"item_locations" values
2 rows are stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
description | Wikitext | In an area unlocked by the Necrotic Laboratory puzzle |
location | String | Mind Flayer Colony |
x | Int | 747 |
y | Int | -38 |
Field | Field type | Value |
description | Wikitext | On a table of goods, owned by Koll |
location | String | The High Hall |
x | Int | 235 |
y | Int | 44 |
"item_icon" values
1 row is stored for this page"weapons" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Allowed values | Value |
name | String | Blade of Oppressed Souls | |
uid | String | MAG_Illithid_MindOverload_Weapon_Longsword | |
legacy | String | inaccessible · unobtainable | |
image | File | ||
controller_icon | File | ||
icon | File | ||
description | Wikitext | ||
quote | Wikitext | Fragments of dead souls are imprisoned in the steel. Angry, powerful, hopeful, or scared - all of them rose up against their illithid masters, and all of them fell to this blade. Now, they are trapped forever, forced to aid their opressors. | |
category | String | simple · martial | martial |
handedness | String | one-handed · two-handed · versatile | versatile |
melee_or_ranged | String | melee · ranged | melee |
type | Page | Longswords | |
rarity | String | rare | |
rarity_order | Integer | 2 | |
enchantment | String | +1 | |
damage | String | 1d8 + 1 | |
damage_type | String | Piercing · Slashing · Bludgeoning | Slashing |
versatile_damage | String | 1d10+1 | |
extra_damage | String | 1d4 | |
extra_damage_type | String | Psychic | |
extra_damage_2 | String | ||
extra_damage_2_type | String | ||
range_m | String | 2.5 | |
range_ft | String | 8 | |
finesse | Boolean | No | |
heavy | Boolean | No | |
light | Boolean | No | |
reach | Boolean | No | |
thrown | Boolean | No | |
cannot_dual_wield | Boolean | No | |
dippable | Boolean | Yes | |
weight_kg | String | 1.35 | |
weight_lb | String | 2.9 | |
price | String | 250 | |
weapon_passives | List of String, delimiter: , | ||
passives_main_hand | List of String, delimiter: , | ||
passives_off_hand | List of String, delimiter: , | ||
weapon_actions | List of String, delimiter: , | Pommel Strike • Lacerate • Rush Attack | |
special_weapon_actions | List of String, delimiter: , | Crowning Strike | |
special | Wikitext | ||
bugs | Wikitext |