Timber patrols the area of the Emerald Grove below the bugbear assassin, at the top of the elevator above the sacred pool. If a character without active interacts with her, she will immediately bite them (no damage) for trespassing on her territory. Passing two Animal Handling (DC 10) checks or a Barbarian Intimidation check (DC 5) results in a compromise being reached and the character being rewarded with a Hyena Ear.
Alternatively, the talking party member may lethally punt Timber against a tree by passing a Dexterity check (DC: 10).
If the The Dark Urge is chosen as Origin, interacting with Timber without Speak with Animals will automatically result in her death. If Speak with Animals is active, choosing the "Last words I won't remember" Dialogue option will kill the squirrel without a check.
Either way, killing Timber earns the Inspirational Event Indulge Thine Appetites (Haunted One background).