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Dawsen Kiltmaker's Confession

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Dawsen Kiltmaker's Confession image

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This book is redolent with the enticing smell of paper and ink.


  • Books Books
  • Author: Dawsen Kiltmaker
  • Rarity: Common
  •  Weight: 0.5 kg / 1 lb
  • Price: 14 gp
  • UID BOOK_LOW_Cazador\u0027sPalace_DawsenKiltmakersConfession
    UUID 1a89dbdc-a8b6-4ab2-bade-8ee85eff6c33


After that gloating visit by the master of the vampires, named Cazador it seems, I believe my incarceration can end in nothing but death - or worse. As such, it behoves me to confess my sins, if only in this small notebook, to lift their burden from my soul or, if that is not granted me, to record the reasons for my atonement.

As a child, I was often coldly cruel to small animals, though I kept such abuse well hidden.

As a youth, I teased my younger sister Thara unmercifully about her weight and skin blemishes, which I fear contributed to her chronic melancholy upon reaching adulthood.

When I took the city accountants' certification test, I feared that I lacked the skills to pass, so I cheated by buying an illicit answers sheet.

[The above is followed by six more pages of similar transgressions.]