Wren is one of the Shadow Druids conspiring with Kagha to overtake the Emerald Grove in the name of their violent order. Wren can be found in the Inner Sanctum with his fellow Shadow Druids Olodan and Pinta, all of whom are Wild Shaped as rats. If interacting with them using Speak with Animals, they remain silent and non-threatening.
When enough evidence of Kagha's schemes are exposed, Olodan and her druids reveal themselves and admit to their plans. Regardless of whether the party persuades Kagha to turn on them, Wren fights to the death alongside the Shadow Druids.
Assume shape of a polar bear that can Goad enemies into attacking it. The polar bear has a starting health of 30 hit points that increases every two druid levels.
While in animal shape, you can't talk or cast spells. You take on the attribution of your beast form - excluding your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores.
When your beast form drops to 0 hit points, you revert to your normal form.