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Book of Dead Gods

Revision as of 10:10, 11 August 2023 by (talk) (Added some ability/skills checks for the book)
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Book of Dead Gods is a common Book. It records the name of current and past deities, and is written by an unknown author.

Description Icon.png

A hefty, gold-embossed tome, listing gods immemorial.


  • Books Books
  • Rarity: Common
  •  Weight: 0.5 kg / 1 lb
  • Price: 14 gp

Where to find


[The names of dead gods - most of them unfamiliar and unpronounceable - fill the pages of this ancient tome. Several entries on the last page have been stricken through, the final three thoroughly enough to be completely illegible.]


Opening the Book

*This book is far lighter than it should be with such a massive lock.*

Reading the Book

*What was once script is now an obliterated scrawl. You have a sense these are names, but of what?*
  • [RELIGION] Examine the book more closely. Difficulty Class: 10


*Gods. These are names of gods, once lost, but now restored after the Second Sundering.*

Final Check

This check is an automatic one!


Intelligence (Investigation): *The last three names in this book sit close together, but are so devastated by the scrawl as to be unreadable.*



  • There are several different Ability Checks the player can choose to open the book. Barbarians, Warlocks, and Wizards have special options.

Concentration Icons.png Spoiler warning! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.

The three names mentioned in the Investigation check are a reference to the Dead Three.