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< Halsin
Revision as of 09:09, 7 December 2023 by Misty Kathrine (talk | contribs) (→‎Party Banter: Added banter between Halsin and Shadowheart)
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Companion Approval Banter Romance
Astarion  Astarion Approval Banter Romance
Gale  Gale Approval Banter Romance
Karlach  Karlach Approval Banter Romance
Lae'zel  Lae'zel Approval Banter Romance
Shadowheart  Shadowheart Approval Banter Romance
Wyll  Wyll Approval Banter Romance
Halsin  Halsin Approval Banter Romance
Minthara  Minthara Approval Banter Romance
Jaheira  Jaheira Approval Banter n/a
Minsc  Minsc Approval Banter n/a

Template:CompanionTab A collection of Halsin's remarks and overhead conversations with other characters.



  • Hmm?
  • What comes now?
  • Yes?
  • I am ready.
  • Oak Father, watch over your servant.
  • Whatever shall it be?
  • What comes next?
  • I am ready, whatever may come.
  • There is much to do.
  • What shall it be?
  • I am prepared.
  • I am here.
  • Silvanus' blessings.
  • What is needed?
  • Oak Father's blessings.
  • Shall we continue?
  • Speak to me.
  • The Oak Father's work is never done.

Selected (in combat)

  • We shall carry the day.
  • Nature shall be defended, at any cost.
  • Let our enemies' corpses nourish the ground.
  • Oak Father, harden my heart.
  • None can withstand nature's wrath.
  • Silvanus, guide my blows.
  • Unleash me.
  • Let us see the battle won.
  • The scent of blood is in the air.
  • Enemies afoot.
  • I am ready.
  • Nature's fury shall not be checked.
  • I shall not yield.
  • Whatever may come, I stand ready.
  • Enemies abound.
  • Oak Father, shield your servant.
  • We shall prevail.
  • Let none stand in our way.

Selected (sneaking)

  • Yes?
  • Low and quiet.
  • What comes next?
  • May nature cloak me.
  • I am ready.
  • I must whisper.
  • What is it?
  • To work.
  • The Oak Father's work is never-ending.
  • I am prepared.
  • Unseen, and ready.
  • Gently does it.
  • Oak Father, guide me.
  • Mmm-hmm?
  • I am stooped, but ready.
  • Need to keep quiet.
  • What is to be done?

Selection spam

  • What I would not give for a chunk of fresh honeycomb...
  • Such attention... I never realised I was so popular.
  • Are you feeling lonely, perhaps?
  • Unwise, perhaps, to poke a bear this much...

Selection spam (in combat)

  • Battle is afoot - you can poke me once we are safe.
  • Perhaps try attacking the enemy?
  • Admirable stamina, yet terrible priorities.
  • You are insistent, are you not?

Selection spam (sneaking)

  • Most consider it unwise to poke a bear.
  • My, you are eager, are you not?
  • Please. I am trying to be stealthy.
  • Calm yourself. There is plenty of me to go around.


  • Very well.
  • On my way.
  • Yes.
  • Off I go.
  • I shall move there.
  • Over there? So be it.
  • So be it.
  • One moment.
  • Making my way.
  • The very spot.
  • Over there? Of course.
  • Oak Father, guide my step.
  • Moving.
  • It shall be so.
  • I shall go.
  • There I shall be.
  • Over I go.
  • Better move.
  • I see.
  • At once.
  • Here I go.
  • Time to move.
  • Right away.
  • If that is where I am needed.

Moving (in combat)

  • That is where I am needed.
  • Moving.
  • Silvanus, guide my step.
  • Yes.
  • On my way.
  • Right away.
  • Cannot give up now.
  • Moving to position.
  • I cannot falter.
  • Must keep going.
  • Oak Father, guide me.
  • I see. At once.
  • With haste.
  • I must not stop.
  • On the move.
  • I must reach there.
  • There.
  • No time to spare.

Moving (sneaking)

  • Gently does it...
  • There? Very well.
  • There? Of course.
  • Low and quiet.
  • At once.
  • I must get into position.
  • I see. It shall be done.
  • Over I go.
  • I must be light of step.
  • I need to get there - unseen.
  • Yes.
  • Time to move.


  • Stealth is in order.
  • Oak Father, let me go unnoticed.
  • Quite a bulk to conceal...
  • I shall avoid every gaze.
  • May I be unseen, like nature's smallest creatures.
  • Time to conceal myself.
  • Unseen. Nature shields me.
  • I must hide.
  • I must be as the snake - low and quiet.
  • Down I go...
  • Oak Father, avert all eyes from me...
  • Let none see me.

Hiding (in combat)

  • Oak Father, guide my hand.
  • All shall fall before nature's fury.
  • Let stealth be my weapon.
  • The worms shall feast on nature's foes.
  • I shall die before I yield.
  • I shall prevail.
  • I must protect the Oak Father's realm.
  • I shall see this battle won.
  • Oak Father, I fight for you.
  • Nature's strength lies within me.
  • I shall not relent.
  • Let nature's enemies lie broken.

At low health

  • The life is ebbing out of me. I need aid.
  • I am close to my limit.
  • I will perish without aid.

Can't fit in a small hole

  • Optimistic, to think I can fit through there.

Can't fit in a tiny hole

  • There is simply no chance. I am far too large.

Can't use an item

  • This is not the right moment.

Can't use an item while in combat

  • Hardly the time for this.
  • I cannot allow this to distract me - not now.
  • I must leave this, for now.
  • Better wait until a safer moment.

Finding a locked item

  • Locked. The means to open it may be nearby.
  • I cannot open this. Better look around.
  • Locked. I need to look elsewhere.
  • No use. This must be unlocked from elsewhere.

Looking at an astrolabe

  • Imagine all that lies beyond the stars... even I feel small, in comparison.

Looking into a mirror

  • A touch weary, perhaps.
  • More like my father, with each passing day.
  • Not bad, for a druid of my vintage.

Looking into a telescope

  • What can I spy?

Surprised by mimic

  • Another mimic. Damnable things.
  • A mimic - hidden in plain sight.

After a Short Rest

  • A welcome rest.
  • Most refreshing.
  • I needed that.
  • A short respite, but better than nothing.

Location Remarks

Act Two

Ico knownSpells lvl 02.png Act 2 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.

Act Three

Ico knownSpells lvl 03.png Act 3 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.

Party Banter

Halsin Approval.png Halsin and Astarion Astarion Approval.png


Halsin Approval.png Halsin and Gale Gale Approval.png


Halsin Approval.png Halsin and Karlach Karlach Approval.png


Halsin Approval.png Halsin and Lae'zel Lae'zel Approval.png


Halsin Approval.png Halsin and Shadowheart Shadowheart Approval.png

  • Halsin: Once, you could hear nature's symphony in this place. Now it is quiet. Quiet and dead.
  • Shadowheart: I can make some animal noises, if it'll make you feel more at home.
  • Halsin: You bleat well enough as it is.

Halsin Approval.png Halsin and Wyll Wyll Approval.png


Halsin Approval.png Halsin and Jaheira Jaheira Approval.png


Halsin Approval.png Halsin and Minsc Minsc Approval.png
