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Latest comment: 29 November 2024 by in topic Category Totals
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Verify exploration reward rule[edit source]

I personally verified the 3 following scenarios:

For example, when discovering Crèche Y'llek, which is a level 5 "Big" area, if the main character is level 5, it will grant 240 experience; if the main character is level 6, it will grant 280 experience; and if the main character is level 7, it will grant 300 experience.

which confirm that the game takes the main char level if it's greater than the level area.

Now I wonder what the game actually does if the main char level is lower than the level area. Does it take the main char level or the area level?

Using the same example, see what happens if we enter at lvl 4 in Crèche Y'llek? Does it take the character lvl 4 and reward 130 xp, or does it take the area level and reward 240 xp?

Does anybody already know? Maybe I can try to find a speedrun video and see what happens. — TitanstringEnjoyer (talk) 00:09, 13 June 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Hey TitanstringEnjoyer, I had an old lvl 4 save near the Mountain Pass so I tested out sprinting straight to the Creche. It gave me 120 experience for entering the main room in the monastery right above the Creche's entrance, and another 120 exp for entering the Creche itself. Not sure what this means since idk if your other calculations were based on adding those two exp rewards together or not. Hope this helps! Ankoria (talk) 02:57, 13 June 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
Hi Ankoria, thanks for the help!
The 120 xp when entering the Creche is the reward for a quest (or 2 quests, I'm not sure yet) related to the Creche. So normally when you enter the Creche for the first time, you get <some xp> for the exploration reward and 120 xp for the quest(s) reward. You can see it here, in the logs in the bottom right, she gets 300 xp for the exploration (cause her main character is lvl 7, we can see it a few minutes before) and 120 xp for the quest(s). I've seen it too in my own run (while lvl 6) and in another video (someone lvl 5).
Not really sure what happened in your case, if you didn't receive the exploration reward AND never entered the area before.
Maybe there is a rule such as: if the main character level is below the area level then the party doesn't get any exploration reward? — TitanstringEnjoyer (talk) 03:19, 13 June 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
Hmmm, so I just tested it again and think I might have confused the game the first time. When I first tried it, I skipped most of the Monastery by using Enhance Leap right before the Kobolds. This time I killed all the Kobolds and ran through the upper level like I usually do. I still got the 120 xp for entering the main room above the Creche, but this time I also got 2 instances of 120 xp upon entering the Creche itself. However, this may be complicated by the fact that the xp from entering the Creche was exactly enough to make me hit level 5 at the same time. Still, this is a different result than your test where a lvl 5 character got 240 xp (in addition to the quest progression xp) so I assume the game was calculating the xp reward as if I was lvl 4. Not sure why it's 120 for me instead of the expected 130. Ankoria (talk) 04:21, 13 June 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
Hey Ankoria! I just checked the game files and in fact I made an error while copying the numbers. The value for level 4 is indeed 120 xp, as you saw in game! That makes the rule even simpler, apparently the game always take the character level to choose the reward when discovering locations. Thanks so much for the help! — TitanstringEnjoyer (talk) 03:50, 15 June 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
No problem! Glad I could help! Ankoria (talk) 03:55, 15 June 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Category Totals[edit source]

Where do the numbers for how many of each category there are in the game come from? Is there a master list somewhere? 20:37, 29 November 2024 (CET)Reply[reply]