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* A scene can be triggered at camp where Astarion says he has fed on a wandering bear, the following conversation nets no approval changes but he makes a few playful quips to the player and they can do so in turn. The parameters for trigger this is unclear at the moment (possibly average-good relationship), but you need to know he is a vampire.
* A scene can be triggered at camp where Astarion says he has fed on a wandering bear, the following conversation nets no approval changes but he makes a few playful quips to the player and they can do so in turn. The parameters for trigger this is unclear at the moment (possibly average-good relationship), but you need to know he is a vampire.

* During another camp scene that might show up if the player has already found out Astarion's true nature, he will confess that the player character is the first humanoid he has ever drunk from, and admit that his thoughts now swirl around palatability traits of other companions. Further in the dialogue, the player might gain some approval by helping Astarion ''theoretically'' choose next meal among party members. Thus the spawn tries to draw the player's confirmation that his true nature does not repel or disgust them.
* During another camp scene that might show up if the player has already found out Astarion's true nature, he will confess that the player character is the first "thinking creature" he has ever drunk blood from, and admit that his thoughts now swirl around palatability traits of other companions. Further in the dialogue, the player might gain some approval by helping Astarion ''theoretically'' choose next meal among party members. Thus the spawn tries to draw the player's confirmation that his true nature does not repel or disgust them.

*When you come across [[Gandrel]], the Gur monster hunter found to the left of the [[Riverside Teahouse]], you can progress your relationship with Astarion by allowing him to kill the Gur. In order to trigger this dialogue option, you need to have found out that Astarion is a vampire beforehand. In conversation with Gandrel, ask him what he is hunting, then choose "Only a spawn? Pity. Not like he's a real vampire." If the player chooses first or second subsequent choices, Astarion will make hints about killing the Gur. If he's permitted, the fight will ensue. After this scene plays out, you can speak to Astarion, and he might propose to spend a night together.
* When you come across [[Gandrel]], the Gur monster hunter found to the left of the [[Riverside Teahouse]], you can progress your relationship with Astarion by allowing him to kill the Gur. In order to trigger this dialogue option, you need to have found out that Astarion is a vampire beforehand. In conversation with Gandrel, ask him what he is hunting, then choose "Only a spawn? Pity. Not like he's a real vampire." If the player chooses first or second subsequent choices, Astarion will make hints about killing the Gur or just ask the player's permission straightaway. If the player agrees, the fight will ensue.

*A similar scene with the same outcomes should trigger whenever the player reaches Good approval with Astarion (40+), even without dealing with the Gur.
As soon as the player reaches Good approval with Astarion (40+) and speaks with him, the spawn might propose to spend a night together, explaining that he wants to return a favor for all good that has been done to him.

*Once you have had the conversation with Astarion where he invites the player to spend the night with him, the scene itself will trigger on the next long rest. If you choose dialogue options that indicate refusal, doubt, or distrust towards Astarion's nature, he will become upset and leave (nevertheless, choosing these doesn't bring any disapproval). The player character can gain additional approval by offering him his/her neck. The player will wake the next morning to find Astarion standing nearby, basking in the sunshine shirtless; his scarred back clearly visible. The player can make a playful quip before asking him about the scars on his back. You can pass an Arcana check to determine the language the scars are written in: Infernal, but this won't bring further approval changes ([[Tiefling]] characters does not need this check to identify the script).
* The scene itself will trigger on the next long rest. If the player chooses dialogue options that express refusal, doubt, or distrust towards Astarion's nature, he will become upset and leave (nevertheless, choosing these doesn't bring any disapproval). The player character can gain additional approval by offering him his/her neck. The cutscene proceeds into the next morning, when the player character  wakes to find Astarion who stands shirtless nearby, basking in the sunshine and flaunting his scarred back. If the player decides to ask him about the scars, they will roll a passive [[Arcana]] check to determine the language the scars are written in: Infernal {{note|[[Tiefling]] characters does not need the check to identify the script and will obtain the corresponding dialogue line automatically}}. If successful, telling Astarion about it won't bring further approval changes, but change slightly the narration in future dialogues with the spawn.

*As early as [[Act One]], a scene can trigger where Astarion is looking into a mirror. The player may compliment him on anything to effectively “flirt” with him, aside from his moles and smile lines (this will lead to him being upset and leaving).
* Through the course of the [[Act One]], a scene can trigger where Astarion is looking into a hand mirror. The player may discuss with him the problem of maintaining a fine appearance. The issue is important for Astarion, because for all his inclination toward self-admiration he hasn't been able to see his own reflection since being turned into a spawn. The player then will have an option to compliment him. In responce, Astarion will prompt the player to call him beautiful. Whatever option the player chooses next, they will gain some approval.

*At either the goblin or the Tiefling party, the player can agree to sleep with Astarion afterwards. If this is the first time the player sleeps with him, it will trigger the cutscene mentioned above.  
* Another cutscene that gains some approval may trigger in the [[Act One]] {{note|If the player rejected Astairon's offer to sleep with him, this scene may occur anytime until as far as the middle of the [[Act Two]], but definitely before the party meets [[Raphael]] in the [[Last Light Inn]].}}. The player will catch Astarion trying to feel his own back with fingertips. Taken by surprise, the spawn will resent at first, but then swallow the pride and take offered help. The player character then copies the inscription onto the ground, and seeing it perplexes Astarion. Still, understanding that he can indeed get help should he ask makes the spawn approve further of the player character.

*If the player has already slept with Astarion, then talking with Astarion at the party will result in a much more familiar conversation, where he can even tell the player he loves them, though he is just using shallow charm (no approval changes). Agreeing to sleep with him again will result in the dialogue choice "Astarion" becoming available once you head to bed, and the player then seeks him out. There is no additional sex scene, it's simply implied.
* At the camp celebration (either with the goblins or the tieflings), the player can agree to sleep with Astarion afterwards. If this is the first time the player engages in close relations with him, it will first trigger the dialogue with him discussing insufficient reward for the party's heroics (and particularly his personal), which might proceed by the cutscene mentioned above, should the player confirm their choice.
: Otherwise, the spawn might try to entice the player character into another sexual intercourse by paying compliments and finally even confessing his love (though admitting quickly and readily that it's an obvious lie). Whatever the player's decision is, it will neither gain further approval nor break the relationship. There is no additional romantic scene, it's simply implied.

===Act Two===
===Act Two===

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