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754 bytes removed ,  28 April 2024
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== Attacks and abilities ==
== Attacks and abilities ==

{{Feature box|name=Tentacle Whip|image name=Generic Physical.webp|* Lash out with with your tentacles, dealing {{DamageText|2d10 + 4|Psychic}} and possibly stunning your target.
{{Feature box|Tentacle Whip}}

{{Feature box|Mind Blast}}

{{Feature box|Mind Flayer Domination}}

{{Feature box|name=Mind Blast|image name=Mind Blast.webp|* Deal {{DamageText|4d8 + 4|Psychic}} in a cone and possibly {{Cond|Stunned|Stun}} targets within.
{{Feature box|Levitate (Illithid Power)}}
{{Feature box|name=Mind Flayer Domination|image name=Dominate Person.webp|* Dominate a nearby humanoid. Allies are unaffected. Each time the dominated creature takes damage, it may repeat the {{SavingThrow}} against your domination. Tadpoled creatures cannot be targeted.
{{Feature box|name=Levitate (Illithid Power)|image name=Fly Illithid Power.webp|* Float effortlessly to a destination.


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