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Healing Vapours

Revision as of 04:08, 31 January 2025 by NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Ability no longer applies wet in patch 8)
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Generic Healing.webp

Healing Vapours is a Water Myrmidon action. You can use this ability to heal nearby creatures or hurt them if you are poisoned.


Exude water vapour with your general elemental dampness, healing nearby creatures for 2d8hit points.

If you are Poisoned Poisoned, the water is tainted, and instead of healing it deals 2d8Damage TypesPoison damage to nearby creatures.


D8 Healing.png 2d8 (2~16) hit points (conditional)
D8 Poison.png 2d8 (2~16) Damage TypesPoison (conditional)
AoE: 9 m / 30 ft (Radius)
Creates Area: Water

Area: Water

Water Water

Duration: 3 turns

AoE: 9 m / 30 ft (Radius)

Douses unprotected flames. Can be electrified or frozen.

Type: Surface

How to learn

Used by creatures: Water Myrmidon


  • A level 10 Wild Shape: Water Myrmidon Wild Shape: Water Myrmidon does an additional +1d6hit points healing or +1d6Damage TypesPoison damage with Healing Vapours. This is increased to +1d8hit points healing or +1d8Damage TypesPoison damage at level 12.
  • Prior to Patch 8, this ability also applied Wet Wet to all creatures in the radius.