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File:Portrait Glut.png|alt=Glut|<big>[[Glut]]</big><br>[[Myconid]]
File:Portrait Glut.png|alt=Glut|<big>[[Glut]]</big><br>[[Myconid]]
File:Portrait Sazza.png|alt=Sazza|<big>[[Sazza]]</big><br>[[Goblin]]
File:Portrait Sazza.png|alt=Sazza|<big>[[Sazza]]</big><br>[[Goblin]]
File:Portrait Halsin.png|alt=Halsin|<big>[[Halsin]]</big>{{ref|After rescuing Halsin by defeateing the Goblins inside of the [[Worg Pens]] within the [[Shattered Sanctum]], Halisn can be recuited as a temporary compaion until after all the goblin leaders are defeated.}}<br>[[Wood Elf]]<br>[[Druid]]<br>[[Circle of the Moon]]
File:Portrait Halsin.png|alt=Halsin|<big>[[Halsin]]</big>{{ref|After rescuing Halsin by defeateing the Goblins inside of the [[Worg Pens]] within the [[Shattered Sanctum]], Halsin can be recuited as a temporary compaion until after all the goblin leaders are defeated.}}<br>[[Wood Elf]]<br>[[Druid]]<br>[[Circle of the Moon]]


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