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Cursed Skull

Revision as of 22:04, 17 November 2023 by (talk) (updated for hotfix 11)
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Cursed Skull
Cursed Skull.png

HP Icon.png  HP 36
Weight Icon.png  Weight 60
Resistant to all PiercingVulnerable to BludgeoningResistant to all NecroticImmune to all PsychicImmune to all PoisonVulnerable to RadiantVulnerable to Force
Character information
Location Lady Jannath's Estate

Cursed Skulls are found in the upper floors of Lady Jannath's Estate. They cast Thunderwave Thunderwave when a player character is nearby, making them difficult to evade. The skulls ignore Invisibility Invisibility and similar effects.

Due to their vulnerability to bludgeoning damage, they are easy to destroy from a safe distance.


Cursed skulls are difficult to approach as they will cast Thunderwave Thunderwave against nearby creatures. Therefore it's advised to simply throw a bludgeoning weapon at them which has the "thrown" trait. A simple Light Hammer thrown by a character with decent Strength is sufficient to kill a skull in one blow.

Alternatively, casting Remove Curse Remove Curse will remove the Cursed Skull Cursed Skull status from the skull, preventing them from casting thunderwave. However, this requires being within range of the skulls attack. One method of applying remove curse is using Misty Step Misty Step to blink to a location outside of the skulls line of sight, then casting from behind or from the side if you position yourself carefully.

Casting the ritual spell Silence Silence on the skulls will entirely neutralise its thunderwave attack.


Medium Toughness Medium Toughness
  • This material is unusually strong. Only a hit that deals at least 22 damage can damage it.
Cursed Skull Cursed Skull