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Watchman Gyordi is a member of The Watch in the Upper City in Act Three. He attempts to flee High Hall's courtyard after it has been overrun by forces belonging to the Absolute.

Portrait Gyordi.png
City Watch - with me! We'll follow you. To our last breaths.


During the initial battle for High Hall, a large force of infiltrated Absolutist cultists coming from the Upper City Sewers destroys the keep and routs the City Watch away from it, forcing what remains of the Watch to flee.[1] Faced with severe casualties, the last remaining remnants of the Watch are composed of Gyordi, Ebber Ebber, Fry Fry, Goodge Goodge, Matthew Matthew, and Preyn Preyn. A Mind Flayer vaporizes Matthew and Preyn as the Watchmen try to flee from the High Hall, before being confronted with the party.

Gyordi is leading the remaining Watchmen out of the courtyard as he meets the party. His is, if present, frightened by the Mind Flayer (be it the player character, Karlach Karlach, The Emperor The Emperor, or Orpheus Orpheus). Passing a passive DC 20 Insight check allows for the option of having the remaining Watchmen fight at the party's side.

A Mind Flayer player character can convince Gyordi to partake in the ensuing battle as City Watch allies with a DC 18 ability check:

  • [PERSUASION] I'm not like other mind flayers. I'm here to save you. Fight with me. (DC 18)
  • [INTIMIDATION] While the High Hall stands, you've no right to leave. Get back to your duty - fight. (DC 18)
  • [INTIMIDATION] Join me in the fight against the brain or I'll turn you into a thrall right now. (DC 18)
  • [STRENGTH] If you leave now, the brain will kill you anyway, and turn you into its slaves. You may as well fight with me. For your own salvation. (DC 18)

A non-Mind Flayer needs to pass a DC 20 ability check to convince them.

  • [PERSUASION] This mind flayer is not like the others. This one will save you. Fight with us. (DC 20)
  • [DECEPTION] This mind flayer is my thrall. Fight with us, and we'll defeat the brain together. (DC 20)
  • [INTIMIDATION] Join us, or I'll set the mind flayer on you. (DC 20)
  • [STRENGTH] If you leave now, the brain will kill you anyway, and turn you into its slaves. You may as well fight with me. For your own salvation. (DC 20)

If the party's Mind Flayer is too far away and dialogue starts with the Watchmen oblivious to it, the insight check instead reveals Gyordi is completely dejected and has given up, but still retains hope that something will happen to tip the odds:

  • [PERSUASION] It's not too late. Fight with us. For Baldur's Gate. (DC 20)
  • [INTIMIDATION] While the High Hall stands, you've no right to leave. Get back to your duty - fight. (DC 20)
  • [WISDOM] If you leave now, the brain will kill you anyway, and turn you into its slaves. Fight with us, for your own salvation. (DC 20)
  • [PALADIN] [PERSUASION] The fires of adversity forge the most noble heroes. Stand by your city. Stand by your people. (DC 20 Advantage Icon.png) (non-Vengeance/Oathbreaker)
  • [OATHBREAKER] [PERSUASION] Oh, you think this is scary? Wait until you see what I do if you leave. That will be scary. (DC 20 Advantage Icon.png)
  • [VENGEANCE] [PERSUASION] If you leave now, I will hunt you down as the cowards you are. Your choice. (DC 20 Advantage Icon.png)
  • [BARD] [PERSUASION] When legends recall this day - will you be a valiant sentinel or a cowering runaway? (DC 20)
  • [NEUTRAL CLERIC] [GOOD CLERIC] [PERSUASION] Stay and fight - even if you die here, you will die a martyr. Your soul lauded forever. (DC 20)
  • [NEUTRAL CLERIC] [GOOD CLERIC] [PERSUASION] Run if you must, it will not help. You will be judged, and your soul will be forfeit. (DC 20)
  • [FIGHTER] [PERSUASION] You knew the risk when you signed your sword arm to protect this city. Stay. (DC 20)
  • [MONK] [PERSUASION] Fear is natural right now. But still your heart, focus your mind. Stay - fight - win. (DC 20)
  • [RANGER] [PERSUASION] Never turn your back on a predator you don't understand. Running now won't save you. (DC 20 Advantage Icon.png)
  • [ROGUE] [INTIMIDATION] To the victor go the spoils - the Duke said anything you find while fighting, you get to keep. (DC 20)
  • [SORCERER] [INTIMIDATION] Once I burn these aberrations to dust, I will turn my ire on any who ran on this day. (DC 20)
  • [WARLOCK] [PERSUASION] Let your patron run their magic through these guards - convince them to stay. (DC 20 Advantage Icon.png)
  • [WARLOCK] [ARCANA] Running would be futile, this is exactly what will happen if illithids take Baldur's Gate... (DC 20 Advantage Icon.png)

If passing any of these checks, Gyordi rallies the rest of the Watchmen and encourages them to fight with the party during the courtyard battle.


Attacks and abilities

Cleave Cleave ()   –  Greatsword
Damage: 4 + modifiers
4 + half weaponDamage TypesSlashing

Swing your weapon in a large arc to attack up to 3 enemies at once. They each take half the damage your weapon usually deals.

AoE: 2 m / 7 ft (Cone)
Recharge: Short rest
Main Hand Attack.webp
Main Hand Attack Main Hand Attack ()   –  Greatsword
Damage: 6~16
D6 Slashing.png
2d6 + 4Damage TypesSlashing

Make a melee attack with your equipped weapon.

 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
Pommel Strike.webp
Pommel Strike Pommel Strike ()   –  Greatsword
Damage: 1~4

Make a non-lethal attack against an enemy and possibly Daze Daze them.

CON Save
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
Recharge: Short rest
Rush Attack.webp
Rush Attack Rush Attack ()   –  Greatsword
Damage: 5~8
D4 Piercing.png
1d4 + 4Damage TypesPiercing

Charge forward and attack the first enemy in your way, possibly pushing them Off Balance Off Balance.

STR Save
 Range: 9 m / 30 ft
Recharge: Short rest

Notable loot



  • Gyordi and the rest of the named Watchmen have identical stats to the Watcher Guardian Watcher Guardians that can be summoned through the Gather Your Allies Gather Your Allies action The Watch The Watch.
  • Gyordi and the rest of the named Watchmen's armour is similar in appearance to the Breastplate +1 dyed in blue, brown, and black colours, rather than the plate armour specifically designed and seen on the rest of The Watch.
    • Gyordi's breastplate is exclusively coloured black and blue, rather than having brown accents.
    • Gyordi also wears the Scalpspike Helm.
