Overview | Approval | Banter | Romance |
Gale Dekarios is an Origin Character and recruitable Companion with the Sage background. He is a Human and a Wizard first appearing during Act One.
A scholar and prodigy in the arcane arts, Gale is committed to unlocking the secrets of the Weave no matter the cost. He can be first found at the Roadside Cliffs waypoint during Act One, where he can be recruited into the party as well as romanced by characters of any gender.

“There's a gust of Weave about you, but it's a mere breeze. I need a tempest.„
A prodigy of magic, Gale is a wizard of great talent and equally great ambition. Once a Chosen of Mystra, his quest to prove himself to goddess resulted in him being cursed with a long-forgotten form of magic, a ticking time bomb with an all-consuming hunger. Now bereft of Mystra’s favor and condemned by a tadpole in his head, Gale must find a way to free himself from both the curse and this unwelcome guest.
Starting class
Gale starts as a Wizard with a balanced repertoire of spells, allowing him to act both as an offensive and supporting caster. Upon reaching level two, he will default to the Evocation School subclass, giving him access to a wider arsenal of offensive spells.
Special features
- In order to sate his arcane hunger, Gale must consume magic items periodically for a total of three times. If he does not then he will be afflicted with "Arcane Hunger" which has three different stages of severity:
- gives him disadvantage to Constitution saving throws.
- gives him disadvantage on all attack rolls and saving throws.
- gives him disadvantage on all attack rolls and saving throws and his movement speed is halved.
- After reaching the third stage, if not fed Weave, Gale's netherese orb explodes leading to a Game Over screen.
- If slain, Gale's corpse emanates a , dealing 1d4
Necrotic damage every turn to those around it until he is revived. Leaving him dead for more than three long rests leads to a Game Over screen, as his netherese orb detonates without magic to sustain it.
- Cursed by netherese magic, Gale can cast , obliterating everything in the vicinity and leading to a Game Over screen.
- Gale can create the
Shadow Lantern in Moonrise Towers, a unique item that allows summoning a shadow wraith. Alternatively, he can reject the ritual, receiving Mystra's Benevolence instead, granting him advantage on Concentration checks until the next long rest.
- When chosen as an origin character, Gale can either cleanse or consume the Shadow Weave from the corpse of Malus Thorm, Gerringothe Thorm or Thisobald Thorm, granting him one of the following boons:
- When played as an origin character, Tara, Gale's tressym, joins him in the Campsite as a Camp Follower.
- If Gale chooses to ask for Mystra's forgiveness during their meeting at the Stormshore Tabernacle in the Lower City, she grants him which permanently gives him a +2 bonus to all saving throws. He is the only party member who does not need to make an offer at one of the statues at the Stormshore Tabernacle to obtain this condition.
Personal quest
Gale's personal quest is
, spanning all acts of the game. In it, Gale must come to terms with the consequences of his unbridled ambitions. Primary among these: his fall from grace with Mystra and the ticking time bomb in his body.Two further subquests are available that tie into his personal quest:
, in which the party must deal with Gale's protocol for his untimely death, and , where Gale can decide to finish the work of a dangerous necromancer.Recruitment
Gale can be recruited as a permanent companion during Act One.
Act One
- Gale can be found when approaching the Roadside Cliffs Ancient Rune Circle, north of the Ravaged Beach. If investigated, Gale sticks his hand out from inside the circle and asks for help. A successful ability check is required to pull him out, with multiple options available:
- [KARLACH] [STRENGTH] You'll have to remain extremely calm to touch him without burning him. Take a deep breath, then pull. (DC 7)
- [DARK URGE] [STRENGTH] Ignore the urge to maim. Grab the hand and pull. (DC 7)
- [STRENGTH] Grab the hand and pull. (DC 7)
- [WIZARD] [INTELLIGENCE] Whisper to the Weave roiling within the sigil. Attempt to calm it down. (DC 7)
- [WARLOCK] [SORCERER] [BARD] [CHARISMA] Attune yourself to the sigil's magic, then bid it to quiet down. (DC 7)
- [CLERIC] [DRUID] [WISDOM] Let flow some words of prayer to soothe the sigil's magic. (DC 7)
- [CLERIC OF MYSTRA] [WISDOM] Let flow some words of prayer to soothe the sigil's magic. (DC 7
- [ROGUE] [SLEIGHT OF HAND] With a keen, but calculated twist, you attempt to sabotage the sigil. (DC 12)
If the first check is failed, a second one may be attempted with increased difficulty:
- [KARLACH] [STRENGTH] Take a deep breath. Stay calm and cool. When you're sure your flames won't hurt him, pull again. (DC 12)
- [STRENGTH] Pull again, as hard as you can. (DC 12)
- [STRENGTH] Muster your strength and yank harder. (DC 7) (if class-specific check)
Failing two checks, or choosing to leave him to his fate, results in Gale falling back into the rune circle and locks him out from recruitment.
Leaving the party
Gale leaves the party if the goblins are sided with and the Emerald Grove is raided successfully. After the slaughter, he confronts the player and says his goodbyes, though he may be retained through dialogue. If neglected or ignored for too long, he leaves the party without much fanfare, leaving only a small note behind.[1]
On meeting Gale the first time as the The Dark Urge, the player character has a special option on where they fantasize about cutting off his hand. If selected, the fantasy is not merely imagined, but acted out in real time: Gale loses his hand to the Dark Urge's unrestrained impulses and falls back into the circle, permanently barring the party from recruiting him.

Gale dislikes harming innocents and using unnecessary violence when diplomacy is an option. As a scholar, he disapproves of destroying or wasting valuable knowledge. Those who criticise his convictions and goals earn his disapproval.
Gale may be romanced by characters of any gender. In his relationship, Gale must reconcile his newfound feelings of love with the tragic consequences of his past involvement with Mystra, as well as deal with his impending death.
Gale has a simple, yet refined style to him, with clothes well-made but never ostentatious. His mousy brown hair is straight and shoulder-length, swept back with an elegant flair. His eyes are chestnut brown, his gaze soft but confident, and he keeps his facial hair neatly trimmed. On his left ear, Gale wears a silver earring shaped in the form of an eight-pointed star, the holy symbol of Mystra, perhaps representing his former relationship with the goddess or just his affinity with magic. In the middle of his chest, a dark circle with wispy tendrils can be found, the result of absorbing Karsus' netherese magic. These tendrils extend all the way to under his left eye, faint, but ever present.[2]
Gale is an intelligent, articulate and thoughtful practitioner of the arcane arts, with a good-hearted and peaceful nature. Despite his scholarly and slightly pompous manner of speaking, he is friendly and always willing to lend his ear to friends. As an accomplished wizard and eternal scholar, he is proud of his arcane knowledge and feats achieved as an erstwhile Chosen. Yet it is precisely this pride, combined with his ambition, which overshadows his otherwise exemplary ability to reason and risks his repeating grave mistakes from his past. Still, Gale can be sensible, and if convinced by friends, is willing to reconsider (or at least think twice) before jumping to rash actions. Furthermore, he is good to his companions, being attentive of their problems and taking care of them however he can, often by assuming cooking duties for the camp.[3]
Though outwardly confident and easy-going, Gale still carries the physical and emotional wounds of his former relationship with Mystra and the consequences of dabbling in forbidden magic. As such, he is sensitive to criticism, and often reacts defensively when confronted with his past actions. All of this leads him to be willing to do anything to earn Mystra's forgiveness, even if it means sacrificing his life to do so. He also seems to hide somewhat behind his Gale of Waterdeep persona, built to project this image of a great and powerful wizard as opposed to, the way he sees it, the more mundane Gale Dekarios.[4]
Life in Waterdeep
Born to Morena Dekarios and an unknown father,[5] Gale was raised in the city of Waterdeep. A prodigy of magic from a young age, Gale learned to manipulate the Weave like a skilled virtuoso plays music, his talents and abilities manifesting in many occasions, though often with unintended consequences. One time, forbidden from having a cat of his own by his parents, Gale summoned Tara, a tressym that would become not only his lifelong companion, but also family.[6] Such was their bond that Gale disallowed any attempts at referring to Tara as his pet, even though Tara considered him the "most expensive pet in Waterdeep". After Gale's departure from home, Tara kept mother Dekarios company throughout the years. Other less successful attempts resulted in a fiery meeting with a Magma Mephit, though he kept in touch with them over the years, nonetheless.[7][8] In time, Gale enrolled at the prestigious Blackstaff Academy, an educational institution for promising wizards and sorcerers.[9]
Blackstaff Academy
The academy seemed the perfect place to nourish his talents, as Gale deeply believed he was destined for greatness despite being only a child. Still, young Gale's misadventures would continue even at the academy. Irritated with everyone's lack of faith in him, he attempted to cast a portal spell with the Blackstaff itself. Though it worked, rather than returning to his dormitory as he intended, the resulting portal pulled him into
Limbo, facing a rather angry Death Slaad. Before Gale could face the slaad, the current
Blackstaff Archmage pulled Gale back, and punished him with months of tedious work.[10]
Chosen of Mystra
At some point, Gale was mentored by Elminster Aumar, one of the most powerful and famous wizards of Faerûn and a hero to Gale. The Sage of Shadowdale guided Gale, furthering his mastery over the Weave and arcane arts, and over time became something of a parental figure to him.[11]
Gale's talent eventually drew the attention of the Goddess of Magic, Mystra, who made him one of her Chosen. Mystra became a teacher, muse, and eventually lover to Gale.[12] When Mystra's passion waned, Gale sought the rekindle her interest by showing he was her equal. Arrogance demanded she see him as worthy of peering beyond what the goddess of magic allowed mortals to experience, but she refused his every plea. Having learned of Karsus' Folly and his attempts at reaching godhood via his netherese magic, Gale searched for a tome containing a scrap of Weave, hoping to impress Mystra by returning a long-lost part of her.[13] Yet when he opened the book, a writhing mass of darkest black leapt at him and fused with his body, creating within him an insatiable hunger for magic. To keep the orb from exploding with enough force to level an entire city, Gale needed to consume magic constantly in order to feed this gnawing emptiness. Yet the most painful punishment for his hubris would be to lose his position as Mystra's Chosen. When she learned of Gale's recklessness, Mystra ceased all contact with him and ended their relationship for good without adding another word, leaving Gale to face the netherese orb within him on his own.
Seclusion in Waterdeep
Abandoned and with a doomsday device in his body, Gale moved back to his tower in Waterdeep to live in quiet seclusion. As much as he wished to be alone, Tara was there to accompany him even in his lowest of lows,[14] and together, they spent most of their time locating magic items for Gale to consume. Being forsaken by Mystra turned him into somewhat of a recluse, with few friends remaining.
For unknown reasons, Gale left the tower in a hurry after some time, and shortly after he was abducted by the rogue Nautiloid and tadpoled along other victims.
The Wizard of Waterdeep is Gale's personal quest. It is added to the journal upon recruiting him and spans all three acts of the game.
Act One
Gale can be found at the Roadside Cliffs rune circle. Likely trapped as he hastily escaped the crashing Nautiloid, he asks the party for assistance in getting him out. Once free, he recognizes the party as other victims of the Illithid aboard the besieged ship and quickly offers his services as a wizard of great renown.
As the party travel together, Gale begins displaying signs of sickness, and if friendly enough with his companions, eventually asks them to bring him magical artefacts. When pressed for reasons why, he mentions it is a condition he has which requires feeding from the Weave but is reluctant to say more. He asks them to trust him and stresses how important treating his affliction is. Refusing to aid Gale progresses his sickness, eventually resulting in a Game Over screen.
When brought certain magical items, Gale consumes them. Upon doing so his sickness is temporarily treated and he looks visibly better. Gale asks for magic items three times in total. The first time he is left satisfied, and assures answers will be given soon. The second time he notes the effects are diminishing but is grateful nonetheless. The third and final time he is distressed as the effect is barely noticeable and finally reveals the truth.
Gale explains he was a magical prodigy, being able to control and sculpt the Weave at a young age. This gained him the attention of Mystra, the goddess of magic, who became his teacher, muse, and eventually his lover. However, with Mystra, Gale witnessed magic that was beyond mere mortals and seeing the powers he was denied, he begged her for more, only to be rejected each time and told to be contented with what he had.
Seeking to prove himself a peer to Mystra, Gale eventually found a magical tome from the ancient empire of Netheril. Within it was contained a fragment of Weave that had been lost following Karsus' Folly, suspended in time and out of Mystra's eyes. Gale believed that by returning the fragment to Mystra, he would earn her favor and be granted the powers he desperately wanted, yet once he opened the tome, the fragment of raw Weave lodged itself within him, an insatiably hungry orb of netherese magic. Secluded and locked away in his tower in Waterdeep, Gale was able to manage the condition, but in the wilds, it risked becoming uncontrollable. If the orb was not sated, it would detonate with the power to level a city the size of Waterdeep.
With the truth out, and concerned about his current predicament, Gale begins looking into more permanent solutions to sate the netherese orb.
As the party continues their travels, they eventually encounter an old man in the trail leading to the Shadow-Cursed Lands in the Rosymorn Monastery Trail. Gale recognizes the man as none other than Elminster Aumar, the legendary Sage of Shadowdale and a former mentor of his. Elminster announces that he comes to deliver an important message to Gale, and asks to speak in peace back at camp. There, he reveals Mystra has been watching over Gale and following the movements of the Cult of the Absolute with great concern. Mystra sees the Absolute as a credible threat to the world, and believes the only person able to stop them is Gale. Thus, she offers a bargain her former Chosen cannot resist: redemption in exchange for his life. Elminster explains the power of the netherese orb lodged within Gale can be harnessed as a weapon to destroy the Absolute for good and stabilizes Gale's orb, controlling its hunger pangs and allowing Gale to detonate it at will. Gale considers the proposition solemnly, and thanks Elminster for his words. With the message imparted, Elminster wishes Gale and the party the best of luck in defeating the Absolute and departs.
When spoken to, Gale seems to be shocked at Mystra's directive, but considers it seriously. This is the chance he has been hoping for: redemption in Mystra's eyes, albeit at the cost of martyrdom. The party can support or dissuade him from following this path. As an origin, when Tara is told about the plan, she disapproves of the idea, and presses Gale to promise her he will find another way.
If Gale dies at some point during his adventures, his body starts emanating a necrotic aura, harming those near his corpse. The first time this happens, a projection of him appears nearby which begins Scroll of True Resurrection, reviving Gale results in his gratitude and some information on his condition. If Gale dies again, the party must find other means to revive him. If left dead for three long rests, a Game Over screen appears as the netherese orb within him explodes after being left unsatiated for too long.
Act Two
While exploring the Shadow-Cursed Lands, Gale and the party can find a hidden chamber belonging to Balthazar in Moonrise Towers. The chamber is clearly used for the necromancer's experiments, and upon inspecting a nearby table, Gale attempts to make sense of the writings on it, beginning the quest . He reveals the sigils are used in the fabrication of Moonlanterns, and that given enough time, he can create a better one himself. The ritual does require using dark magic forbidden by Mystra, leaving the decision up to the party whether to encourage or dissuade Gale from finishing the necromancer's work. Allowing Gale to complete the lantern results in the party gaining a
Shadow Lantern, a dark reflection of the regular moonlanters found, while destroying the sigils rewards Gale with Mystra's Benevolence until the next long rest.
After reaching the Mind Flayer Colony the party finally comes face-to-face with the truth of the Absolute: a gargantuan Elder Brain controlled by the Chosen of the Dead Three, Ketheric Thorm, Enver Gortash and Orin the Red, using the fabled Crown of Karsus. With the elder brain and the Chosen all gathered in a single location, Gale decides that no better opportunity will present itself, and prepares to detonate his netherese orb as ordered by Mystra. The party can encourage Gale to go through with Mystra's directive, destroying everything in the vicinity including the Absolute and the Chosen, as well as the party. Because this course of action does not destroy the Elder Brain beneath Baldur's gate nor remove the tadpoles already implanted in the victims around the Sword Coast, it causes a mass ceremorphosis as the tadpoles wake from their stasis. Without anything controlling them, rampant illithid ravage the lands, infecting and destroying everything they see, leading to an early Game Over screen.
Gale can be convinced to do otherwise, however, by passing certain dialogue ability checks for him to stand down. Alternatively, he can be left in camp when adventuring through the illithid colony, skipping his interactions. Though he is disheartened at having defied Mystra and thus eschewed redemption in her eyes, he quickly shifts his focus to the artefact controlling the elder brain. Gale identifies it as as the Crown of Karsus, one of the regalia of the ancient archwizard Karsus, and an exceptionally powerful arcane object thought long lost. Convinced it is the key to defeating the Absolute for good, he asks the party to help him find more information about it. Since the group's destination is Baldur's Gate, he believes the famous Sorcerous Sundries must have information on netherese magic, making it worth a visit.
Act Three
Once at Baldur's Gate, Gale recommends visiting Sorcerous Sundries with haste, sure that the renowned bookstore will have tomes on netherese magic that can be of use in defeating the Absolute. There, when inquired about possible books on the matter, Tolna Tome-Monger answers that a tome containing information on Karsus' Folly and Netheril exists, yet it is kept under lock in the vaults as the information is too sensitive for most readers and access is strictly forbidden. The party can convince her to volunteer information on how to reach the vaults, or break in themselves through subtlety. Whatever the case, once in the vaults, the party must follow the correct path to reach Karsus' vault, containing the ancient tome The Annals of Karsus. If given the tome after reading, Gale exclaims it not only contains information on the Crown of Karsus, but also details on how it was constructed, making it possible to reforge it after destroying the elder brain. Gale's ambitions grow at the prospect of the power he could wield with the Crown, speculating that he could become a god strong enough to challenge even Mystra. The party can support his plans to be free from the yoke of Mystra, or challenge him about them, warning against treading down the same path Karsus once did before the fall of his empire.
Whatever the outcome of the discussion, Elminster will visit the group once more upon leaving Sorcerous Sundries with a message from Mystra. The goddess of magic is willing to grant Gale an audience as she knows he not only defied her orders, but read the tome of Karsus as well. With Elminster's encouragement, the party must reach the Stormshore Tabernacle and let Gale interact with Mystra's altar there. Before departing, Gale can be encouraged to stand up to himself, whatever his final goals may be, or seek reconciliation with Mystra and possibly even redemption.
Gale is transported to Mystra's domain where he finally meets his former patron and lover. An origin Gale can actively participate in the conversation as usual, while a companion Gale will converse with her on his own. Mystra informs Gale the piece of Weave he sought to return to her is actually a part of the Karsite Weave and it carries within it Karsus’ relentless ambition. This new form of Weave was born during Karsus' final moments, as he wrestled magic away from Mystryl and briefly ascended to godhood. It cannot be contained, it will never be sated and in order to prevent it from detonating and releasing a wave of destruction, Mystra allowed it to feed on the true Weave while she devised a solution. Knowing the Crown's reforging is a very real possibility, she implores Gale to return it to her, as its danger cannot be understated. She promises to cure Gale's condition if he does so, even offering him to become her Chosen once more. Unsure of what to do, Gale thanks Mystra and leaves pensive. Back on the mortal plane, Gale recounts what transpired in Mystra's realm, and says there is not much they can do until they defeat the Elder Brain.
As the battle for Baldur's Gate rages on, the party arrives at the Elder Brain's brainstem. While they prepare for the final battle, Gale may be approached to discuss the imminent fight and the netherese orb he still carries within. Depending on past interactions with him, Gale may offer the party, or can be convinced, to deal with the Elder Brain on his own, doing as Mystra instructed and detonating the orb inside to destroy the Absolute for good. If deciding to go through with his plan, Gale says his goodbyes and teleport them away. He climbs the stem on his own and stabs himself in the chest, triggering a magical explosion that annihilates the Elder Brain for good.
If his offer is declined, the party battles the Elder Brain instead and Gale is present during the Absolute's downfall. As it crashes in the river Chionthar, the Crown of Karsus breaks into pieces, sinking to the depths of the river. While the party gathers victorious, Gale announces his intentions to search the river for the pieces of the Crown. Depending on how he was treated in past conversations, and whether the party supported his ambitions or not, he may intend to reforge the Crown to ascend to godhood or simply to return it to Mystra. Whatever the case, he first desires to celebrate their victory in a nearby tavern, completing his companion quest.
Gale's Sacrifice
Gale can sacrifice himself before the final encounter with the Elder Brain. When approaching the brain's brainstalk, Gale may offer to do one last act of penance, complete Mystra's command and detonate the orb within him. If accepted, Gale teleports the party away before confronting the elder brain alone and destroys it with the power of the netherese orb. Unlike the choice of sacrificing himself during act 2, this martyring does deal with the tadpoles as they perish along their controlling brain, leading to the Endings and Epilogue.
Professor Dekarios
After beating the Elder Brain, Gale reforges the Crown of Karsus after fishing up the pieces from the river Chionthar. If pushed to become a man of his own and forsake Mystra's approval, he receives an audience with Mystra and returns the Crown to her in exchange of being cured from of the affliction of the netherese orb. Mystra fulfills her end of the deal and Gale returns to Waterdeep. Months later at Withers reunion gathering, Gale introduces himself as professor Gale of the Blackstaff Academy, seemingly teaching young prodigies in the ways of Illusion magic. Though cured of the netherese orb, he has not revealed this to his students as he finds his explosive reputation useful in controlling his pupils. He will offer a guest lecture to the player, an opportunity to regale his students with his exploits in the past months.
When romanced, Gale will additionally abandon his Gale of Waterdeep persona to be content with plain Gale Dekarios.
The God of Ambition
If Gale's ambitions were given wind throughout the adventures together, after reforging the Crown of Karsus, Gale uses it to complete Karsus' half-formed netherese Weave and ascend to godhood, becoming the God of Ambition. Unlike Mystra, who keeps a tight leash on her divine boons, Gale intends to be there for all of his devouts, good or evil, spurring their desires and dreams whether they be a fledgling adventurer or a dreaded necromancer. With shrines in Thay and construction of a temple beginning in Amn, Gale's divinity is already spreading across Faerûn.
Depending on whether or not he was pushed to be vindictive against Mystra, Gale may attempt to battle the goddess of magic for supremacy. In the end, Gale's ambition proves too much and Mystra deals with him decisively.
If romanced, Gale can offer his partner to ascend to his new divine realm and rule it together. If accepted, Gale does as promised and ascends his partner to oversee the ambitions of mortals together in bliss.
Whatever outcome of divine Gale, Tara will be disappointed with her former friend, sorry that he could not learn from his past follies.
If an origin Gale transformed into an illithid to defeat the Elder Brain, he is granted a final audience with Mystra. Mystra can offer to cure him both of the netherese affliction and his illithid status if he accepts to go to Elysium with her. If he accepts, Mystra fulfills her promise and Gale is taken away from the Material Plane.
Failed Ascension
Having never learned the secrets of Karsus and his netherese regalia from The Annals of Karsus, Gale perishes attempting to reforge the destroyed Crown of Karsus to reach godhood. At Withers gathering, his projection gives his final farewells to his former companions, regretting having sacrificed everything for a chance at divinity.
Quest rewards
Scroll of True Resurrection — reward for following Gale's instructions as part of the quest In Case of Death....
Shadow Lantern — reward for finishing Balthazar's experiment as part of the quest Balthazar's Experiment.
Companion interactions
Gale can be spoken with has unique dialogue interactions as a companion available after certain events. Whenever one is available, he will have a floating [ ! ] icon above him.
Act One
- If the player character intervenes in the confrontation between Arka and Sazza standing in harm's way for the goblin, Gale will reminisce about a similar situation he saw in the
Yawning Portal.
- Gale will seek out the player when he requires a new magic item to feed on. This can occur thrice.
- After saving Mirkon from the harpies near the grove, Gale will reminisce about his childhood with the party.
- If the party intervenes on behalf of Arabella when facing Kagha's judgment and manages to have her spared, Gale is happy about the outcome of the confrontation.
- Upon receiving Mystra's orders via Elminster, Gale may be spoken with to learn more about his feelings on his new mission.
Act Two
Act Three
- After meeting Tara on the rooftop of the Open Hand Temple, Gale expresses his happiness over seeing her once more, and can be questioned about his surname.
Unique interactions
Either as an origin, or in the party as a companion, Gale has unique interactions and special dialogue with the following characters, listed by the act they are first encountered in.
Act One
Act Two
- Corpses of
Act Three
- Statue of Mystra at the Stormshore Tabernacle
Speak with Dead
Party member: Who are you?
- Gale: Gale... Dekarios...
- (if orb not disarmed) Gale: Bring me back... cast the spell... utmost... importance...
- Party member: Why are you so insistent I resurrect you?
- Gale: Bring me back... before... too late... must cast the spell...
- Party member: Why are you so insistent I resurrect you?
Party member: How did you die?
- Gale: Not concentrating... my magic... not focused...
- Gale: Without knowing... without feeling... choking on darkness...
Party member: Where are you from?
- Gale: Waterdeep...
Party member: What were you trying to achieve?
- (if orb disarmed, swayed towards crown) Gale: Seeking... Karsus' power... failed...
- (if orb disarmed, ready to die) Gale: Ending... the Absolute... with a bang...
- (if orb disarmed) Gale: Seeking... another way... to fight... to win...
- Gale: Avoiding... ceremorphosis... removing... tadpole...
Party member: What is your profession?
- (if recruited) Gale: Wizard... archmage... companion...
- Gale: Wizard... archmage... wielder of the Weave...
Party member: How did you get here?
- Gale: Elminster came... offered solution... turned... Orin... taken...
(if romantic partner) Party member: Do you have any last words for me?
- Gale: When your sky dims... I will be there... waiting...
Party member: What becomes of a wizard after death?
- Narrator: *The corpse remains silent. It does not know.*
Related literature
Related quests
Gale can be killed and looted, and drops the same loot as his starting equipment.
Starting equipment
Notes and References
- ↑
A Wizard's Farewell by Gale
- ↑ Gale received an appearance change in Patch 8 of Early Access that would remain until release. His face was changed and smaller details like his signature earring and chest tattoo were added.
- ↑ During the end of his Companion story, Wyll remarks, "Let's hope Gale doesn't take offence if I assume cooking duties, just the once." This implies that Gale usually does the cooking. Additionally, if he is sent to camp when recruited in Act One, he will tell the player he is going to cook a slow roast for their return.
- ↑ Open Hand Temple rooftop, lines spoken by Gale after inquiring about his surname upon meeting Tara.
"It is. Courtesy of my mother, the inimitable, dare I say it sometimes unavoidable, Morena Dekarios. It's been so long since I've used it. 'Gale Dekarios' cuts a poor figure next to the wizarding prowess of 'Gale of Waterdeep'." - ↑ Open Hand Temple rooftop, lines spoken by Gale after inquiring about his surname upon meeting Tara.
"It is. Courtesy of my mother, the inimitable, dare I say it sometimes unavoidable, Morena Dekarios. It's been so long since I've used it. 'Gale Dekarios' cuts a poor figure next to the wizarding prowess of 'Gale of Waterdeep'." - ↑ Secluded Cove, dialogue with Gale after saving Mirkon.
"One time my parents denied me a kitten, so I summoned myself a tressym. Dear old Tara. Beautiful creature. (...) There was that magma mephit once. Nice fellow - we kept in touch." - ↑ Secluded Cove, dialogue with Gale after saving Mirkon.
"One time my parents denied me a kitten, so I summoned myself a tressym. Dear old Tara. Beautiful creature. (...) There was that magma mephit once. Nice fellow - we kept in touch." - ↑ It is likely that Gale's summoned mephit is the same magma mephit who appears in
- ↑ Arcane Tower, lines spoken by Gale after reaching the tower and speaking to him.
"Ah. Quite. A misadventure from my days as an apprentice at Blackstaff Academy. I was but a child, only a few months into my studies, but already I knew I was destined for greatness. No one believed me, of course, so I decided to prove it. To cast a spell with the Blackstaff itself. From one perspective, I succeeded. I opened a portal. However, instead of pointing it at the first year dormitory, I found myself pulled into limbo, facing a very irritated Death Slaad. Fortunately, The Blackstaff himself came to the rescue, hauling me back from the brink, and straight into several months of writing lines." - ↑ Arcane Tower, lines spoken by Gale after reaching the tower and speaking to him.
"Ah. Quite. A misadventure from my days as an apprentice at Blackstaff Academy. I was but a child, only a few months into my studies, but already I knew I was destined for greatness. No one believed me, of course, so I decided to prove it. To cast a spell with the Blackstaff itself. From one perspective, I succeeded. I opened a portal. However, instead of pointing it at the first year dormitory, I found myself pulled into limbo, facing a very irritated Death Slaad. Fortunately, The Blackstaff himself came to the rescue, hauling me back from the brink, and straight into several months of writing lines." - ↑ Campsite, origin Gale's thoughts after being tasked by Elminster to sacrifice himself to destroy the Absolute.
Narrator: "It's one thing to have fallen from such heights, but to have Elminster himself now witness your humiliation is almost unbearable."
Gale's thoughts: "His disappointment cuts deeper even than Mystra's. He was your hero..."
Narrator: "While most know of Elminster the legend, few know him as you have. He plucked you from obscurity. Offered you his guidance. His faith. And most recently, his pity." - ↑ Campsite, lines spoken by Gale when telling the player about his past relationship with Mystra.
"Once upon a time, not quite that long ago, there lived a wizard in a tower. (...) Such was his skill that it earned him the attention of the mother of magic herself. The Lady of Mysteries. Mystra. (...) Mystra showed him the secrets beneath the veils. The gossamer veils first, draped across the Weave. The delicate veils next, draped across her body. 'Chosen One', she whispered (...)." - ↑ Campsite, lines spoken by Gale when telling the player about his past relationship with Mystra.
"A fragment of it was caught and sealed away in a book. No ordinary book, mind you: a tome of gateways that contained within it a bubble of Astral Plane. It was a fragment of primal Weave locked out of time - locked away from Mystra herself." - ↑ Campsite, dialogue with Tara after suffering the first pangs of arcane hunger as origin Gale.
Narrator: "Nestled amongst your books and papers, Tara bore witness to your greatest triumphs... and your greatest failure. You made yourself a walking cataclysm, the annihilation brewing within you just about held at bay by your constant consumption of magical objects. Tara saw it all, but never left your side."
External links
Gale on the Forgotten Realms Wiki
- Gale's official 5E D&D Character Sheet on D&D Beyond (PDF) (Archived version from 2023-09-04).