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Moonbeam is a level 2 evocation spell. This spell allows spellcasters to call down a beam of moonlight that deals Radiant damage to any creature that enters the beam or starts its turn there.


Call down a beam of light that damages any creatures that enters the beam or starts its turn in the light. You can use an Action to move the beam 18 m / 60 ft.


Action +  Level 2 Spell Slot
Damage: 2~20
D10 Radiant.png
2d10Damage TypesRadiant (Per turn)
CON Save (On Save: Targets still take half damage.)
 Range: 18 m / 60 ft
AoE: 1 m / 3 ft (Radius)
Creates Area: Moonbeam
Concentration Concentration

At higher levels

Upcasting: When the spell is cast at 3rd level or higher, damage increases by 1d10Damage TypesRadiant for each spell slot level above 2nd.

Technical details


Area: Moonbeam

Moonbeam Moonbeam

Duration: 10 turns

AoE: 1 m / 3 ft (Radius)

Type: Summoned

Condition: Moonbeam (Aura)

Moonbeam Moonbeam

Spell save DC  Constitution saving throw

  • Ghostly flames engulf any creature that enters this silvery light or starts its turn inside the light. They deal 2d10Damage TypesRadiant. On a successful save, targets still take half damage.

How to learn


Granted by items:


  • The incantation for Moonbeam is Ex Textura, Latin for "from the weave".
  • Neither Moonbeam nor Move Moonbeam Move Moonbeam breaks Sanctuary Sanctuary even if damage is successfully dealt.
  • As of Patch 6, casting Moonbeam on a blighted area in the Shadow-Cursed Lands will lead to the caster losing Concentration over the spell and dispelling it, but damage will still be done.
  • Move Moonbeam Move Moonbeam is a "granted" spell. Granted spells are issued to the caster after casting the original, and can be recast without spending another spell slot as long as Concentration Concentration is not broken. Granted spells such as this are not directly tied to the casters' repertoire of known spells (i.e., their spellbook icon in the game). Therefore, if a granted spell is cast when multiclassing, subsequent recasts (in this case, Move Moonbeam Move Moonbeam) use the spellcasting modifier of the most recently acquired spellcasting class rather than the spellcasting modifier that was used for the initial casting of Moonbeam. In this case, it may result in an unexpectedly low spell save DC.


  • Despite being an Evocation spell, Moonbeam does not interact with Sculpt Spells Sculpt Spells.

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