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Show new changes starting from 06:20, 22 December 2024
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22 December 2024

     06:15  (User creation log) [TheProdrome‎; Boarfucker‎]
06:15 User account TheProdrome talk contribs was created ‎ Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
02:11 User account Boarfucker talk contribs was created ‎
     05:09  Sarabayle diffhist +299 Raelin talk contribs (Edit for consistency.)
     04:58  Radija‎‎ 6 changes history +26 [Raelin‎ (6×)]
04:58 (cur | prev) 0 Raelin talk contribs
04:58 (cur | prev) 0 Raelin talk contribs
04:34 (cur | prev) −2 Raelin talk contribs
04:33 (cur | prev) +49 Raelin talk contribs (further edit for readability and clarity)
04:13 (cur | prev) +22 Raelin talk contribs (further work on grammar and consistency)
03:55 (cur | prev) −43 Raelin talk contribs (edit for grammar and consistency)
     04:57  Kressa Bonedaughter diffhist +212 Raelin talk contribs (Edit for consistency.)
 m   04:45  Sage diffhist −27 Wagnarok talk contribs (as of hotfix 28 it is no longer the case that Gale needs to be present for the "judging")
     04:40  Susdera diffhist +291 Raelin talk contribs (edit for consistency)
     04:21  Mistress of Souls‎‎ 4 changes history −28 [Raelin‎ (4×)]
04:21 (cur | prev) −17 Raelin talk contribs
04:02 (cur | prev) −5 Raelin talk contribs
03:58 (cur | prev) +7 Raelin talk contribs
03:58 (cur | prev) −13 Raelin talk contribs (Edit for grammar and consistency.)
     04:06  The Urge diffhist +20 Trimutius talk contribs (→‎Objectives: one of the objectives was marked as bullet point it seems)
     02:30  Guex diffhist +243 SmolPetra talk contribs (added idle banter)
     02:19  Help the Devilish Ox diffhist +4 talk (→‎Quest rewards: Typo and minor subject/verb (Tense agreement / consistency) fixes.) Tag: Visual edit
     02:11  Pandirna diffhist +229 SmolPetra talk contribs
     01:44  Eramas diffhist +349 SmolPetra talk contribs
     01:31  Okta diffhist +269 SmolPetra talk contribs (added idle banter)
     01:30  Lia diffhist +1,165 SmolPetra talk contribs (added idle banter)
     01:28  Cal diffhist +963 SmolPetra talk contribs (added idle banter)
     01:24  Rolan diffhist +1,349 SmolPetra talk contribs (added idle banter)
     01:12  Toron diffhist +344 SmolPetra talk contribs (added idle banter)
     01:00  Rikka diffhist +166 SmolPetra talk contribs (added idle banter)
     00:57  Elegis diffhist +196 SmolPetra talk contribs (added idle banter; updated to {dialogue option} template)
     00:56  Kaldani diffhist +173 SmolPetra talk contribs (added idle banter)
     00:28  Aberration‎‎ 3 changes history +478 [HiddenDragon‎ (3×)]
00:28 (cur | prev) −42 HiddenDragon talk contribs (→‎Other)
00:28 (cur | prev) +4 HiddenDragon talk contribs (→‎Related spells and abilities)
00:23 (cur | prev) +516 HiddenDragon talk contribs (Added related abilities/items)
 m   00:28  Fiend‎‎ 2 changes history +135 [HiddenDragon‎ (2×)]
00:28 (cur | prev) +24 HiddenDragon talk contribs (→‎Related spells and abilities)
00:14 (cur | prev) +111 HiddenDragon talk contribs
     00:27  Undead‎‎ 2 changes history +526 [HiddenDragon‎ (2×)]
00:27 (cur | prev) +132 HiddenDragon talk contribs
00:08 (cur | prev) +394 HiddenDragon talk contribs (Added more abilities)
 m   00:25  Plant diffhist +12 HiddenDragon talk contribs

21 December 2024

 m   23:57  Undead‎‎ 5 changes history −255 [HiddenDragon‎ (5×)]
23:57 (cur | prev) −695 HiddenDragon talk contribs
23:52 (cur | prev) +111 HiddenDragon talk contribs (→‎Related spells and abilities)
23:48 (cur | prev) +111 HiddenDragon talk contribs (→‎Related items)
23:43 (cur | prev) +218 HiddenDragon talk contribs (→‎Related spells and abilities)
23:29 (cur | prev) 0 HiddenDragon talk contribs (→‎Related spells and abilities)
     23:43  Feats diffhist +65 Twink Nationalism talk contribs (Noted that Charger: Shove also doesn't provoke Opportunity Attacks) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
     23:39  Fiend diffhist +1,074 HiddenDragon talk contribs (Added related items/spells/abilities)
     23:38  Elixir of Vigilance diffhist −2 Hawkeye talk contribs
     23:37  Act Three/Approval diffhist 0 talk (Approval Mithara pressing Danzo for more money.) Tag: Visual edit
     23:36  Alchemy diffhist +5 talk (→‎Finding ingredients: Made the wording in the second sentence significantly less awkward and confusing.)
     23:36  Lathander's Light (Condition) diffhist +43 HiddenDragon talk contribs (Added con save)
     23:35  List of references to previous Baldur's Gate games diffhist +8 Hawkeye talk contribs (→‎Characters from Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 which are referenced)
     23:34  Undead Ward Aura (Condition) diffhist +111 HiddenDragon talk contribs (Applies to fiends as well as undead)