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Modding:TreasureTables References: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{PageSeo |title=Modding Resources |description=This page is a hub for everything related to Modding Baldur's Gate 3. Check out the following guides to learn how to mod BG3. |image=Modding_resources.webp }}{{Modding box}}{{Modding sidebar}}<div column-width: "60em2;> = Treasure Table References = This page is for listing commonly used treasure tables for both vendors and containers. Such as Arrow in the Emerald Grove or the Potions Chest in the tutorial. Alternatively...")
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This page is for listing commonly used treasure tables for both vendors and containers. Such as Arrow in the Emerald Grove or the Potions Chest in the tutorial. Alternatively you can use the full treasure table list from [ here] put together by Majakale.
This page is for listing commonly used treasure tables for both vendors and containers. Such as Arrow in the Emerald Grove or the Potions Chest in the tutorial. Alternatively you can use the full treasure table list from [ here] put together by Majakale.

Please be aware the links to the characters, items and/or locations may contain spoilers. However if you hover over them they will give a tiny bit of information with a picture.
Please be aware the links to the characters, items and/or locations may contain spoilers.  
* However if you hover over them they will give a tiny bit of information with a picture.

== Vendors ==
== Vendors ==

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