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Half-Elf (26) ·
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Human (4) ·
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Barmaid at Sharess' Caress (1) ·
Clerk (1) ·
Cook (3) ·
Courtesan at Sharess' Caress (3) ·
Editor-in-chief for the Baldur's Mouth Gazette (1) ·
Farmer (1) ·
Fish Trader (1) ·
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Investigative journalist for the Baldur's Mouth Gazette (1) ·
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Owner and Bartender of the Elfsong Tavern (1) ·
Owner of Facemaker's Boutique (1) ·
Smith, Infernal Mechanic (1) ·
Vicar, temple guardian (1) ·
Waiter (1) ·
Weapons Trader (1) ·
Worker for the Baldur's Mouth Gazette (2)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- Aelar
- Aggy
- Agile Guardian
- Alan Alyth
- Alexander Rainforest
- Alia Durinbold
- Amek
- Apikusis
- Arabella
- Araj Oblodra
- Archivist
- Artimezt
- Astoundo the Greater
- Avourel
- Benryn
- Bernyr
- Bex
- Birka
- Bleeri
- Blevindall
- Blinded Elf
- Bogdan Vortleson
- Borgus Elamin
- Breg
- Brek
- Brilgor
- Bruno Indomicus
- Caerdwyn
- Calliope Blingsdorf
- Callira
- Caralee Grollo
- Carlorina the Wolf
- Carmen Pennygood
- Carnelia Vanthampur
- Carys
- Cheeky Nora
- Chervis
- Cordrane
- Crub
- Dairow Vin
- Dal Lightspark
- Dammon
- Dandi Thistlepetal
- Danis
- Danton
- Danzo Arkwright
- Darlie
- Darra
- Dead Drow
- Dead Tiefling
- Deedle Ofran
- Delwaer Jeth
- Delyarna
- Devoured Eternal Debtor
- Dextor
- Dez Kanshaw
- Dhourn
- Dokksill
- Doni
- Doppelganger
- Drarra
- Dringo
- Dryfle Doon
- Gald
- Gan
- Garri Orne
- Garron Flintsplitter
- Gerson
- Gherva Minedale
- Giant Rat
- Giftu Hudd
- Gizelle Flintsplitter
- Glomp
- Gloomy Fentonson
- Goosequill
- Goris Ballast
- Grent Grintly
- Gribbo
- Grikka
- Griska
- Grout
- Gruz
- Gurd
- Haeril Birch
- Hans Feather
- Hargin Jooli
- Hasmet Hudd
- Hastar Biggs
- Hilario Varota
- Hildeh
- Honest Vendor
- Humbletoes
- Lacy Dancer
- Larca Mena
- Lens
- Librarian Eternal Debtor
- Locke
- Lockhorn
- Lorna Esthelian
- Loyal Eternal Debtor
- Lyldara
- Madeline Whitburn
- Maggran
- Magron
- Malek Stones
- Mango
- Manzarde
- Marcoryl
- Margolenn
- Mattis
- Maude
- Megthanet
- Meli
- Merri Fairweather
- Mirg
- Mirileth
- Mirkon
- Mocking Eternal Debtor
- Mohan
- Moke
- Mol
- Moy
- Muttonchops Dorryss
- Myrnath
- Perfect Eternal Debtor
- Petric Amber
- Phoebelia
- Phoenix Lubbins
- Phostlethwaite
- Phrennog
- Phubbs
- Preciosa
- Puli
- Raagg
- Racha
- Ramona Flintsplitter
- Rascal Borys
- Rat
- Rechel
- Restless Myconid
- Rindle
- Rossina
- Rot
- Roveer
- Rugger Shattershield
- Sacrificed Cultist (High Elf)
- Sadar Illanov
- Sanseverina
- Sazza
- Sharlz Molar
- Siggy
- Silfy
- Skeleton
- Sloncha Owena
- Sluck
- Smouldering Eternal Debtor
- Snurd
- Soporific Rat
- Sorn Orlith
- Sterlac
- Stug Minedale
- Syril Valdemar
- Tahan
- Tak
- Tecothy
- Terradissia
- Thaniel
- The Professor
- Theologist Eternal Debtor
- Thodric Shedeveer
- Thokki
- Thuldra Thuldrin
- Tongs Stoneheart
- Toron
- Trader Djingo
- Tugelnhorn
- Tumeril
- Turnip Bubbs