Ad placeholder

User:Crashaholic/ActionTemplate: Difference between revisions

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(spacing fix)
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== Description ==
<h2> Description </h2>
{{#lvardef: hasprop | {{#if: {{{damage|}}} | 1}}{{#if: {{{cost|}}} | 1}}{{#if: {{{concentration|}}} | 1}}{{#if: {{{recharge|}}} | 1}}{{#if: {{{distance|}}} | 1}}{{#if: {{{aoe|}}} | 1}}0}}
{{#lvardef: hasprop | {{#if: {{{damage|}}} | 1}}{{#if: {{{cost|}}} | 1}}{{#if: {{{concentration|}}} | 1}}{{#if: {{{recharge|}}} | 1}}{{#if: {{{distance|}}} | 1}}{{#if: {{{aoe|}}} | 1}}0}}
{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: hasprop}} > 0| == Properties ==
{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: hasprop}} > 0| == Properties ==
<!--DONT DO HACKS AT HOME KIDS-->{{#lvardef:action|0}}
{{#if: {{{damage|}}} |
{{#lvardef: amt|}}{{#lvardef: typ|}}{{#lvardef: mod|}}{{#lvardef: per|}}{{#lvardef: sav|}}{{#lvardef: sfx|}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage|}}}}}|amounttext:}}||| {{#lvardef: amttxt|{{#rmatch: {{{damage|}}}|amounttext:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=0}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage|}}}}}|amount:}}||| {{#lvardef: amt|{{#rmatch: {{{damage|}}}|amount:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage|}}}}}|type:}}|||{{#lvardef: typ|{{#rmatch: {{{damage|}}}|type:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage|}}}}}|mod:}}|||{{#lvardef: mod|{{#rmatch: {{{damage|}}}|mod:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage|}}}}}|per:}}|||{{#lvardef: dot|{{#rmatch: {{{damage|}}}|per:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage|}}}}}|save:}}|||{{#lvardef: sav|{{#rmatch: {{{damage|}}}|save:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage|}}}}}|save effect:}}|||{{#lvardef: sfx|{{#rmatch: {{{damage|}}}|save effect:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#lvardef: dmg1|{{#if: {{#lvar: amttxt}}|{{DamageText|{{#lvar: amttxt}} |{{#lvar: typ}}}}|{{DamageInfo|{{#lvar: amt}}|{{#lvar: typ}}}}|modifier = {{#lvar:mod}}|per = {{#lvar: dot}}|save = {{#lvar: sav}}|save effect = {{#lvar: sfx}}}}}}}}
{{#if: {{{damage2|}}} |
{{#lvardef: amttxt|}}{{#lvardef: amt|}}{{#lvardef: typ|}}{{#lvardef: mod|}}{{#lvardef: per|}}{{#lvardef: sav|}}{{#lvardef: sfx|}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage2|}}}}}|amounttext:}}||| {{#lvardef: amttxt|{{#rmatch: {{{damage2|}}}|amounttext:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=0}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage2|}}}}}|amount:}}||| {{#lvardef: amt|{{#rmatch: {{{damage2|}}}|amount:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage2|}}}}}|type:}}|||{{#lvardef: typ|{{#rmatch: {{{damage2|}}}|type:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage2|}}}}}|mod:}}|||{{#lvardef: mod|{{#rmatch: {{{damage2|}}}|mod:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage2|}}}}}|per:}}|||{{#lvardef: dot|{{#rmatch: {{{damage2|}}}|per:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage2|}}}}}|save:}}|||{{#lvardef: sav|{{#rmatch: {{{damage2|}}}|save:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage2|}}}}}|save effect:}}|||{{#lvardef: sfx|{{#rmatch: {{{damage2|}}}|save effect:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#lvardef: dmg2|{{#if: {{#lvar: amttxt}}|{{DamageText|{{#lvar: amttxt}} |{{#lvar: typ}}}}|{{DamageInfo|{{#lvar: amt}}|{{#lvar: typ}}}}|modifier = {{#lvar:mod}}|per = {{#lvar: dot}}|save = {{#lvar: sav}}|save effect = {{#lvar: sfx}}}}}}}}
{{#if: {{{damage|}}}| {{#if:{{{damage2|}}}| {{InfoBlob|{{#lvar: dmg1}} + {{#lvar: dmg2}}}} | {{#lvar: dmg1}}}}|{{blank}}}}
    {{#if: {{#lvar: amttxt}}|<p>|}}
Line 68: Line 43:
{{#rmatch: {{{cost|}}}|supdie|{{#lvardef:sd|{{#rmatch:{{{cost|}}}|supdie:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}} {{#lvardef:hasothers|1}}<!--add cargo in this place-->| <!--Superiority Die-->
{{#rmatch: {{{cost|}}}|supdie|{{#lvardef:sd|{{#rmatch:{{{cost|}}}|supdie:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}} {{#lvardef:hasothers|1}}<!--add cargo in this place-->| <!--Superiority Die-->
{{#rmatch: {{{cost|}}}|warpri|{{#lvardef:wp|{{#rmatch:{{{cost|}}}|warpri:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}} {{#lvardef:hasothers|1}}<!--add cargo in this place-->| <!--War Priest-->
{{#rmatch: {{{cost|}}}|warpri|{{#lvardef:wp|{{#rmatch:{{{cost|}}}|warpri:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}} {{#lvardef:hasothers|1}}<!--add cargo in this place-->| <!--War Priest-->
{{#rmatch: {{{cost|}}}|wldshp|{{#lvardef:ws|{{#rmatch:{{{cost|}}}|wldshp:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}} {{#lvardef:hasothers|1}}<!--add cargo in this place-->|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}} <!--Wild Shape-->
{{#rmatch: {{{cost|}}}|wldshp|{{#lvardef:ws|{{#rmatch:{{{cost|}}}|wldshp:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}} {{#lvardef:hasothers|1}}<!--add cargo in this place-->|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}}|caseless=1}} <!--Wild Shape--> {{#ifeq: {{#lvar: hasaction}} | 1 | {{#lvardef:hascost|1}} | {{#ifeq: {{#lvar: hasothers}} | 1 | {{#lvardef:hascost|1}} }}}} <!-- Find out if Cost: is needed -->
<!--if you think i know what im doing, ymmv-->
<!--if you think i know what im doing, ymmv--><dl class="bg3wiki-property-list">
{{#ifeq: {{#lvar: reaction}} | 1 | {{action|reaction}} | {{#ifeq: {{#lvar: action}} | 1 | {{#ifeq: {{#lvar: bonus}}| 1 | {{action|both}}<!--1,1--> | {{action}}<!--1,0-->}} | {{#ifeq: {{#lvar: bonus}} | 1 | {{action|bonus}}<!--0,1--> | {{blank}}<!--0,0-->}}}}}} {{#ifeq: {{#lvar: hasaction}} | 1 | {{#ifeq: {{#lvar: hasothers}} | 1 | +}}}} {{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: ar}} > 0|{{R|name=ar|count={{#lvar: ar}}}}}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: bi}} > 0|{{R|name=bi|count={{#lvar: bi}}}}}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: cd}} > 0|{{R|name=cd|count={{#lvar: cd}}}}}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: co}} > 0|{{R|name=co|count={{#lvar: co}}}}}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: ki}} > 0|{{R|name=ki|count={{#lvar: ki}}}}}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: lh}} > 0|{{R|name=lh|count={{#lvar: lh}}}}}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: rg}} > 0|{{R|name=rg|count={{#lvar: rg}}}}}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: sd}} > 0|{{R|name=sd|count={{#lvar: sd}}}}}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: wp}} > 0|{{R|name=wp|count={{#lvar: wp}}}}}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: ws}} > 0|{{R|name=ws|count={{#lvar: ws}}}}}}
{{#ifeq: {{#lvar: hasaction}} | 1 |
<dt> Cost:
<dd> {{#ifeq: {{#lvar: reaction}} | 1 | {{action|reaction}} | {{#ifeq: {{#lvar: action}} | 1 | {{#ifeq: {{#lvar: bonus}}| 1 | {{action|both}}<!--1,1--> | {{action}}<!--1,0-->}} | {{#ifeq: {{#lvar: bonus}} | 1 | {{action|bonus}}<!--0,1--> | {{blank}}<!--0,0-->}}}}}} {{#ifeq: {{#lvar: hasaction}} | 1 | {{#ifeq: {{#lvar: hasothers}} | 1 | +}}}} {{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: ar}} > 0|{{R|name=ar|count={{#lvar: ar}}}}}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: bi}} > 0|{{R|name=bi|count={{#lvar: bi}}}}}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: cd}} > 0|{{R|name=cd|count={{#lvar: cd}}}}}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: co}} > 0|{{R|name=co|count={{#lvar: co}}}}}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: ki}} > 0|{{R|name=ki|count={{#lvar: ki}}}}}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: lh}} > 0|{{R|name=lh|count={{#lvar: lh}}}}}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: rg}} > 0|{{R|name=rg|count={{#lvar: rg}}}}}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: sd}} > 0|{{R|name=sd|count={{#lvar: sd}}}}}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: wp}} > 0|{{R|name=wp|count={{#lvar: wp}}}}}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: ws}} > 0|{{R|name=ws|count={{#lvar: ws}}}}}}
}}{{#if: {{{damage|}}} {{{damage2|}}} |
<dt> Damage:
<dd> {{trim|
{{#if: {{{damage|}}} |
{{#lvardef: amt|}}{{#lvardef: typ|}}{{#lvardef: mod|}}{{#lvardef: per|}}{{#lvardef: sav|}}{{#lvardef: sfx|}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage|}}}}}|amounttext:}}||| {{#lvardef: amttxt|{{#rmatch: {{{damage|}}}|amounttext:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=0}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage|}}}}}|amount:}}||| {{#lvardef: amt|{{#rmatch: {{{damage|}}}|amount:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage|}}}}}|type:}}|||{{#lvardef: typ|{{#rmatch: {{{damage|}}}|type:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage|}}}}}|mod:}}|||{{#lvardef: mod|{{#rmatch: {{{damage|}}}|mod:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage|}}}}}|per:}}|||{{#lvardef: dot|{{#rmatch: {{{damage|}}}|per:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage|}}}}}|save:}}|||{{#lvardef: sav|{{#rmatch: {{{damage|}}}|save:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage|}}}}}|save effect:}}|||{{#lvardef: sfx|{{#rmatch: {{{damage|}}}|save effect:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#lvardef: dmg1|{{#if: {{#lvar: amttxt}}|{{InfoBlob|{{DamageText|{{#lvar: amttxt}} |{{#lvar: typ}}}}}}|{{DamageInfo|{{#lvar: amt}}|{{#lvar: typ}}}}|modifier = {{#lvar:mod}}|per = {{#lvar: dot}}|save = {{#lvar: sav}}|save effect = {{#lvar: sfx}}}}}}}}
{{#if: {{{damage2|}}} |
{{#lvardef: amttxt|}}{{#lvardef: amt|}}{{#lvardef: typ|}}{{#lvardef: mod|}}{{#lvardef: per|}}{{#lvardef: sav|}}{{#lvardef: sfx|}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage2|}}}}}|amounttext:}}||| {{#lvardef: amttxt|{{#rmatch: {{{damage2|}}}|amounttext:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=0}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage2|}}}}}|amount:}}||| {{#lvardef: amt|{{#rmatch: {{{damage2|}}}|amount:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage2|}}}}}|type:}}|||{{#lvardef: typ|{{#rmatch: {{{damage2|}}}|type:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage2|}}}}}|mod:}}|||{{#lvardef: mod|{{#rmatch: {{{damage2|}}}|mod:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage2|}}}}}|per:}}|||{{#lvardef: dot|{{#rmatch: {{{damage2|}}}|per:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage2|}}}}}|save:}}|||{{#lvardef: sav|{{#rmatch: {{{damage2|}}}|save:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{#pos:{{lc:{{{damage2|}}}}}|save effect:}}|||{{#lvardef: sfx|{{#rmatch: {{{damage2|}}}|save effect:\s?([^\s][^,]*)|$1|caseless=1}}}}}}
{{#lvardef: dmg2|{{#if: {{#lvar: amttxt}}|{{InfoBlob|{{DamageText|{{#lvar: amttxt}} |{{#lvar: typ}}}}}}|{{DamageInfo|{{#lvar: amt}}|{{#lvar: typ}}}}|modifier = {{#lvar:mod}}|per = {{#lvar: dot}}|save = {{#lvar: sav}}|save effect = {{#lvar: sfx}}}}}}}}
{{#if: {{{damage|}}}| {{#if:{{{damage2|}}}| {{InfoBlob|{{#lvar: dmg1}} + {{#lvar: dmg2}}}} | {{#lvar: dmg1}}}}|{{blank}}}}
    {{#if: {{#lvar: amttxt}}|<p>|}}
{{trim|{{#if: {{{concentration|}}} |<br/>{{Concentration}} | {{blank}}}}}}
}} {{#if: {{{attack roll|}}} {{{ritual|}}} {{{range|}}} {{{range m|}}} {{{range ft|}}} {{{aoe|}}} {{{concentration|}}} {{{area|}}} {{{recharge|}}} {{{duration|}}} {{{save|}}} {{{additional|}}} |
{{trim|{{#if: {{{recharge|}}} |<br/>{{Recharge|{{{recharge}}}}}| {{blank}}}}}}
<dt> Details: <!-- If you add any further detail fields below, make sure to extend the list above as well. -->
{{#if: {{{attack roll|}}} |
<dd> {{Attack Roll}}
}} {{#if: {{{range|}}} |
<dd> {{Range | {{{range}}} }}
}} {{#if: {{{range m|}}} {{{range ft|}}} |
<dd> {{Range | m = {{{range m}}} | ft = {{{range ft}}} }}
}} {{#if: {{{aoe|}}} |
<dd> {{AOE | {{{aoe}}} | m = {{{aoe m}}} | ft = {{{aoe ft}}} }}
}} {{#if: {{{area|}}} |
<dd> {{SmallIcon|Aoe Icon.png}} Creates Area: {{{area}}}
}} {{#if: {{{ritual|}}} |
<dd> {{Ritual Spell}}
}} {{#if: {{{concentration|}}} |
<dd> {{Concentration}}
}} {{trim|{{#if: {{{recharge|}}} |<br/>{{Recharge|{{{recharge}}}}}| {{blank}}}}
}} {{trim|
{{#if: {{{duration|}}}
{{#if: {{{duration|}}}
|<br/>{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{duration|}}}}}| LR
|<br/>{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{duration|}}}}}| LR
Line 85: Line 103:
}}{{#if: {{{range|}}} |
}} {{trim|
<br> {{Range | {{{range}}} }}
}} {{#if: {{{range m|}}} {{{range ft|}}} |
<br> {{Range | m = {{{range m}}} | ft = {{{range ft}}} }}
}} {{#if: {{{aoe|}}} |
<br> {{AOE | {{{aoe}}} | m = {{{aoe m}}} | ft = {{{aoe ft}}} }}
}} {{#if: {{{area|}}} |
<br> {{SmallIcon|Aoe Icon.png}} Creates Area: {{{area}}}
{{#if: {{{save|}}}
{{#if: {{{save|}}}
{{#lvardef: saveicon | }} {{#lvardef: savetext | }}
{{#lvardef: saveicon | }} {{#lvardef: savetext | }}
Line 111: Line 120:
}}| {{blank}}
}}| {{blank}}
}} {{trim|{{#if: {{{additional|}}} | <br>  
{{trim|{{#if: {{{additional|}}} | <br>  
{{{additional}}}| {{blank}}}}
{{{additional}}}| {{blank}}}}}}  
}} <!-- end details -->
{{#if: {{{higherlevels|}}} | == At Higher Levels ==}}
{{#if: {{{higherlevels|}}} | == At Higher Levels ==}}
{{trim|{{#if: {{{higherlevels|}}} | {{{higherlevels}}}| {{blank}}}}}} <!-- TODO: make this a bit smarter -->
{{trim|{{#if: {{{higherlevels|}}} | {{{higherlevels}}}| {{blank}}}}}} <!-- TODO: make this a bit smarter -->
Line 148: Line 158:

== How to Learn ==
<h2> How to Learn </h2>
{{#lvardef: how-to-learn-content |
{{#lvardef: how-to-learn-content |
   {{#lvardef: classes-learn-list |
   {{#lvardef: classes-learn-list |
Line 184: Line 194:
</div>| {{blank}}}}}}
</div>| {{blank}}}}}}
{{#ifeq: {{lc:{{{type|}}}}} |passive
<!-- CATEGORIES -->{{#ifeq: {{lc:{{{type|}}}}} |racial
|[[Category:Passive Features]]
  |{{#ifeq: {{#lvar: reaction}} | 1 |[[Category:Racial Action]][[Category:Reactions]]
|{{#ifeq: {{lc:{{{type|}}}}} |classaction|[[Category:Class Actions]][[Category:Actions]]
|{{#ifeq: {{#lvar: action}} | 1 |[[Category:Racial Action]][[Category:Actions]]
|{{#ifeq: {{lc:{{{type|}}}}} |classbonusaction|[[Category:Bonus Actions]]
|{{#ifeq: {{#lvar: bonus}} | 1 |[[Category:Racial Action]][[Category:Bonus Actions]]
|{{#ifeq: {{lc:{{{type|}}}}} |action|[[Category:Actions]]
                | [[Category:Racial Action]][[Category:Passive Features]]
|{{#ifeq: {{lc:{{{type|}}}}} |classreaction|[[Category:Class Actions]][[Category:Reactions]]
{{#ifeq: {{lc:{{{type|}}}}} |none
|{{#ifeq: {{#lvar: reaction}} | 1 |[[Category:Class Actions]][[Category:Reactions]]
|{{#ifeq: {{#lvar: action}} | 1 |[[Category:Class Actions]][[Category:Actions]]
|{{#ifeq: {{#lvar: bonus}} | 1 |[[Category:Class Actions]][[Category:Bonus Actions]]
| [[Category:Class Actions]][[Category:Passive Features]]
</includeonly><noinclude>This is a page to transclude to generate action pages. It is generally for pages that do not fit the [[Template:SpellPage | <code><nowiki>{{SpellPage}} Template</nowiki></code>]]
</includeonly><noinclude>This is a page to transclude to generate action pages. It is generally for pages that do not fit the [[Template:SpellPage | <code><nowiki>{{SpellPage}} Template</nowiki></code>]]

| type =
| summary =
| description =
| description =
| image =
| image =
| summary =
| cost =
| cost =
| concentration =
| concentration =
Line 208: Line 229:
| recharge =
| recharge =
| duration =
| duration =
| save =
| attack roll =
| ritual =
| range =
| range =
| range m =
| range ft =
| aoe =
| aoe =
| save =
| aoe m =
| aoe ft =
| condition =
| condition duration =
| condition save =  
| additional =  
| additional =  
| higherlevels =
| higherlevels =
Line 225: Line 255:
! Description  
! Description  
! Usage  
! Usage  
| {{C|type}}
| Type of page. This is used for categorization. Current types:
* none: No categories or specific magic will happen
* racial: Racial action/passive
* class (or type is blank): Class action/passive
| <code>type = class</code>
| {{C|summary}}
| The summary of the action. This will be used as the wiki's description as well as the SEO text.
| <code>summary = Lorem Ipsum</code>
| {{C|description}}
| {{C|description}}
Line 233: Line 274:
| The image that will be used in the page's SEO and be the page's main image.<br/>IF THIS IS LEFT EMPTY, [[File:NoImage Icon.webp|x40px]] WILL BE USED INSTEAD!
| The image that will be used in the page's SEO and be the page's main image.<br/>IF THIS IS LEFT EMPTY, [[File:NoImage Icon.webp|x40px]] WILL BE USED INSTEAD!
| <code>image = Wiki_Link_To_Image_Here</code>
| <code>image = Wiki_Link_To_Image_Here</code>
| {{C|summary}}
| The summary of the action. This will be used as the wiki's description as well as the SEO text.
| <code>summary = Lorem Ipsum</code>
| {{C|damage}}
| The damage of the action.
* amount: amount in number or die like 1d8
* amounttext: if your amount is text instead of a number or die you need to do this instead
* type: damage type, i.e. Healing
| {{C|damage2}}
| The secondary damage of the action. Will be output as damage + damage2. Same params as damage.
| {{C|cost}}  
| {{C|cost}}  
Line 264: Line 292:
| <code>concentration = This action is a concentration!</code>
| <code>concentration = This action is a concentration!</code>
| {{C|damage}}
| The damage of the action.
* amount: amount in number or die like 1d8
* amounttext: if your amount is text instead of a number or die you need to do this instead
* type: damage type, i.e. Healing
| {{C|damage2}}
| The secondary damage of the action. Will be output as damage + damage2. Same params as damage.
| {{C|recharge}}
| If this skill recharges at a certain point
| <code>recharge = Until Long Rest</code>
| {{C|duration}}
| Duration in turns
| {{C|save}}
| Stat used for saving
| {{C|attack roll}}
| If it uses the attack roll (can put yes or whatnot if so)
| {{C|ritual}}
| If it is a ritual
| {{C|range}} <br> {{C|range m}} <br> {{C|range ft}}
| range of the skill. Either m+ft or range are required, but not both at the same time. See SpellPage.
| {{C|aoe}} <br> {{C|aoe m}} <br> {{C|aoe ft}}
| AOE. All are required. aoe is the shape, m meters, ft feet.
| {{C|condition}} <br> {{C|condition duration}} <br> {{C|condition save}}
| includes CONDITION (Condition). Duration is how many turns it lasts. Save is the stat for it.
| {{C|additional}}
| {{C|additional}}
| Any additional information that does not fit the template goes here!
| Any additional properties that are not covered by template go here
| <code>concentration = This action is a concentration!</code>
| <code>additional = { { Attack Roll } }</code>
| {{C|higherlevels}}
| If the skills changes at higher levels, put info about that here
| {{C|X learns at level X}}
| {{C|X learns at level X}}
Line 274: Line 343:
| <code>class learns at level 3 = Monk</code>
| <code>class learns at level 3 = Monk</code>
<code>race learns at level 5 = Wood Elf</code>
<code>race learns at level 5 = Wood Elf</code>
| {{C|notes}}
| Any notes about the skill. This goes in its own bottom section.

| type = none
| description = abc
| description = abc
| image = Fly Icon.png
| image = Fly Icon.png
| summary = fly you fools
| summary = fly you fools
| cost = ki:2, action
| cost = ki:2, action
| damage = amount: 1d4+1, type:Bludgeoning
| damage = amounttext: 1d4+1, type:Bludgeoning
| damage2 = amount: 1d6, type: Fire
| damage2 = amount: 1d6, type: Fire
| recharge = Long Rest
| recharge = Long Rest
Line 288: Line 362:
| duration = LR
| duration = LR
| save = DEX, abc
| save = DEX, abc
| additional = * abcd
| additional = abcd
| condition = Flight
| name = Fly
| condition duration = 1
| icon = Fly Icon.png
| effect = go on, fly
| duration = 1
| higherlevels = go far
| higherlevels = go far
| notes = bar
| notes = * bar
| class learns at level 3 = Monk
| class learns at level 3 = Monk
| race learns at level 5 = Wood Elf
| race learns at level 5 = Wood Elf
| type = none
| description = abc
| description = abc
| image = Fly Icon.png
| image = Fly Icon.png
Line 312: Line 382:
| duration = LR
| duration = LR
| save = DEX, abc
| save = DEX, abc
| additional = * abcd
| additional = abcd
| condition = Flight
| name = Fly
| condition duration = 1
| icon = Fly Icon.png
| effect = go on, fly
| duration = 1
| higherlevels = go far
| higherlevels = go far
| notes = * bar
| notes = * bar
| class learns at level 3 = Monk
| class learns at level 3 = Monk
| race learns at level 5 = Wood Elf
| race learns at level 5 = Wood Elf
| description = Call upon your Oath to let nature heal all nearby allies. Allies immediately gain <code>Proficiency Bonus + Paladin Level + Charisma Modifier <span style="color:#33cccc">hit points</span></code>, and will regain the same amount at the start of your next turn.
| image = Healing Radiance Icon.png
| summary = '''Healing Radiance''' is a Bonus Action available to [[Paladin]]s who have taken the [[Oath of the Ancients]]. This ability allows these Paladins to channel their oath to heal allies in an area.
| cost = chaoat:1, bonus
| concentration =
| damage = amounttext:Proficiency Bonus + Paladin Level + Charisma Modifier, type:Healing
| damage2 =
| recharge =
| duration = Until Long Rest
| condition = Holy Rebuke
| condition duration = 2
| range = self
| aoe = sphere
| aoe m = 3
| aoe ft = 10
| save =
| additional = Restores an additional {{DamageText|Proficiency Bonus + Paladin Level + Charisma Modifier|Healing}} at the beginning of your next turn
| higherlevels =
| class learns at level 2 = Life Domain
| notes =
| type = classaction
{{ up to date | 2023-09-04 }} <!-- Date format is YEAR-MONTH-DAY, like 2023-08-07. -->{{User:Crashaholic/ActionTemplate
| type = classreaction
| image = Divine Health Icon.png
| summary = '''Divine Health''' is a Class Feature of [[Paladin]]s that makes them immune to [[disease]].
| description = The divine magic flowing within you prevents disease from affecting you.
| cost =
| concentration =
| damage =
| damage2 =
| recharge =
| duration =
| range =
| aoe =
| aoe m =
| aoe ft =
| save =
| condition =
| additional =
| higherlevels =
| variants = a, b, c
| class learns at level 3 = Paladin
| notes =

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