her to Moonrise Towers. If choosing to side with Isobel --and Marcus and the ghouls are defeated-- she continues to sustain the warding over Last Light's Inn. If instead she is defeated in combat, the fight immediately ends and the warding fails. Then the party must fight against the remaining Harpers outside, as well as some Vines, although Jaheira remains as an uncontrolled ally.
If choosing to side with Marcus, the party must fight Isobel and the Harpers inside the Inn, including Jaheira.[3] Once Isobel is defeated, the warding over Last Light's Inn falters, and the party must fight against the remaining Harpers outside, as well as some Vines.
If Isobel remains after the fight with Marcus, the Dark Urge may find themselves desiring to kill her. Sceleritas Fel also appears at camp to task the Urge with her death. Isobel helps to talk the Urge down, that as an experienced cleric she can see when the Urge is and is not being themselves. The Urge can return and break their truce at any time.
If at any point the Dark Urge fails to suppress their urges, the moon shield falls with Isobel, causing all within (save Jaheira) to fall to the curse.
Assault on Moonrise Towers
If the Nightsong is killed, Isobel becomes overwhelmed and unable to sustain her protection over the Inn, killing her and all others within.
Otherwise, if the Nightsong is released, she moves to the inn's courtyard where she urges the party to go to Moonrise Towers. After Ketheric is defeated, Isobel travels to Moonrise Towers where she reunites with her lover, Dame Aylin. She asks the party if the two of them may remain at camp for a time, to answer some questions for Shadowheart.
If Isobel was captured by Marcus, she aids Ketheric Thorm in the fight inside the illithid colony. She cannot be saved here and dies at the end of the fight even if she managed to stay alive.
If they both remain alive, Isobel and Aylin become Camp Followers and travel with the party to Baldur's Gate.
Act Three
Isobel can be found at camp with Dame Aylin, if they were invited to stay. They both remain at camp until Lorroakan is defeated, upon which they leave to help a Selûnite enclave outside the city. The two later appear at High Hall during the final fight to .
If Aylin was allowed to be caged by Lorroakan, the party can convince Isobel that he overpowered both of them. Isobel leaves for Ramazith's Tower to save Aylin, but she is defeated and can later be found dead in the tower. A heartbroken Aylin vows that once she escapes, she will kill the party's "children, and their children beside".
Attacks and Abilities
Notable loot
Related literature
Written by Isobel
Related quests
Datamined content
Some datamined content reveals her original backstory. She was supposed to have been killed by Balthazar, and Aylin was framed for her murder. Ketheric turned Aylin into the Nightsong as an act of revenge. A century later, Ketheric tasked Balthazar with bringing Isobel back. This ritual also bound Isobel's life to Ketheric, sharing his immortality with her. If Ketheric was killed before untethering Isobel from him, they would both go to the afterlife. See Aylin/Cut_content for more.
Notes and References
- ↑ Although Ketheric's other familial resurrections – Thisobald, Malus, and Gerringothe – are Undead monsters, Isobel is not, and is not affected by Turn Undead. It is not made clear why.
- ↑
Isobel's Diary
- ↑ Any enemies killed during this initial fight do not seem to grant experience, even if a player character lands the killing blow; this may be a bug.