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This one from the our sharedvisuals file. When you've finished adding the entries you want to add the races.lsx is ready to go.
This one from the our sharedvisuals file. When you've finished adding the entries you want to add the races.lsx is ready to go.

[[Modding:Compatibility Framework]]
You can use the Compatibility Framework to avoid issues with your mod clashing with other mods: [[Modding:Compatibility Framework]]
=== Compatibility Framework ===
First big thank you to NellsRelo and perseidipity
To use the [ Compatibility Framework] you need to install it alongside your mod. CF however needs to be at the bottom of the load order.
==== Json ====
So this is considered the easier format to setup for using the Compatibility Framework in order to make your edits to the Races.lsx compatible with other mods. Partially due to reacting easier to multiple sections for defining each race and having multiple values.
You do not need to send anything to be added to the Compatibility Framework mod, just remember to have it at the bottom of your load order and if making a public mod to remind people CF goes to the bottom.
So first you want to make some new folders:
In the Script extender folder you want to create a CompatibilityFrameworkConfig.json you can do this by creating a txt file and renaming it and its extension to CompatibilityFrameworkConfig.json
Using part of the code example we are given [ here:] but edited.
  "FileVersion": 1,
  "Races": [
      "UUID": "Race's UUID",
      "Children": [
          "Type": "Visuals",
          "modGuid": "UUID of required mod (Optional)",
          "Values": ["bdf9b779-002c-4077-b377-8ea7c1faa795", "3e4d5829-7bfd-446a-9e7d-ac8d0948c1e4"],
          "Action": "Insert"
      "UUID": "Race's UUID",
In this line we want to change it to the race we are adding to in the Races.lsx file. The most commonly used one is Humanoid for hair/beard mods. Which is 899d275e-9893-490a-9cd5-be856794929f. This will apply it to all races including modded races if they use it as the parent. For others see [[Modding:Race_UUID|here in the Races.lsx section]] for example if you want it only added to Humans and Elves your code would look like this.
  "FileVersion": 1,
  "Races": [
      "UUID": "0eb594cb-8820-4be6-a58d-8be7a1a98fba", This being the Human races uuid
      "Children": [
          "Type": "Visuals",
          "modGuid": "UUID of required mod (Optional)",
          "Values": ["bdf9b779-002c-4077-b377-8ea7c1faa795"],
          "Action": "Insert"
      "UUID": "6c038dcb-7eb5-431d-84f8-cecfaf1c0c5a", This being the Elves races uuid
      "Children": [
          "Type": "Visuals",
          "modGuid": "UUID of required mod (Optional)",
          "Values": ["bdf9b779-002c-4077-b377-8ea7c1faa795"],
          "Action": "Insert"
Now to continue explaining the other lines:
          "Type": "Visuals",
Visuals pertains to assets such as Hair, Beards, Tails, Horns and such. Pretty much the assets we add to SharedVisuals.
          "modGuid": "UUID of required mod (Optional)",
So as this line says it is optional, but personally I add it in. The UUID we add in the meta.
          "Values": ["bdf9b779-002c-4077-b377-8ea7c1faa795"],
This uuid has to match the one you gave for the UUID line in your CharacterCreationSharedVisuals. If you have multiple assets add a , after the final " and then make a new " " with your uuid in between for example from the first example given:
          "Values": ["bdf9b779-002c-4077-b377-8ea7c1faa795", "3e4d5829-7bfd-446a-9e7d-ac8d0948c1e4"],
Now we come to the last line:
          "Action": "Insert"
For the sake of SharedVisual mods we likely wouldn't change this line, however if you want to remove something instead of add something to a section in Races.lsx change Insert to Remove
Congrats you setup your mod for using the Compatibility Framework via json. Just remember always load Compatibility Framework at the bottom of your load order.
==== Lua ====
This is a possible use of the Compatibility Framework though it is advised to use the json method instead. Both do not require adding anything directly to the framework, they will work alongside it out of the box.
So first you want to make some new folders:
In the Script extender folder you want to create a Config.json you can do this by creating a text file and just renaming it and its extension Config.json. In the json you want:
    "RequiredVersion": 9,
    "ModTable": "YOUR_MOD_NAME_HERE",
    "FeatureFlags": ["Lua"]
Where it says YOUR_MOD_NAME_HERE, write the name of your mod.
Now in the Lua folder do the same again make a new txt file but this time rename it BootstrapClient.lua
if Ext.Mod.IsModLoaded("67fbbd53-7c7d-4cfa-9409-6d737b4d92a9") then
    local raceChildData = {
      ModName = {
        modGuid = "the UUID you gave in your meta.lsx",
        raceGuid = "899d275e-9893-490a-9cd5-be856794929f",
        children = {
        entry1 = {
            Type = "Visuals",
            Value = "3ae3e4fc-e792-473a-8853-43520dfc1147",
    local function OnStatsLoaded()
        raceGuid = "899d275e-9893-490a-9cd5-be856794929f",
this you want to be the race you're adding your hair too. The one currently in there is humanoid. This will apply it to all races including modded races if they use it as the parent. For others see [[Modding:Race_UUID|here]]
            Type = "Visuals",
This line is what you're adding to. Visuals is either Hair or Beards or other assets defined in the SharedVisuals file.
            Value = "3ae3e4fc-e792-473a-8853-43520dfc1147",
This uuid has to match the one you gave for the UUID line in your CharacterCreationSharedVisuals
If wanting to create more than one hair copy and paste this section:
        entry1 = {
            Type = "Visuals",
            Value = "3ae3e4fc-e792-473a-8853-43520dfc1147",
Changing entry1 to entry2 and so on. You can also use entrya, entryb as well.
Not fully related to this tutorial but just in case you come up with a use, swap out InsertRaceChildData for RemoveRaceChildData if you want to remove lines from the Races.lsx instead of adding.
Congrats you setup your mod for using the Compatibility Framework via lua. Just remember always load Compatibility Framework at the bottom of your load order.

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