The Watch is the civil constabulary of Baldur's Gate, responsible for law enforcement within the Upper City and the protection of its citizens.
Well-armed, equipped, and trained, the City Watch (also referred to as Watchers and Watchmen) projected their authority in the Upper City from the Watch Citadel located within the
Citadel Streets districts, where they train and are headquartered at. The responsibilities of a Watcher comprised of regular patrols, maintaining curfews and clearing people from the
Wide upon dusk, as well as identifying and monitoring non-citizens of the Upper City through numbered badges that were given to guests of Upper City residents.
Watchmen took pride in their organisation, were said to be incorruptible, and were expected to protect the Upper City and High Hall at all costs should the need arise.
Act Three
The Watch remains largely unconnected to the Absolute crisis until the Netherbrain breaks through the Upper City, taking its place atop the High Hall. A sizeable and diverse force of Absolutist cultists, such as inquisitors, zealots, and goblins would emerge from the Upper City Sewers underneath High Hall, and supported by Mind Flayers and undead, would wrestle control of the High Hall from the Watch.
Over the course of Valeria can be present and mention that the remnants of the Watch are ready to fight back.
, most of the City Watch present at High Hall and the Watch Citadel have been eradicated and routed from the premises by the Absolute's forces, with a large concentration of Watch bodies strewn all over the area. Nevertheless, the Watch Citadel would still become the meeting point for the party's allies in , whereClimbing the steps to High Hall would have the party encounter a six-person squad of Watchmen fleeing from the battle, with Watchman Matthew and Watchman Preyn perishing from a Mind Flayer before the party can intervene. The party can then convince Watchman Gyordi, Watchman Goodge, Watchman Ebber, and Watchman Fry to stand their ground and fight as allies through a DC 20 Persuasion, Intimidation, or Deception check. Similarly, a squad of Watcher Guardians can be summoned by the action to fight on the party's side.
Related Items
Related Quests
External Links
The Watch on the Forgotten Realms Wiki