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* ''(Looking down on the temple)'' "Impressive-looking ruins down there, but well out of reach."
* ''(Looking down on the temple)'' "Impressive-looking ruins down there, but well out of reach."

==== [[The Risen Road]] ====
==== [[The Risen Road]] and [[Mountain Pass]]====
* ''(The skeleton couple under the broken bridge leading to the road)'' "Some old, forgotten bones."
'''In and around the [[The_Risen_Road#Toll_House|Tollhouse]]:'''
** ''(Succeeded the [[History]] check)'' "They're sporting Harper and druid armour. Fought together and died together."
* ''(Saw dead gnolls on the bridge to the Tollhouse):'' “Someone eviscerated those gnolls. It's rather beautiful.”
* ''(Seeing rockfall and wreckage near the [[The_Risen_Road#Toll_House|Toll House]])'' “A collapsed tunnel. Nasty way to be buried.”
* ''(Saw rockfall and wreckage near the Tollhouse):'' “A collapsed tunnel. Nasty way to be buried.”
* ''(Entering Toll House basement)'' "Urgh, that smells ripe…"
* ''(Agreed to help [[Anders]], but found out that his crew are actually [[Zariel|Zariel’s]] servants):'' “They made the wrong deal, but they got themselves into that mess. They can get themselves out.”
* ''(Found giant scratches near Mountain Pass entrance)'' “See there? Something tore through that rock like paper.”
** ''(Responding remark):'' “I had really hoped we were above base pursuits like 'monster hunting'.”
* ''(Successful [[Arcana]] check)'' “Dragon claws, surely.”
* ''(Entering Tollhouse basement):'' "Urgh, that smells ripe…"
* ''(Failed)'' “Whatever did it, I don't want to meet it.”
** ''(If the party already knows he’s a vampire):'' “Urgh. That body's so ripe, I'd need to drink the blood with a fork.”
* ''(Saw a red dragon)'' “A red dragon. Look at the power in that body.”
* ''(Stepped on a pressure plate in the tollhouse vault):'' “Seems I've done something, but not enough.”
** ''(Responding remark)'' “You go a lifetime without seeing one, and then they won't stop pestering you.”
* ''(The skeleton couple under the broken bridge leading to the road):'' “Some old, forgotten bones.
* ''(Picked up dead mercenary’s shield)'' “It's a well-roasted shield.”
** ''(Successful [[History]] check):'' "They're sporting Harper and druid armour. Fought together and died together."
** ''(Responding remark)'' “There's not much that can turn aside a dragon's breath.”
** ''(Failed):'' “Who cares - do they have anything worth taking?”
* ''(Found a roadsign after dragon’s attack)'' “The dragon saw to our 'detour'.”
** ''(Failed 2):'' “I hope your belongings are in better shape than you are.”
* ''(Found a secret entrance to the [[Zhentarim Hideout]])'' “Oh that's excellent! So good to see a secret passage with some flair.”
* ''(Illusory wall in the Zhentarim Hideout, successful [[Investigation]] check)'' "A false wall? Sneaky…"
'''Fighting gnolls and dealing with [[Find the Missing Shipment|missing shipment]]:'''
* ''(After one of hyenas fled):'' “That cur - where's it running off to?”
* ''(Witnessed a birth of a gnoll from dying hyena, seq 1):'' “I've seen some disturbing things, but that was in the top five.”
** ''(Responding remark 1):'' “It certainly puts 'the miracle of birth' in a new light.”
* ''(Witnessed a birth of a gnoll, seq 2 - knows about gnolls’ presence in area):'' “The gnolls' stink is everywhere.”
** ''(Responding remark 1):'' “No wonder, if they're leaping from hyenas left and right.”
** ''(Responding remark 2 in sequences 1 and 2):'' “This place reeks of blood. Let's go, before more join us.”
* ''(Witnessed a birth of a gnoll, seq 3):'' “What in the Nine Hells did I just watch?”
* ''(Witnessed a birth of a gnoll, seq 4 - knows about gnolls’ presence in area):'' “Gnoll birth makes ceremorphosis look like a doddle.”
** ''(Responding remark in sequences 3 and 4):'' “Let's just go. There's only so much my stomach can take.”
* ''(Found the missing shipment, [[Rugan]] dead, hasn’t met [[Zarys]]):'' “You don't hide trinkets in a box like that. There's something good rattling around in there.”
** ''(Responding remark):'' “So what are we waiting for? Let's crack it open and see.”
* ''(Found the missing shipment, Rugan dead, has met Zarys):'' “That Zhent woman promised a lot of coin for this chest, but only if we don't peek inside.”
** ''(Responding remark):'' “She was very clear that we shouldn't open it... but what if we did, though?”
* ''(Found the missing shipment, conspired with Rugan, has met Zarys):'' “They did not want to part with that chest. And their boss promised good coin if it stays locked.”
** ''(Responding remark):'' “Yes, but why tell us not to open it unless there's something very good inside?”
'''At [[Waukeen's Rest]] and [[Zhentarim Hideout]]:'''
* ''(Failed a [[Strength]] check to kick out the front door):'' “You huff and puff at the door. I'll find my own way in.”
* ''(Walking near the burning door in the tavern):'' “That door's radiating heat. Time for caution, I think.”
* ''(Cannot lift the fallen beams off [[Benryn]]):'' “I can't - it's too heavy!”
* ''(Found [[Mirileth|Mirileth’s]] corpse):'' “Brown hair? Green dress? Looks like we found Miri.”
** ''(Responding remark):'' “Exactly as described. Apart from being dead.”
* ''(Saw the haystack with hidden dowry, [[Investigation]] check):''
** ''(Successful):'' “Very nice. And to think I was expecting a needle.”
** ''(Failed):'' “Feed for the beasts.”
* ''(Found a secret entrance to the [[Zhentarim Hideout]]):'' “Oh that's excellent! So good to see a secret passage with some flair.”
* ''(Illusory wall in the Zhentarim Hideout, successful Investigation check):'' “A false wall? Sneaky.”
* ''(After the [[Flaming Fist]] guard refused to attack the Zhentarim):'' “An honest-to-goodness coward. It's almost refreshing to see.”
'''Meeting with the githyanki scouts near the [[Mountain Pass]]:'''
* ''(Found giant scratches near Mountain Pass entrance):'' “See there? Something tore through that rock like paper.”
** ''(Successful [[Arcana]] check):'' “Dragon claws, surely.”
** ''(Failed):'' “Whatever did it, I don't want to meet it.”
* ''(Saw a [[Qudenos|red dragon]]):'' “A red dragon. Look at the power in that body.”
** ''(Responding remark):'' “You go a lifetime without seeing one, and then they won't stop pestering you.
** ''(Saw a red dragon, [[Frightened (Condition)|Frightened]]):'' “Dragon! Look out!”
** ''(Responding remark, Frightened):'' “Blasted wyrm - where did it come from?
* ''(Picked up dead mercenary’s shield, 1):'' “Not much use against a dragon's breath.”
* ''(Picked up dead mercenary’s shield, 2):'' “It's a well-roasted shield.”
** ''(Responding remark):'' “There's not much that can turn aside a dragon's breath.”
* ''(Read a roadsign after dragon’s attack):'' “The dragon saw to our 'detour'.”
* ''(Leaving the area after [[Lae'zel]] ran off to speak with [[Voss]]):'' “Ah, Lae'zel's been left behind. I could go back for her. Or not.”
** ''(Responding remark):'' “You're not abandoning her! Just redistributing your presence.”
* ''(Reacting to the sight of Lae’zel’s dead body):'' “What a waste. She was a powerful specimen.”

==== [[Crèche Y'llek]] ====
==== [[Crèche Y'llek]] ====

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