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Table structure:
- rarity - String (allowed values: common · uncommon · rare · very rare · legendary · story)
- icon - File
- uid - String
This table has 4,590 rows altogether.
Page | rarity | icon | uid |
'Freedom' (edit) | story | ||
'Hshar'lak Voss' (edit) | common | ||
'Let's meet' (edit) | common | ||
'Magic' Ring (edit) | common | DEN_Thiefling_Ring5 | |
'Miracles' of the Outer City (edit) | common | BOOK_UNI_WYR_ReportedMiracles | |
'Missing' Poster (edit) | common | S_FOR_MarkedPost_Poster | |
'One last chance' (edit) | common | ||
'The Cell' (edit) | story | ||
'The Hanging' (edit) | story | ||
'To silence' (edit) | common | ||
+1 Breastplate (edit) | common | S_WYR_Circus_WheelPrize_ArmorPlusOne | |
1st Level Spell Scrolls (edit) | common | ||
2nd Level Spell Scrolls (edit) | common | ||
3rd Level Spell Scrolls (edit) | common | ||
4th Level Spell Scrolls (edit) | common | ||
5th Level Spell Scrolls (edit) | common | ||
6th Level Spell Scrolls (edit) | common | ||
A Breakthrough at Last (edit) | common | ||
A Brush with Evil: On Hags (edit) | common | BOOK_GEN_World_GuideOnHags001 | |
A Fall of Netheril (edit) | common | BOOK_UNI_LOW_HouseOfHope_DevilsDesires | |
A Father's Diary (edit) | common | S_LOW_CountingHouse_Vault5_Book | |
A Future (To Vilmina) (edit) | common | BOOK_LOW_WaterQueen'sHouse_TwosdayIsOneday | |
A Greeting to this Home's New Occupants (edit) | common | BOOK_UNI_LOW_GarlowsDeparture | |
A Guide to Avernus - One Hellish Holiday (edit) | common | BOOK_GEN_World_GuideToAvernus | |
A Heartfelt Confession (edit) | common | BOOK_LOW_BlushingMermaid_BlushingConfession | |
A History of the Flaming Fist (edit) | common | BOOK_GLO_GeneralLoreBook_TheFlamingFist | |
A Home for Every Working Baldurian! (edit) | common | BOOK_LOW_Baldur\u0027sMouth_AHomeForEveryWorking Baldurian2 | |
A Hunter's Guide to Hags (edit) | common | ||
A is for Azuth, and other Gods I (edit) | common | ||
A is for Azuth, and other Gods II (edit) | common | BOOK_GEN_Gods_AforAzuth2 | |
A is for Azuth, and other Gods III (edit) | common | BOOK_GEN_Gods_AforAzuth3 | |
A is for Azuth, and other Gods IX (edit) | common | BOOK_GEN_Gods_AforAzuth9 | |
A is for Azuth, and other Gods VI (edit) | common | BOOK_GEN_Gods_AforAzuth6 | |
A is for Azuth, and other Gods VII (edit) | common | BOOK_GEN_Gods_AforAzuth7 | |
A is for Azuth, and other Gods XI (edit) | common | BOOK_GEN_Gods_AforAzuth11 | |
A Letter For Home (edit) | common | BOOK_LOW_OskarsBeloved_BardSonFunds | |
A letter from the Healer (edit) | common | BOOK_LOW_BonecloakApothecary_PossibleCure | |
A List of Essential Personnel (edit) | common | BOOK_UNI_LOW_HoH_EssentialPersonnel | |
A Little Djinni Ditty (edit) | common | BOOK_LOW_Djinni_Journal | |
A Little Gift (edit) | common | ||
A Memory (To Vilmina) (edit) | common | BOOK_LOW_WaterQueen'sHouse_MyAngelfish | |
A Modest Guide To Sword Coast Wine (edit) | common | UNI_BOOK_LOW_SerialKiller_Highberrys_WinesOfSwordCoast | |
A Mother's Loathing (edit) | common | CONS_Hag_Mothers_Loathing | |
A Mummy's Memories (edit) | common | S_LOW_BasementBookPhilgraves | |
A Murderous Masterpiece (edit) | common | UNI_BOOK_LOW_SerialKiller_DoppelgangerReports_Figaros | |
A Negotiation (edit) | common | ||
A New Blasphemy: Bloodletting and Sanguine Arcana (edit) | common | BOOK_UNI_WYR_IlmaterBloodDrive | |
A Note from Vompter (edit) | common | BOOK_LOW_SorcerousSundries_LampHint | |
A Note of Thanks (edit) | common | BOOK_LOW_TheLodge_InvitationThanks | |
A page from Sarevok's book (edit) | common | ||
A PARDON (edit) | common | S_LOW_CountingHouse_GuildDebts | |
A Plan for Chaos (edit) | common | ||
A Plea (edit) | common | UNI_BOOK_LOW_StormshoreTabernacle_TabernacleAdrielleHelpRequest | |
A Plea for Freedom (edit) | common | BOOK_LOW_Graveyard_WishAgainstGortash | |
A Plea for Protection (edit) | common | BOOK_LOW_Graveyard_WishOfProtection | |
A Plea to Gortash (edit) | common | BOOK_LOW_IronThrone_MyShamefulSecret | |
A Plea to the Gods (edit) | common | BOOK_LOW_Graveyard_WishOfStrength | |
A Pleasurable Deal (edit) | common | BOOK_GEN_Races_ScandalousCambionPlay | |
A Pleasurable Deal: The Shocking Truth (edit) | common | BOOK_GEN_Races_ScandalousCambionPlayInterview | |
A Primer on Mythical Beasts (edit) | common | BOOK_GEN_History_MythicalBeastsPrimer001 | |
A Private Stash Key (edit) | story | ||
A Promising Candidate (edit) | common | UNI_BOOK_LOW_SerialKiller_DoppelgangerReports_WineFestival | |
A Public Danger! (edit) | common | ||
A Query from DeHurst (edit) | common | ||
A Rich and Fertile Land (edit) | common | ||
A sheep butchered with creative zeal. (edit) | common | BOOK_UNI_WYR_ButcheryPoster | |
A Sparking Promise (edit) | rare | MAG_ChargedLightning_EnsnaringShock_Ring | |
A Sprinter's Guide to Goblins (edit) | common | BOOK_GLO_GeneralLoreBook_GuideToGoblinoids | |
A Study of Ores (edit) | common | BOOK_LOW_TheLodge_OreResearch | |
A Study of Spores and their Supraterranean Effects (edit) | common | BOOK_LOW_TheLodge_SporesStudy | |
A Swift and Sudden Death (edit) | common | BOOK_UNI_MOO_SwiftAndSuddenDeath | |
A Tenday's Prayers to Gond (edit) | common | ||
A Tour of Tempest (edit) | common | BOOK_LOW_WaterQueen'sHouse_ATourOfTempest | |
A Traveller's Guide to Baldur's Gate (edit) | common | S_DEN_TieflingLeaderBook1 | |
A Warning to the Sword Coast (edit) | common | BOOK_GEN_Races_WarningAgainstTieflings | |
A Wizard's Farewell (edit) | common | S_ORI_Gale_GoodbyeLetter | |
A Wizard's Tasklist (edit) | common | ||
Abandoned House Chest Key (edit) | story | ||
Abandoned Journal (edit) | common | S_SHA_Barracs_AbandonedJusticiarJournal | |
Abandoned Journal (Lower City) (edit) | common | BOOK_IRN_IronThrone_GondianHostageDiary | |
Abattoir Key (edit) | story | ||
Abazigal, the Fourth (edit) | common | BOOK_UNI_LC_MurderTableauNote04 | |
ABC, the Liches and Me (edit) | common | BOOK_LOW_SorcerousSundries_PitfallsOfLichdom | |
Abdel's Trusted Shield (edit) | very rare | MAG_MissileProtection_Shield | |
Aberration Hunters' Amulet (edit) | uncommon | CRE_MAG_Githborn_Amulet | |
About Creation of Orphic Hammer (edit) | common | BOOK_UNI_LOW_HoH_OrphicHammer | |
Absolute Confidence Amulet (edit) | uncommon | MAG_TheOptimist_Amulet | |
Absolute Orders: Newborn (edit) | common | WYR_Windmill_AbsoluteLetter | |
Absolute Outfit (edit) | common | Generated_ARM_Camp_Cultist_Absolute | |
Absolute's Protector (edit) | rare | MAG_Absolute_Protecter_Shield | |
Absolute's Smite (edit) | uncommon | UNI_FOR_DeathOfATrueSoul_TrueSoul_Ring | |
Absolute's Talisman (edit) | uncommon | GOB_Priest_Amulet | |
Absolute's Warboard (edit) | uncommon | UNI_Gob_Priest_Shield | |
Absolutely Unnerving (edit) | common | BOOK_GLO_GeneralLoreBook_AbsoluteCultStudy | |
Absolutist Expedition Key (edit) | story | ||
Absolutist Expedition Trunk (edit) | common | ||
Absolving the Wayward Heart (edit) | common | S_LOW_GriefHelpBook_007 | |
Abyss Beckoners (edit) | very rare | MAG_Zhentarim_Demonspirit_Gloves | |
Accelerated Grand Design (edit) | common | S_WYR_KillDirectorGortash_AcceleratedGrandDesign | |
Account of the Establishment of Crèche Y'llek (edit) | common |