Booyahg Shekt is a goblin stationed at the Goblin Camp in Act One.
Been boozin'? If ya need to clear yer head, priestess can help.
Act One
Booyahg Shekt is positioned in the main hall of the Shattered Sanctum, east of the throne.
Attacks and abilities
Idle banter
Shekt will occasionally chat with
Booyahg Shekt: You ever been to the Underdark?
- Tracker Azak: I was born in the Underdark, mate. An' I've got the lash-marks to show fer it.
- Booyahg Shekt: Poor bastard. Slave-stock, are ya?
- Tracker Azak: Yeah. An' the one thing I learned down there...
- Tracker Azak: ...don't matter if you're a slave or a king. Drow'll pluck out yer eyes if you look at 'em wrong.
External links