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Steel Watcher (creature): Difference between revisions

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{{SmIconLink | Surprised Condition Icon.webp | Surprised (Condition) | Surprised }}<br>
{{SmIconLink | Surprised Condition Icon.webp | Surprised (Condition) | Surprised }}<br>
{{SmIconLink | Poisoned Condition Icon.webp | Poisoned (Condition) | Poisoned }}
{{SmIconLink | Poisoned Condition Icon.webp | Poisoned (Condition) | Poisoned }}
=== {{IconText | Target MainHandAttack.png | Main Hand Attack }}===
Despite being a melee attack, this attack has a range. The Steel Watcher strikes the ground, anyone standing in the affected line risks being hit. Targets hit will be knocked [[Prone (Condition)|Prone]] and [[Maimed (Condition)|Maimed]].
{{Description | Strike with a colossal blade to knock the target Prone and Maim them.}}
{{Attack Roll}}<br>
{{SmIconLink | size = 25 | Prone Condition Icon.webp | Prone }} {{Duration|1}}<br>
{{SmIconLink | size = 25 | Crippled Condition Icon.webp | Maimed (Condition) | Maimed }} {{Duration|2}}
{{DamageInfo | 3d12+4 | type = Slashing}}
=== {{IconText | Projectile MainHandAttack.png | Debilitating Shot}} ===
{{Description | Fire a hefty ballista bolt that may Pin Down the target.}}
{{Attack Roll}}<br>
{{SmIconLink | size = 25 | Pin Down Icon.png | Pinned (Condition) | Pin Down }} {{Duration|1}}
=== {{IconText | Generic Utility Icon.png | Reposition Malefactor}} ===
Pulls the target close to the Steel Watcher.
{{Description | Pull a miscreant towards you for more thorough correction.}}
=== {{IconText | PassiveFeature Failsafe Protocol.png | Self-Detonate}} ===
Characters close to the Steel Watcher are caught in an explosion. The Watcher is in the center. This attack ignores {{Resistance|Fire|resistant|20px}}resistance and {{Resistance|Fire|immune|17px}}immunity to Fire damage. Target will still take half damage on a successful {{SavingThrow|DEX}}.
{{Description | Explode in a burst of raging hellfire - eliminate all nearby wrongdoers. Hellfire ignores resistance and immunity to Fire damage.}}
{{DamageInfo|4d12+26|type=Fire| save = Dexterity | save effect = half }}

== Noteable Loot ==
== Noteable Loot ==

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