Emmeline Hallowleaf | Transcript |
Camp Dialogue[edit | edit source]
Default camp dialog for Shadowheart's mom. She has recovered somewhat from her ordeal in the Shar grotto, but will never truly heal - she's grown old in captivity, and she's prone to confusion at times. Still, she remains glad and supportive. She has unique branches for Shadowheart and non-Shadowheart players, as well as branches that occur before Shadowheart and her parents have their first proper heart to heart.
Emmeline Hallowleaf: I heard birdsong, at dusk, coming here. You don't know what it's like to hear that music again after so long without... thank you.
- Player character: You're welcome.
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: My daughter found her way in the end. And found a good friend in you along the way.
- Oh. I see. More than a friend. Apologies, I forget my little girl is not so little any more.
- Player character: How do you feel?
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: Old. I was a young woman when they seized me... Arnell and I had hoped Jen would be joined by siblings... but that dream's gone now, and there's a stranger in the mirror.
- But I still have my teeth. That first apple was worth the wait.
- Apologies. Even the littlest thing wears me out.
- (Continues)
- Player character: Have you spoken to Shadowheart since?
- (Emmeline hasn't spoken to Shadowheart yet)
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: Not yet. I think she's still trying to find the words. She still feels responsible I fear... I don't want her to punish herself.
- Apologies. Even the littlest thing wears me out.
- (Continues)
- (Emmeline has spoken to Shadowheart)
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: Some. I think she's still trying to find the words. She still feels responsible I fear... I don't want her to punish herself.
- Apologies. Even the littlest thing wears me out.
- (Continues)
- (Player character is an evil cleric)
- Player character: You shouldn't be here. You should still be rotting in the dark, at the Nightsinger's pleasure.
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: Such cruel, pointless words Shar forces upon your lips. Leave me - I won't have my joy spoiled by her pawn.
- (End of dialogue)
- (Player character is an evil paladin)
- Player character: You shouldn't be here. You should still be rotting away in the dark.
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: Such cruel, pointless words Shar forces upon your lips. Leave me - I won't have my joy spoiled by her pawn.
- (End of dialogue)
- Player character: You shouldn't even be here. You're a liability and a distraction for Shadowheart.
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: Such cruel, pointless words Shar forces upon your lips. Leave me - I won't have my joy spoiled by her pawn.
- (End of dialogue)
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: Such cruel, pointless words Shar forces upon your lips. Leave me - I won't have my joy spoiled by her pawn.
- (If the player character is male)
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: I should rest a little. We'll talk soon, Arnell.
- Player character: Arnell is your husband. I'm [Player character].
- (If the player character is female)
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: I should rest a little. We'll talk soon, Jenevelle.
- Player character: Jenevelle is your daughter. I'm [Player character].
- (If the player character is female, and Emmeline knows Jenevelle goes by Shadowheart now)
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: I should rest a little. We'll talk soon, Shadowheart.
- Player character: I think you may be confused - I'm not Shadowheart, I'm [Player character].
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: Oh, I see. Do forgive me.
- (End of dialogue)
Shadowheart, let me look at you[edit | edit source]
Emmeline Hallowleaf: My girl. Let me look at you. For so long I had to imagine what you were like - what you had grown up to be.
You surpassed those daydreams in every way.
- Shadowheart: You're too generous. I should have freed you sooner.
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: You couldn't have. You knew nothing - just like they wanted. But it doesn't matter now. It's all behind us.
- Though the ache in my bones would suggest otherwise. A little rest shall do me wonders. Yes... then I'll feel more like myself once again.
- (End of dialogue)
- Shadowheart: How do you feel?
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: Slow. Tired. It's strange... I feel like I've mislaid myself in some old woman's body.
- My hands... they're not my hands. And my reflection... I'm not used to that woman yet.
- But I shall persevere. A little rest shall do me wonders. Yes... then I'll feel more like myself again.
- (End of dialogue)
- Shadowheart: You won't need to daydream any more. I'm here, for real.
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: I know you are. We have so much to catch up on... in a little while. After I've had some rest. Once I feel more like myself.
- (End of dialogue)
- Shadowheart: You should rest. There'll be time to talk later.
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: Rest, yes... we'll talk more later. Once I feel more like myself.
- (End of dialogue)
Shadowheart, may Selûne guide you always[edit | edit source]
Emmeline Hallowleaf: Shadowheart. May Selûne guide you always, my daughter.
- Shadowheart: What comes now?
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: Only you can say. It seems your father and I have returned to a world in turmoil, and I sense you have a part to play in righting things.
- We shall remain here at camp and continue to recover whatever strength we can. Then, perhaps, when all is said and done... we can be a family again.
- Shadowheart: Are you feeling any better now?
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: Better, in a sense... but you may need to prepare yourself, daughter. Shar took a great deal from me... and time will eventually take the rest. Sooner than you or your father would like, perhaps.
- I... I knew this, even when I first fell for your father. He is destined to outlive me, as are you.
- Shed no tears - we've been blessed with a second chance - and who is to say how long we'll have? More than I ever hoped for, certainly.
- We must not live in fear of loss. That is not truly living.
- Shadowheart: How do you feel?
- Shadowheart: Is there anything I can do for you?
- Emmeline Hallowleaf: Just one - take care of yourself. I know you have more struggles yet to come out there, but I do not want to lose my daughter so soon after I found her again.
- Leave.
- (End of dialogue)