Farlin is a member of The Guild and envoy of Nine-Fingers Keene. She can be found on a beach west of the South Span Checkpoint in Wyrm's Crossing during Act Three X: -212 Y: Y:87.

“Nine-Fingers sends her love, arsehole. Your Stone Lord's a dead man walking.„
Farlin and a group of Guild members can be found arguing with the Stone Lord's crew on a beach near a docked ship from Moonrise Towers, accessible by taking the western path between the South Span Checkpoint and Open Hand Temple.
Upon approaching the two groups, the party will be drawn into the conflict. Farlin will ask for help fighting the Stone Lord's men, promising that the Guild will pay. If the player agrees to help, they will join the Guild in a fight against the Stone Lord's men. If they decline, try to appeal to Cairos, or try to prevent either side from fighting then both factions will turn hostile.
The party can also wait nearby for the fight to begin, and then join or wait for it to end.
If the party chooses to side with Farlin, then she will put in a good word for them with Tusgront who guards the entrance to The Guild. He will let the party inside without requiring a dialogue check.
Speak with Dead
If Farlin is killed, she can be spoken to using . She will explain that she was sent from the Guild to seize the Stone Lord's haul for Nine-Fingers, though they did not know what it was besides being a valuable item.