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Oath of Vengeance

Revision as of 23:02, 7 August 2023 by Splinterkat (talk | contribs) (Updated oath with in-game tenets)
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You have set aside even your own purity to right wrongs and deliver justice to those who have committed the most grievous sins.
Paladin Oath of Vengeance.png
Oath of Vengeance is one of the Subclasses of Paladin. It was unavailable during Early Access.

Oath Tenets

Here is the full text of the Oath of Vengeance. For more details, see Oaths and Oathbreaking.

Fight the Greater Evil. Exerting your wisdom, identify the higher morality in any given instance, and fight for it.
No Mercy for the Wicked. Chasten those who dole out their villainy by wiping their blight from the world forever.

Subclass Features

Level 1

  • Channel Oath Ability: Inquisitor's Might
You or an ally's weapon attacks deal an additional 3 Damage TypesRadiant damage and can Daze enemies for 1 turn.
Bonus action | Range Icon.png 9 m / 30 ft | Duration Icons.png 2 turns

Level 3

  • Channel Oath Abilities:
File:Abjure Enemy Icon.png Abjure Enemy
Frighten an enemy. They'll be easier to hit and cannot move. Fiends and undead have Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage on this Saving Throw.
Action | Range Icon.png 18 m / 60 ft | Duration Icons.png 3 turns
Vow of Enmity
Gain Advantage Icon.png Advantage on Attack Rolls against an enemy.
Action | Range Icon.png 3 m / 10 ft | Duration Icons.png 10 turns

Level 5

Level 7

  • Relentless Avenger: If you hit an enemy with an Opportunity Attack, gain 4.5m movement next turn.

Level 9