“Gods, the untold depravity... it is unprintable. I'll be out of syndication if I publish your gore-smut confessional.„
He claims to be close with Lord Gortash and abuses his position of power in journalism to print propaganda for him.
Talking to Ettvard will start the quest Stop the Presses if the party hadn't already started it elsewhere. After conversing with him, Ettvard will call the guards to evict the party from the Baldur's Mouth, which will make the entire building a restricted area, making it harder to complete the quest. The quest will also ONLY become time sensitive after the party has spoken to Ettvard.
If Gortash is dead, Ettvard will lose interest in the party and will exclusively publish articles about Gortash's death, which makes the quest Stop the Presses unavailable. Ettvard will even call the party "old news" and shoo them away (this does not make the building a restricted area).
If Ettvard is killed, Malek Stones will be promoted to editor in chief. If Malek Stones is also killed, then a new NPC called Syril Valdemar will take their place after a long rest.
According to the Sword Coast Couriers address book, Ettvard has requested a full-time courier for shipping purposes.
Attacks and abilities
Notable loot
Related literature
Address Book
Embrace Modernity
It's NOT Funny
Letter from Ettvard
My Good Friend Ettvard
Needle's Points: Tips for Top Stories
News Hawker Float
Note from Estra
Note to Self (Baldur's Mouth)
Notice of Termination
Pivot to New Target
Regarding Portrait Production
Reminder to fire Malek
Skeletons in Patriar Closets
To the Puzzle Editor