"item_locations" values
4 rows are stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
description | Wikitext | Worn by Isobel if she is killed after dealing with the Nightsong but before completing the assault on Moonrise |
location | String | Last Light Inn |
x | Int | -60 |
y | Int | 158 |
Field | Field type | Value |
description | Wikitext | Worn by Isobel if she is kidnapped by Marcus or killed at Last Light Inn before dealing with the Nightsong |
location | String | Mind Flayer Colony |
x | Int | 861 |
y | Int | -23 |
Field | Field type | Value |
description | Wikitext | Worn by Isobel if the Nightsong is killed or imprisoned by Lorroakan |
location | String | Ramazith's Tower |
x | Int | |
y | Int |
Field | Field type | Value |
description | Wikitext | Worn by Isobel if she joins the camp |
location | String | Campsite (Act Two) |
x | Int | |
y | Int |
"item_icon" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Allowed values | Value |
rarity | String | common · uncommon · rare · very rare · legendary · story | rare |
icon | File | ||
uid | String | MAG_Harpers_JhannylGloves |
"equipment" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Allowed values | Value |
name | String | Jhannyl's Gloves | |
uid | String | MAG_Harpers_JhannylGloves | |
image | File | ||
controller_icon | File | ||
icon | File | ||
description | Wikitext | Jhannyl's Gloves are a rare pair of Gloves that lets the wearer automatically cast Lesser Restoration on themselves when they become Blinded, Paralysed or Poisoned. | |
quote | Wikitext | Divine runes accentuate the finger pads. While not a religious sect, the Harpers do not demand the occlusion of religion in their members. | |
where_to_find | Wikitext | Worn by Isobel if she is killed after dealing with the Nightsong but before completing the assault on Moonrise | |
type | String | Gloves | |
proficiency | String | Light Armour · Medium Armour · Heavy Armour · Shields | |
armour_class | String | ||
armour_class_bonus | String | ||
stealth_disadvantage | Boolean | No | |
rarity | String | common · uncommon · rare · very rare · legendary · story | rare |
rarity_order | Integer | 2 | |
enchantment | String | ||
weight_kg | String | 0.5 | |
weight_lb | String | 1 | |
price | String | 240 | |
passives | List of String, delimiter: , | Defy Villainy | |
special | Wikitext | ||
legacy | String | inaccessible · unobtainable | |
bugs | Wikitext |