Main Page > Character Creation > Playable Classes > Barbarian > Subclass > Wildheart
"Your attunement with nature and its beasts inspires your rage, empowering you with supernatural might."Wildheart is one of the [Barbarian#Level 3|Subclass]] of Barbarian. These Barbarians are attuned with nature and the beasts that live in it. Their rages resemble the animals that inspired them.
Subclass Features
Level 3
Speak with Animals: Once per Long Rest, You can use the 1st Level Spell "Speak with Animals" without expending spell slots.
- Bestial Heart (Choose 1):
Bear Heart: While Raging, you can use Unrelenting Ferocity, and have Resistance to all damage except psychic damage.
- File:Rage Eagle Heart Icon.png Eagle Heart: While Raging, you can use Diving Strike. Foes also have Disadvantage on Opportunity Attacks]] against you, and you can use Dash as a bonus action.
- File:Rage Elk Heart Icon.png Elk Heart: While Raging, you can use Primal Stampede, and your Movement Speed increases by
4.5m / 15ft
. - File:Rage Tiger Heart Icon.png Tiger Heart: While Raging, you can use Tiger's Bloodlust, and your jump distance increases by
4.5m / 15ft
. - File:Rage Wolf Heart Icon.png Wolf Heart: While Raging, you can use Inciting Howl, and your allies have Advantage on melee Attack Rolls against enemies within
2m / 5ft
of you.
- Appearance (Choose 1):
- None
- Bear Piercings
- Eagle Piercings
- Elk Piercings
- Tiger Piercings
- Wolf Piercings