[[Spell]] > [[Spell#List Of Spells|List Of Spells]] > [[Spell#2nd Level Spells|2nd Level Spells]] > Magic Weapon
----'''Magic Weapon''' is a [[Spell#2nd Level Spells|Level 2]] Transmutation Spell. This spell allows spellcasters to infuse a weapon with arcane energy, making it magical.
| title = <div style="font-size:105%; font-family:Georgia;">''"Infuse a weapon with arcane energy. The weapon becomes magical, receiving a +1 bonus to [[Attack Roll|Attack]] and [[Damage Rolls|Damage]] rolls."''</div>
| summary = This spell allows spellcasters to infuse a weapon with arcane energy, making it magical.
| description = Infuse a weapon with arcane energy. The weapon becomes magical, receiving a +1 bonus to {{Attack Roll}}s and [[Damage Roll]]s.
| cost = action, spell2
| attack roll =
| damage =
| damage modifier =
| damage type =
| damage save =
| damage save effect =
| damage per =
| extra damage =
| extra damage modifier =
| extra damage type =
| extra damage save =
| extra damage save effect =
| extra damage per =
| concentration = yes
| range = melee
| range m =
| range ft =
| aoe =
| aoe m =
| aoe ft =
| condition = Magic Weapon
| condition duration = Until Long Rest
| condition save =
| area =
| area category =
| area shape =
| area range m =
| area range ft =
| area duration =
| area turn start damage =
| area turn start damage type =
| area turn start damage save =
| area turn start damage save effect =
| area turn end damage =
| area turn end damage type =
| area turn end damage save =
| area turn end damage save effect =
| area condition =
| area condition 2 =
| area condition 3 =
| area condition 4 =
| higher levels = [[Spells#Upcasting|Upcast]]: Casting this spell using a 4th or 5th level [[Spells#Spell_Slots|Spell Slot]] will increase the bonus by 2, and a 6th level Spell Slot will increase it by 3.
| variants =
| notes = * The bonus to attack and damage from Magic Weapon does stack with inherent enchantments on weapons.
| video = Magic Weapon Visuals.mp4
== External Links ==
Infuse a weapon with arcane energy. The weapon becomes magical, receiving a +1 bonus to [[Attack Rolls|Attack]] and [[Damage Roll|Damage]] rolls.