Martial Weapons are weapons that require extensive trainings to effectively use in combat.
When attacking with a Martial Weapon without proficiency, you can not add your Proficiency Bonus (Strength) and suffer a -4 penalty to your Attack rolls.
Only martial classes such as Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, have proficiency with all martial weapons at level 1.
- Bards are proficient with hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords.
- Druids are proficient with scimitars.
- Monks are proficient with shortswords.
- Rogues are proficient with hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords.
- Clerics, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards have no proficiency with martial weapons
List Of Martial Weapons
- File:Battleaxe Icon.jpg Battleaxe
- File:Glaive Icon.jpg Glaive
- File:Greataxe Icon.jpg Greataxe
- File:Greatsword Icon.jpg Greatsword
- File:Halbert Icon.jpg Halberd
- File:Hand Crossbow Icon.jpg Hand Crossbow
- File:Longsword Icon.jpg Longsword
- File:Longbow Icon.jpg Longbow
- File:Maul Icon.jpg Maul
- File:Morningstar Icon.jpg Morningstar
- File:Pike Icon.jpg Pike
- File:Rapier Icon.jpg Rapier
- File:Scimitar Icon.jpg Scimitar
- File:Shortsword Icon.jpg Shortsword
- File:Trident Icon.jpg Trident
- File:Warhammer Icon.jpg Warhammer
- File:War Pick Icon.jpg War Pick