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Magic Allergy (Condition)

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  • Allergic to magic. If a spell or cantrip is cast close to the gremishka, it might react to the magic and trigger a random effect.


Gremishkas permanently have Magic Allergy condition on them. Whenever a spell or Cantrip is cast close to them, they will gain the Unstable Unstable condition. At the start of its next turn, it will it will trigger a random effect, similar to Wild Magic, though using a unique list of possible effects unique to Gremishkas.

Ice Bloom Ice Bloom
Create an ice surface and gain Armour of Agathys Armour of Agathys.
Chaotic Offence Chaotic Offence
Gain 3 Mirror Images Mirror Images, become Enlarged Enlarged, and become Hastened Hastened all at once.
Panther Polymorph Panther Polymorph
Turn into a panther.
Force Explosion Force Explosion
Create an explosion that Dazes Dazes nearby creatures.
Gremishka Spawn Gremishka Spawn
Burst into pieces. Two new gremishkas are born from your remains.

Sources of Magic Allergy