2 rows are stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
description | Wikitext | Sold by Grat the Trader
location | String | Goblin Camp |
x | Int | |
y | Int | |
Field | Field type | Value |
description | Wikitext | On the cliff-side North of the Githyanki patrol in the Mountain Pass
location | String | |
x | Int | |
y | Int | |
1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Allowed values | Value |
rarity | String | common · uncommon · rare · very rare · legendary · story | common |
icon | File | | Metal Shield Flaming Fist Unfaded Icon.png |
uid | String | | WPN_HUM_Shield_FlamingFist |
1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Allowed values | Value |
name | String | | Metal Shield |
uid | String | | WPN_HUM_Shield_FlamingFist |
image | File | | Metal Shield Flaming Fist Icon.png |
controller_icon | File | | Metal Shield Flaming Fist Unfaded.png |
icon | File | | Metal Shield Flaming Fist Unfaded Icon.png |
description | Wikitext | | The Metal Shield is a common Shield emblazoned with the symbol of the Flaming Fist mercenaries.
quote | Wikitext | | Though the metal is only of moderate quality, a proud, flaming fist decorates the front of this shield.
where_to_find | Wikitext | | Sold by Grat the Trader
type | String | | Shields |
proficiency | String | Light Armour · Medium Armour · Heavy Armour · Shields | Shields |
armour_class | String | | |
armour_class_bonus | String | | +2 |
stealth_disadvantage | Boolean | | No |
rarity | String | common · uncommon · rare · very rare · legendary · story | common |
rarity_order | Integer | | 0 |
enchantment | String | | |
weight_kg | String | | 2.7 |
weight_lb | String | | 5.4 |
price | String | | 15 |
passives | List of String, delimiter: , | | |
special | Wikitext | | |
legacy | String | inaccessible · unobtainable | |
bugs | Wikitext | | |