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Proximity Explosive

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A Proximity Explosive device (inactive condition)

A Proximimty Explosive is a unique type of Trap that might be encountered in the Zhentarim Hideout in the Act One of the game.

A Proximity Explosive is a mechanism, a unique type of a Blast Mine, planted on the surfaces inside the huge cave under Waukeen's Rest which is used by the Zhentarim as a base for operations in the Risen Road region. There are several such devices placed in plain sight in the hideout along wooden bridges that connect the stone cliffs. These mines might be encountered if choosing to explore the hideout while following the course of the Find the Missing Shipment Find the Missing Shipment quest.

Proximity Explosives are already set and ready upon reaching the hideout the first time. However, the further outcome might be variable. If Zarys Zarys (the first-in-command of the local Zhentarim) is convinced to let the party proceed into the hideout peacefully, the Proximity Explosives stay inactive (glowing orange).

All these mines are connected in a system that is turned on by a button at the far end of the hideout at X: 292 Y: -181, placed also in the plain sight.

Once armed, a Proximity Explosive detects anything that comes close to it (be it a party member, a character, or a creature). If there is nobody around, the mine by default glows green. When approached, the mine changes its color first to yellow (at about 1.5 m) and then to red (immediately adjacent). If the Proximity Explosive is still glowing red at the start of Environmental turn, it explodes, dealing 2d6Damage TypesFire to all nearby creatures and objects.

As with other explosive types of traps, triggering the Proximity Explosive might destroy nearby objects that could have been useful - the first to suffer are the wooden bridges these mines are placed on.

A Proximity Explosive can be disarmed with the help of DC 10 Sleight of Hand check, but the character must have a Trap Disarm Toolkit in their inventory.

Also, using the arming button mentioned above for the second time renders the whole system inactive again.

After disarming, a Proximity Explosive is depicted as a bunch of inactive pieces of its shell.

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