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Instrument Proficiency trait

Pick the lute in Druids grove to help her, succeed in two charisma rolls and your character gains the trait that allows to use musical instruments.,

And you get unique Lute.

Extra Superior Bardic Inspiration

I haven’t heard this talked about anywhere, but Alfira can give you Bardic Inspiration as a Class Action, using a d12. It doesn’t require a Bardic Inspiration charge, it’s just on a Long Rest cooldown.

I’m not 100% sure of the unlock requirements, but here’s what I did to get it: my main character was a Bard, and I had another squad member play with her in the Emerald Grove to unlock the instrument proficiency. Then, after killing Ketheric in Act 2, I spoke to her in Moonrise Towers and she asked to play with me again. I said yes and we Performed together, and afterwards I saw that I had a second Bardic Inspiration action in the tray. Hopefully others can do more testing if this is something new.