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Revision as of 06:31, 11 August 2023 by MicTEST (talk | contribs) (Modified capitalization and bulleted the multiplayer options.)
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Creating a Multiplayer Game

You can either create a new game that is multiplayer enabled from the beginning, or enable multiplayer to an existing single player game.

You have the same difficult options as single player, as well as four multiplayer specific options.

Options for multiplayer:

  • Number of Slots - How many players may join your game. Default 4.
  • Online Visibility - Who can see your game in the multiplayer browser. Default 'Friends Only' (despite Closed being noted as default).
  • LAN Connections - Whether to accept connections from other machines on your same network. Default unchecked.
  • Direct Connections - Generates a randomized code that another player can enter to join your game. Default unchecked.

Session Manager

To modify the multiplayer settings of your game after creation, go to the Menu and then select Session. In the Session menu you can assign players to certain characters, as well as assign companions to be controlled by a player. By clicking the gear icon at the top of the screen, you can modify your multiplayer settings. Returning to the Main Menu or restarting the game will reset these settings back to the defaults; the settings do not persist via saved games. Joining A New Game

Joining a New Game

You will be prompted to create a character just like in single player and this character will be a mandatory character in the party. You can not leave player generated characters at camp and bring companions instead.

You can only select a pre-generated origin character during initial creation. A character joining later must create a custom character. Preventing Others From Joining Your Game

Preventing Others from Joining Your Game

By default, Baldur’s Gate 3 sets your Session status to “Friends Only” (despite Closed being noted as the Default). This setting changes back to “Friends Only” each time you go back to the Main Menu. To prevent others from joining your game, set your Online Visibility in the Session menu to Closed every time you go back to the Main Menu or restart the game.

Loading a Multiplayer Game

To load an multiplayer game that was already started, load the game just like in single player. The client will automatically make the session a multiplayer session using Friends Only setting without LAN or Direct Connections. NOTE: The game will do this by default for single player games as well as of August 10th, 2023.

Companions in Multiplayer

Companions are only controlled by one player at a time. In order to reassign which character is controlled by which player, go to the menu and then click Session. Here you can reassign characters to different players. NOTE: each character created by a player joining your game will PERMANENTLY take up a party slot. This character can not be left in camp, killed to be removed from the party, etc. Converting A Single Player Game To Multiplayer

Converting a Single Player Game to Multiplayer

While playing in single player, open the menu and click on Sessions. Set your 'Online Visibility' to the appropriate setting for the type of players you want to join.