Resources are expended to take actions in Baldur's Gate 3. Depleted resources always recharge on taking a long rest, but some recharge on taking short rests. Additionally, some resources recharge in combat, and generally do so at the beginning of the next turn.
Common resources
Common resources are used by all creatures.
- Action
- Actions recharge on the start of the next turn.
- Bonus action
- Bonus actions recharge on the start of the next turn.
- Reaction
- Reactions restart on the start of the next turn.
- Movement
- Movement is used to move a certain distance per turn. Recharges on the start of the next turn.
Class resources
Class resources are resources only available to classes with the related class features.
Spell slots
- Spellcasting spell slots
- Spell slots are used by classes with the spellcasting feature to cast spells. They recharge on a long rest.
- Pact Magic spell slots
- Used by warlocks to cast spells. They recharge on a short rest.
Class features charges
- Arcane Recovery Charges (Wizard)
- Bardic Inspiration Charges (Bard)
- Channel Divinity Charges (Cleric)
- Channel Oath Charges (Paladin)
- Fungal Infestation Charges (Circle of the Spores Druid)
- Lay on Hands Charges (Paladin)
- Ki Points (Monk)
- Natural Recovery Charges (Circle of the Land Druid)
- Rage Charges (Barbarian)
- Sorcery Points (Sorcerer)
- Superiority Dice (Battle Master Fighter)
- Tides of Chaos Charges (Wild Magic Sorcerer)
- War Priest Charges (War Domain Cleric)
- Wild Shape Charges (Druid)