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The Waning Moon

Revision as of 13:05, 22 August 2023 by Hands (talk | contribs)
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The Waning Moon is a location you can find in Reithwin Town in the Shadow-Cursed Lands in Chapter Two. The main entrance is near the Moonrise Towers waypoint in the South Western corner of Reithwin Town.

When you enter the building you will see a number of non hostile people. Behind the bar is Thisobald Thorm.

You can approach him to start a conversation. He’ll offer you a drink. You’ll have the following choices to choose:

  1. What in all Nine Hells are you?
  2. What is it that you’re serving?
  3. I already drank some wine earlier, thank you.
  4. Attack.

If you choose the first option, he’ll say he' Ketheric’s son. Afterward, you’ll have the following choice of actions:

  1. Pick up the tankard.
  2. No. I will not drink.
  3. Attack.

If you choose the first option, you’ll have the following choices:

  1. [SAVING THROW] Drink with the Brewer.
  2. [SLEIGHT OF HAND] Mime drinking. (DC 16)
  3. No. I will not drink.
  4. Attack.

If you pass the Sleight of Hand you will win approval from some of your companions. He'll then ask you to tell a story (Performance DC21) based on your adventures so far. Failure means a fight. This goes for three rounds. Asking him questions between drinks he'll slip up and tell you:

  • If you ask how he became this way, he’ll say that it was his dad’s laughter.
  • Asking about the curse will reveal that it was indeed Ketheric’s doing and that he’s also responsible for keeping the curse active.
  • If you ask how Ketheric keeps the curse active, he’ll cryptically answer with the spirit of the land.
  • If you ask about Ketheric himself, he’ll just reaffirm his immortality, but also that he’s not.
  • If you ask what is Ketheric’s weakness he’ll slip and mention a “her” that he should not be talking about.

He’ll then rant about a tomb before finally recognising you as someone dangerous. However it will be too late, he will have drank too much already and explode/die.

Related Locations

Related Quests

Notable Loot

Notable items obtained in this location, whether looted, purchased, or obtained as a quest reward:

Notable NPCs