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Polearm Master: Bonus Attack

Revision as of 06:05, 11 January 2025 by Aschiff (talk | contribs) (Fix WeaponType aliases)
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Polearm Master Bonus Attack.webp

Polearm Master: Bonus Attack is a passive feature provided by the Polearm Master Feat. When attacking with a polearm, you can make an additional weaker attack with the butt of the polearm using a Bonus action.


When attacking with a Glaive Glaive, Halberd Halberd, Pike Pike[note 1], Quarterstaff Quarterstaff, or Spear Spear, you can use a Bonus Action to attack with the butt of your weapon.

This attack does [See: Bugs]

How to learn

Granted by the feats: Polearm Master


The damage modifier of this attack uses Strength or Dexterity, whichever is higher, even if the weapon does not have the finesse property. This is still true if another ability is used for the attack roll (such as through Shillelagh or Pact of the Blade).


The bonus attack often does not add bonus damage from sources other than the ability modifier. Additional damage from sources such as Hunter's Mark, Divine Favour, Great Weapon Master, Rage and many more will not be applied to the PAM bonus attacks. Other damage bonuses such as Hex and Divine Smite do apply their bonus damage to the PAM bonus attack.


  1. It's not stated in-game but Polearm Mastery works with Pikes too. Polearm Master is coded to work with any weapon that is tagged as a SPEAR or STAVE (quarterstaffs), and weapons with Extra Reach (Glaives, Halberds and Pikes)