Cold Snap
Weapon (Dagger)
- Deal an additional 1d4
Cold damage.
Off-Hand Only
- Chilling Counter
- When a creature misses you with an attack, it becomes
Chilled for 2 turns.
Mourning Frost
Weapon (Quarterstaff)
- Deal an additional 1d4
Cold damage.
- Heart of Ice
- When dealing
Cold damage, the wielder deals an additional 1 Cold.
- Insidious Cold
- Dealing Cold damage with a spell possibly inflicts
Chilled upon the target.
Ray of Frost ( )
- Cast as a cantrip at will.
Wavemother's Sickle
Weapon (Sickle)
- Deal an additional 1d4
Cold damage.
- Watery Guidance
- This weapon has
Advantage against Wet creatures.
Trident of the Depths
Weapon (Trident)
- Exploit only.
- Deal an additional 1d6
Cold damage.
Hiemal Strike ( )
Pierce a creature with your frost-rimed trident and Chill it.
Absolute's Protector
Shield Blow ( )
When a foe hits you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction, to knock it Prone unless they succeed a Dexterity saving throw.[See: Bugs]
Fire Shield: Chill ( + )
- Cast as a level 4 spell (
Recharge: Long rest.)
- Absolute's Aegis
- If the wielder bears the Absolute's Brand, all damage received from spells is reduced by 1.
Coldbrim Hat
Headwear (Non-Armour)
- Coldbrim Chill
- Once per turn, any spell condition inflicted on a target also applies 2 turns of
Encrusted with Frost.[See: Bugs]
Icebite Robe
Resistance to Cold damage and cast Armour of Agathys.
Robe of Summer
Resistance to Cold damage.
Wavemother's Robe
Resistance to Cold damage.
Emblazoned Plate of the Marshal
Armour ( Heavy armour)
Cast Fire Shield once per long rest.
Snow-Dusted Monastery Gloves
Handwear (Non-Armour)
Chilling Strike ( unarmed deal Cold damage), can cast Ice Knife spell.
Winter's Clutches
Handwear (Non-Armour)
Cold damage inflict 2 turns of Encrusted with Frost upon the target(s).
Hoarfrost Boots
Footwear (Non-Armour)
Cannot fall Prone while traversing icy terrain.
Frost Prince
Can cast Ice Knife spell.
Snowburst Ring
Create a 4.5m / 15ft circle of Ice around the target(s) when dealing Cold damage.