Talk:Slinging Shoes

Revision as of 21:30, 12 September 2023 by (talk) (Created page with "I could be wrong, but I feel like these boots were made as a joke by the developers as a play on the official first live gameplay demo they did in 2020 where the first kill that was made came from the studio head throwing a pair of boots at an intellect devourer. Despite the kill, he had an incredibly unlucky series of rolls missing 90% accuracy shots multiple times and went on to party wipe in front of a live audience. And because they hadn't yet gotten saves to work, h...")
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I could be wrong, but I feel like these boots were made as a joke by the developers as a play on the official first live gameplay demo they did in 2020 where the first kill that was made came from the studio head throwing a pair of boots at an intellect devourer. Despite the kill, he had an incredibly unlucky series of rolls missing 90% accuracy shots multiple times and went on to party wipe in front of a live audience. And because they hadn't yet gotten saves to work, he had to restart the entire game from the beginning to retry the battle and continue the showcase.